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Market themes for 2020

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If you are a contrarian, what do you think of this?

"Another Hedge Fund Giant Bites the Macro Dust"

"In total, hedge fund assets have declined by $77 billion this year alone, the research firm estimates, leaving the industry as a whole managing a smidgen more than $3 trillion. "



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Fanciful but worthwhile article from Reuters ...


“in the 2020s it seems inevitable that a world of helicopter money awaits,” Deutsche Bank predicts.



Universal basic income?  I think it's more likely people will be forced to work on precarious contracts for very low wages.  Especially now that Britain will become 'Singapore on steroids' and have a great bonfire of 'red tape' such as human rights, environmental protections and rights for workers (which do nothing but stop companies being efficient and profitable - bah!  Humbug!)

Edited by dmedin
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57 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

Absolutely every year-end, without fail, you find some clown writing this type of scare story. Journos gotta write something I suppose. 


But if you are bull this is great news😁

Its when the last bear give up and starts buying Tesla the end is near for the bull





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My prediction for DOW the year 2020 (for what its worth) 😎

I think we will see some profit taking in January (maybe 5% or so down to 27 000 ish?)

Then straight up to 30 000 in a couple of months (spring time?)

Then its time to start worry about the US election and take profit with VIX rising

If Trump wins we could get a relief rally and if some democrat wins then its time to prepare for a bearmarket in stocks


" “they won’t open the stock market if Elizabeth Warren is the next president.” 


He also blasted what he views as her anti-capitalist positions, including a proposed wealth tax.

“I don’t need Elizabeth Warren telling me that I’m a deadbeat and that billionaires are deadbeats. "



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2 hours ago, Kodiak said:

they won’t open the stock market if Elizabeth Warren is the next president.

This will help to remind people of the highly anti-democratic nature of the international financial system, and that the international financier can manufacture a crisis as quickly in America or Britain as he can in Venezuela.  Will be interesting to see how the 99.99% react when the 0.01% throw a temper tantrum when asked to pay a little bit more tax on their multi-billion fortunes.

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