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New IG Community FEEDBACK thread

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Looks good but this is hard work, it is not at all intuitive and it doesn't flow. Clearly the same format as the 3i upgrade that the recent interlopes were complaining about.

I like the hover over and read message and answers but other things such as the search function just don't work. It doesn't matter if you click 'any' or 'all' (of 'my search term words') you just get back results of anything containing the words 'and', 'in', 'old', 'with'. The old search understood phrases, not just words.

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Interesting. I like the new upgrade. On mobile it’s looking good. You can go to the forums section @Caseynotes and it’s the same layout (nearly - small tweaks to structure) but all in all you can navigate as before. 

Mobile experience is a **** of a lot better. It looks like I can add screenshots and I actually find it MORE intuitive. Mobile nav could have a little work and reorder, but that’s about it at the moment. Will update later when I can review on desktop. 

Also casey - love that picture ?

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Like all new things will take a bit of getting used to no doubt and presumably it's a work in progress (as they found at 3i), you mention screenshots but I can't figure out the 'insert other media' functions yet. I also can't get this cursor to move to the other side of this tag when trying to edit this on the fly.  @247trader

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Thanks for the feedback guys (and yes - brilliant avatar casey ? )

As you said this is a little bit of a work in progress, and I know we still wanted to make some tweaks to things like the UX and UI (on mobile like you said). When releasing a new site like this it can be a bit of a learning curve and we wanted to make sure any changes were data driven (i.e. which areas you guys visit most), as well as qualitative (your personal feedback notes). Put simply we wanted to get a base model up and running and then have Community input in regards to likes / dislikes.

I personally feel that there is far more customisation on this release (for example in the Fluid view in Forums it'll remember your settings, and if you use the 'Activity Stream' option above you can curate your own feed based on personal interests). Another cool this is that if @247trader wants Fluid view, and @Caseynotes wants the traditional table view when looking at forums, you can each have that and the system will automatically save your personal settings each time you login. 

One of the main issues which the previous Community had was a lack of ability to surface fresh relevant content. The redesign therefore had that as one of it's prime requirements, whilst still not taking away the option for a more traditional navigation (i.e., as the screenshot below and the 'Table' layout on the Forum page).

@Caseynotes - when you say it doesn't flow, are you referring to the whole site, or more the Forums section and reading an individual thread? There are some style changes I wanted to tweak to improve the flow of a thread (reducing other noise on the page, reducing avatar size slightly, dulling down those 'Likes' so they're less prominent and distracting), but I'd love to hear your thoughts?

Next week I'll also pop a few 'Cool Community Features' post together and pop it in one of the blogs. There may be some little things buried in the options which are worth knowing about! Try copying and pasting a link from youtube as a reply to a thread or as a new forum post for example ... very cool though I do say so myself.

p.s. Let me look into adding images via mobile / search.

p.p.s. This is the table view of the forum which should be the same as previously. We didn't want it to be a MASSIVE change and take out the option to view the Community in it's more traditional manner. I would have hoped this style option was similar (if not identical) to the previous nav? Just make sure you're on the correct toggle between Fluid and Table as highlighted in yellow.


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Hi @JamesIG  Yes the Forum page on fluid mode is closer to how I used the old platform where I just went straight to the bottom of the page to 'see all',  I have also found that function in the Activity page > All Activity. I recognise that as the community gets more users that would become overloaded so this looks more future proof, just need to play around to find out how things work (still haven't figured out how to add a picture yet). 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick one .... 

The navigation has been changed slightly. When you are logged in you will see the tab 'Activity', which when clicked will take you to all 'Unread Content' posted within the last 365 for each individual user. This is an easy way to stay on top of everything new posted. Previously this would show 'All Activity', however we found that the majority of users were not using this at all and immediately clicking on 'Unread Content'. The 'All Activity' option is still there if required.

If you are not logged in, or are a guest user, you will only see 'All Activity'. This is because the 'Unread Content', along with other data streams, is only an available option to those who have picked a username. 


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So, becoming more familiar with the layout and getting to grips with the setup.

I like the way added media such as pictures open up on a new page when clicked so they can be kept open while you move on to read the rest of the post or go on to a new post. Before I would find myself with the community open on several browser pages.

I also like the extended view on the all activity page as you can get an idea of the content before opening, it would be even better if there was a signal that there is additional material such as pic, link, vid as was the case on the old community. The extended view is so extended you often think that the text is all there is and so don't open.

The search function is better as I get use to it but still find it not as responsive as the old one. I use this a number of times a day. Often you see a question and think 'I've seen something similar before', on the old search you could bang in a couple of guessed at key words and get back 4 or 5 thread titles and usually find what you were looking for. Not quite so on the new one, on the new search if you don't get it exact you either get too little or too much and I sometimes get a better result using google to search the community. I expect I'll get better as I learn more of it's secrets.

On the whole very pleased with the changes and very much enjoy the new 'up to date' look and feel of the thing, definitely an improvement and easier to use once you get the hang of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @JamesIG,  I'm finding the 0.98 MB max limit size for attachments constricting, for example the pic I posted this morning in the apac morning call??  thread had to be cropped very tightly to get it within the limit and as there is now no resize function means I always need to consider MB size that was never an issue on the old community platform.



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30 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

Hi @JamesIG,  I'm finding the 0.98 MB max limit size for attachments constricting, for example the pic I posted this morning in the apac morning call??  thread had to be cropped very tightly to get it within the limit and as there is now no resize function means I always need to consider MB size that was never an issue on the old community platform.

Will up a tad


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  • 1 year later...

Suggestion for improvement for platform.


Give Show>Drawings a hotkey please (e.g. "D")



Show>Open Positions (has the hotkey "P")

Show>Working Orders (has the hotkey "O")

Show>Timeline (has the hotkey "T")


by toggling the hotkey, you can quickly make the graph display or hide the relevant item.


But what would be really useful would be the ability to quickly toggle showing and hiding drawings. This is because if you draw on your graphs a lot, your drawings can actually end up hiding parts of the graph (this happens to me because I draw a lot on my graph). 

If I can quickly press "D" to toggle showing and hiding drawings, instead of having to do it through navigating the menus, it would drastically improve the functional user friendliness of the platform.



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