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Tearoff charts and tickets not updating



The tearoff charts and tickets are not updating when using the web based platform via Chrome (i always use tearoff charts), this is not good as the charts within Workspace are laggy when trying to apply indicators or move drawings/text labels.

I originally reported this ~ 09.30 BST 20th Aug and Support suggested that i was only one to report this problem and I should uninstall Chrome then reinstall to see if this fixes, I felt like I was not being taken seriously and couldnt believe anyone else had not experienced same issue or reported the same problem !

I didnt uninstall/reinstall Chrome as i was very aware that IG Support would not offer support should this action cause other issues with my set-up but later same morning i proved that the same issue was happening on 3 different machines, all using web based platform on both live and demo accounts.

Has anyone else experienced tearoff charts/tickets not updating in Chrome and how have you overcome this ?, yes I could use the charts within Workspace but as said above these are too laggy, I have now waited almost 48 hrs for a formal response from IG !

Edited by DaveR
Poor grammar edit
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17 minutes ago, DaveR said:

The tearoff charts and tickets are not updating when using the web based platform via Chrome (i always use tearoff charts), this is not good as the charts within Workspace are laggy when trying to apply indicators or move drawings/text labels.

I originally reported this ~ 09.30 BST 20th Aug and Support suggested that i was only one to report this problem and I should uninstall Chrome then reinstall to see if this fixes, I felt like I was not being taken seriously and couldnt believe anyone else had not experienced same issue or reported the same problem !

I didnt uninstall/reinstall Chrome as i was very aware that IG Support would not offer support should this action cause other issues with my set-up but later same morning i proved that the same issue was happening on 3 different machines, all using web based platform on both live and demo accounts.

Has anyone else experienced tearoff charts/tickets not updating in Chrome and how have you overcome this ?, yes I could use the charts within Workspace but as said above these are too laggy, I have now waited almost 48 hrs for a formal response from IG !

I've been getting this for a few days now

Capture barc.PNG

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8 minutes ago, DaveR said:

The tearoff charts and tickets are not updating when using the web based platform via Chrome (i always use tearoff charts), this is not good as the charts within Workspace are laggy when trying to apply indicators or move drawings/text labels.

Hi, I'm presuming you're meaning the old platform and just looked and the tear off chart was fine and updating the live price without problem but did see that chrome is now blocking Flash rather than just re-setting to 'ask' which won't load properly so needed to set to 'allow'.

If you haven't seen already check this page


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I'm using new platform and only ever used new platform, I've cleared Cache but no difference, I've checked flash settings for the main Chrome window/tab and all other opened windows/tabs and Flash is 'Allowed' but still not working !

Usual workspace window opens with www  address of https://deal.ig.com/wtp#/workspace/****************************  (this bit probably particular to my account so not shown)

All Tearoffs open from www address

 https://deal.ig.com/wtp#/tearoff/market/IX.D.FTSE.DAILY.IP market specific.

I believe this is an issue with the tearoff element of the www server but then I'm no expect but pay my spread to IG to sort things out like this !

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5 minutes ago, DaveR said:

I'm using new platform and only ever used new platform, I've cleared Cache but no difference, I've checked flash settings for the main Chrome window/tab and all other opened windows/tabs and Flash is 'Allowed' but still not working !

Usual workspace window opens with www  address of https://deal.ig.com/wtp#/workspace/****************************  (this bit probably particular to my account so not shown)

All Tearoffs open from www address

 https://deal.ig.com/wtp#/tearoff/market/IX.D.FTSE.DAILY.IP market specific.

I believe this is an issue with the tearoff element of the www server but then I'm no expect but pay my spread to IG to sort things out like this !

Oh ok, I didn't know they had tear offs on the new platform. New platform doesn't use Flash so must be something else,

Still working ok here though, updating fine, and yes, opens in a new window as per your url above, see pic below



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On 22/08/2019 at 20:00, DaveR said:

I originally reported this ~ 09.30 BST 20th Aug and Support suggested that i was only one to report this problem and I should uninstall Chrome then reinstall to see if this fixes, I felt like I was not being taken seriously and couldnt believe anyone else had not experienced same issue or reported the same problem !


