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Covid and the Economy

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"Work+Pensions Sec Therese Coffey explicitly blames scientists for mistakes in govt covid response: 'If the science + advice at the time was wrong, I'm not surprised if people think we made the wrong decision'. Something for Sage group scientists to ponder when they meet today..."

Jason Groves @JasonGroves1

and the affect on employment of this disastrous lockdown starting to be revealed; 

ONS 3.9% Figure Understates Jobs Shock, Unemployment Set to Hit 9%


and as soon as those furlough payments stop millions more will be joining the dole queue.


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Funny how full employment is both the last stage of the economic recovery, and the first thing to go when the next crash comes.  Seems like life is just a never-ending cycle of boom and bust, but it's 90% bust and 10% boom.

Keep going though eh.  

And don't even think of being able to participate in the stock market gains.  It ain't for the little people.  Just ask all those rich politicians.  :D

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15 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

and as soon as those furlough payments stop millions more will be joining the dole queue.

A truly socialist state would put millions of people to work in short order.  China put 10 million to work within months during the financial crash.

Full-blooded, Stalinist socialism is the answer.

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5 hours ago, dmedin said:

A truly socialist state would put millions of people to work in short order.  China put 10 million to work within months during the financial crash.

Full-blooded, Stalinist socialism is the answer.

Oh right, was that the time when Mao ordered the eradication of flys in China that diverted people from food production and lead to the starvation of millions, or the time when Mao ordered that every village produce steel that diverted people from food production and lead to the starvation of millions?

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The self inflicted moronic and purposeless nightmare continues 👇





Meanwhile Sweden continues to build herd immunity with no lockdown so no second spike expected as there is for the lockdown countries once peeps are released, and look, mortality rates inline with the rest. 

The lockdown has been a total waste of time, has not saved lives and has totally destroyed the economy. 🥳


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Sunak said on Friday that Britain was facing a “very serious economic crisis” and jobs would be lost in the “days, weeks and months to come”.

Not his one though, obviously.

Reminds me of BoJo the plonker's admonition that people must be prepared to lose their loved ones.  Fortunately the nation didn't lose him, oh what a boon!

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Didn't the Tories also exploit the misery around the introduction of Universal Credit to try and get more people sanctioned and payments delayed - causing a spike in suicides?

That's the Tory way!  I wonder how many will be killing themselves over the next year or two.  (If it saves money it's good - the Conservatives)

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R figures  for the UK and Sweden (It's the number of people that one infected person will pass the virus on to, on average), UK still in lockdown and the economy destroyed, Sweden no lockdown at all.

Can you see much difference? No neither can I.




Plus the latest update of the deaths per millions (23 May). I've added Belgium who went into lock down very early in the pandemic (as is noted in earlier posts in the thread).


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 The models govts used to justify the lockdown strategy wildly exaggerated the risk while the early empirical data that was ignored was correct as were the epidemiologists who predicted a mortality rate of only around 0.01% - 0.1% (see previous posts above). 

Italy waking up to economic devastation caused not by Covid but by the lockdown.

"The lockdown guillotine: one in three stores does not reopen"




And from Oxford University;

"Asked what her updated estimate for the Infection Fatality Rate is, Professor Gupta says, “I think that the epidemic has largely come and is on its way out in this country so I think it would be definitely less than 1 in 1000 and probably closer to 1 in 10,000.” That would be somewhere between 0.1% and 0.01%."


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Covid-19 has confounded the expectations of doctors. Patients suffer from a bewildering variety of complications. They urinate blood, complain of heartburn and lose their sense of smell and taste. A 56-year-old man in a Beijing Hospital developed brain inflammation; his face began to twitch and he hiccuped uncontrollably. A 71-year-old woman, returning to the US from Egypt, developed back pain, vomiting and **** diarrhoea.




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People are waking up to the fact the lockdown was never needed and the finger pointing has begun, this from the UK last week,

'Work+Pensions Sec Therese Coffey explicitly blames scientists for mistakes in govt covid response: 'If the science + advice at the time was wrong, I'm not surprised if people think we made the wrong decision'. Something for Sage group scientists to ponder when they meet today...'

And this a few days ago from Denmark,

'Denmark's Prime Minister tries to pin the lockdown on the country's health agency, aka "guided by science and experts". Ends up, Denmark's health agency did not recommend draconian measures - the politicians did.'



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Meanwhile the majority of Brits think the lockdown measures should be tighter and continue for longer as explained by this chap out enjoying a beer with his mates; 



And in the US crocheted face masks are a thing;



😳 Perhaps the best plan would be to just burn it all down, salt the earth and start again. 🙁 

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6 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

Meanwhile the majority of Brits think the lockdown measures should be tighter and continue for longer as explained by this chap out enjoying a beer with his mates; 

They just want a good long skive :)

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"UK Children <15 Years Old Are 4X More Likely to be Struck by Lightning Than Die of COVID19"



And further evidence we've all been duped by a mad scientist (as if any more was needed). 

'A lockdown sceptic on Twitter decided to plug Sweden’s numbers into Neil Ferguson’s model to see what deaths it would have predicted compared to the reality. We all know how this turns out because I’ve written about two other versions of this exact same exercise. But here’s the graph just for laughs:'

image.png.a60d68c34dcd13709ff495e40f27af3e.png https://lockdownsceptics.org/2020/05/23/latest-news-39/

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