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Can anybody explain this?

Guest Novice108

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Guest Novice108

I'm a newbie to this and I cannot get my head around why three of my positions closed last night after the market had closed..

I held three short positions on SA40 and was running a loss.

The price didn't move below 46824 before the market closed at 10pm (UK time) yet all three positions closed at their set limits at 10:27pm (UK time).

There are no indications that the market dropped after closing so it's a bit of a mystery to me. What am I missing? Is this linked to dividends being paid out after trading hours?


  • 04/01/19 22:27
    South Africa 40MAR-19
  • 04/01/19 22:27
    South Africa 40MAR-19
  • 04/01/19 22:27
    South Africa 40MAR-19
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Guest Novice108
3 hours ago, Kodiak said:

Did all three close at exactly the same time?

If so it seems a bit odd with different price?



It would appear so, although I didn't see the trades close in real time, just the results as posted above.

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Guest Novice108
2 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

The IG market closed at 22:00 and the Friday IG total shutdown would have occurred around 22:27 so must suspect some kind of shutdown glitch. Was this on a demo account? Sometimes demo is affected by glitches that are not seen on live accounts. 

Thanks for this @Caseynotes. 

It is a demo account. Have you ever experienced such glitches on live accounts and if so, are they simple enough to rectify? I'm playing around with the platform but things like this make me nervous to deposit real funds.

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