Nope you are not the only one. I've had this problem all week and I'm sick of it. Can't trade like this. 

I can open the charts in the NEW platform and sometimes it updates for approx 5-30 mins and then stops updating. I am constantly logging out and back in to try get it started again.  

I've been using Chrome for years and it's been great but this week, it's just not updating charts for long. I've done all the normal stuff we get told... delete cache/cookies, allow third party cookies etc, allow flash (not that it's needed in the new platform). Something has happened in the last week and I'm surprised it's just us complaining about it. 

The only temporary fix, that sometimes lasts a few hours, is to use Firefox instead of Chrome but even then it just stops updating at some point. You may get 6 hours plus on firefox before it stop working randomly and you start losing money because the charts like fine but are tanking or moving without your knowledge. 


- I have tried using 2 different computers and I get the same thing. Both are using Windows 7 and both up to date. 

- I have tried logging in on 2 different Optus networks at separate locations, using NBN and cable. I have also used a Vodafone network and same problem. 


I should also note, it's just the charts not updating. I'm using the OLD platform to do my actual trades and the prices and tickets are fine and updating in real time. I like to use the charts on the NEW platform and they are the problem at the moment. If it wasn't for the OLD platform I wouldn't even realise that the new platform price/candles are not moving until it's too late.  I can't trade like this and will probably stop any day trading / short term trading until this gets fixed. 

- This happens at least once a year (in the past Flash problems) and lasts usually a few days but it's been way longer this year. This also happened in May when Optus had an Australian wide issue and effecting all overseas traffic. Heaps of gamers were complaining at the time too. I thought it may be a similar issue again with Optus but I get the same problem when using Vodafone internet. Like the OP said, it may have to do with Windows update but I don't know. 

If anyone else has this issue, please speak up so IG can do something about it. They wont do anything about just two people complaining. I'll wait days or weeks until this sorts itself out otherwise. 



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3 minutes ago, The_Flash said:


Nope you are not the only one. I've had this problem all week and I'm sick of it. Can't trade like this. 

I can open the charts in the NEW platform and sometimes it updates for approx 5-30 mins and then stops updating. I am constantly logging out and back in to try get it started again.  

I've been using Chrome for years and it's been great but this week, it's just not updating charts for long. I've done all the normal stuff we get told... delete cache/cookies, allow third party cookies etc, allow flash (not that it's needed in the new platform). Something has happened in the last week and I'm surprised it's just us complaining about it. 

The only temporary fix, that sometimes lasts a few hours, is to use Firefox instead of Chrome but even then it just stops updating at some point. You may get 6 hours plus on firefox before it stop working randomly and you start losing money because the charts like fine but are tanking or moving without your knowledge. 


- I have tried using 2 different computers and I get the same thing. Both are using Windows 7 and both up to date. 

- I have tried logging in on 2 different Optus networks at separate locations, using NBN and cable. I have also used a Vodafone network and same problem. 


I should also note, it's just the charts not updating. I'm using the OLD platform to do my actual trades and the prices and tickets are fine and updating in real time. I like to use the charts on the NEW platform and they are the problem at the moment. If it wasn't for the OLD platform I wouldn't even realise that the new platform price/candles are not moving until it's too late.  I can't trade like this and will probably stop any day trading / short term trading until this gets fixed. 

- This happens at least once a year (in the past Flash problems) and lasts usually a few days but it's been way longer this year. This also happened in May when Optus had an Australian wide issue and effecting all overseas traffic. Heaps of gamers were complaining at the time too. I thought it may be a similar issue again with Optus but I get the same problem when using Vodafone internet.


It may have to do with the Windows update mentioned in another thread but I don't know.  




If anyone else has this issue, please speak up so IG can do something about it. They wont do anything about just two people complaining. I'll wait days or weeks until this sorts itself out otherwise. 




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Trading profitably is difficult enough. One needs a platform that works reliably.

I found that a position was showing a substantial loss on my screen, although it should have stopped out. The stop loss had, in fact, operated but my screen had not updated. I had to phone IG to find this out.

This was not an isolated occurrence. IG need to get the bugs out of their trading software.

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