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Indices up on news of FED company bond buying. Oil down a touch this morning after an up day. Gold up a touch this morning after a down day. Bonds down.

US retail data at 1:30pm plus indy prod at 2:15pm expected up 3%. Powell testifies starting at 3pm.

USD and JPY down.




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17 minutes ago, dmedin said:

What does all them wiggly lines mean?

Each currency is colour coded as per the time frame tables.

On the H4 chart JPY (yellow) is the strongest but is starting to turn down, and GBP (dark blue) is the weakest. Matching a strong v weak currency should show trending on the price chart, crossing and diverging currencies could mean the start of a new trend. 

I've not yet decided which time frame to base the chart on. The daily gives more detail but lags compared to the H4.

What do you think?

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