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Covid and the Economy

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9 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

''The National Health Institute in Italy has recalculated the Covid death toll since February 2020.

It was 130,468. Now it thinks 3,783 were directly due to COVID-19 ~3% of the total.''


Gran pasticcio nel rapporto sui decessi. Per l'Iss gran parte dei morti non li ha causati il Covid – Il Tempo

I can't find any source in the article you linked for where deaths have been adjusted.. Official stats still show 130k

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2 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

your 'report' is dated 5 Oct. The article is dated 21 Oct - see the problem?

Do you? You've posted a link from a blog, which has no source to its underlying data. And the supposed source (Italian National Health Institute) has posted NO SUCH DATA saying it has revised COVID deaths from c. 130k down to 3k.

If you have any shred of credibility, you would clarify why you posted the link from IlTempo, and where that article gets its claim from .

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12 minutes ago, Provaton said:

As soon as anybody argues against anything on Caseys thread the insults start coming....

only to patronising Aholes.

I don't care if you don't like science or other people having opinions, it's the pathetic attempt to pretend you are rebutting anything at all with lame msm bs. As I've said, why don't you just post what you heard on the telly last night, I'm sure everyone would really enjoy it.

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3 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

only to patronising Aholes.

I don't care if you don't like science or other people having opinions, it's the pathetic attempt to pretend you are rebutting anything at all with lame msm bs. As I've said, why don't you just post what you heard on the telly last night, I'm sure everyone would really enjoy it.

I haven't posted anything considered as MSM. I only took what links/posts you claimed and looked into them myself.

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2 minutes ago, Provaton said:

We've all tried that mate, he just ignores it and moves onto the next meme/Twitter post/conspiracy theory/etc.

Funny how all those 'conspiracy theories' have come true and we are all still sat here waiting ' 3 weeks to flatten the curve' 18 months latter. 

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2 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

Oh FO you clown, it's a article from a respected Italian news organisation ffs. If you don't like it don't read if . What a joke you are.

But don't you realise the impact you can have by trying to push this narrative of "the great reset" and your claims about vaccine ineffectiveness? 

Go to Reddit and check out the Herman Cain award. 

Misinformation like which is contained in your posts has a real impact on real people. Whether or not you look into your own links with a critical eye, the reality is that people read these types of posts without doing that, and take for face value these cheap claims. You could stop someone from getting the vaccine, or believing in the danger of COVID, and have real consequences.



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4 minutes ago, Frankieburgo said:

But don't you realise the impact you can have by trying to push this narrative of "the great reset" and your claims about vaccine ineffectiveness? 

Go to Reddit and check out the Herman Cain award. 

Misinformation like which is contained in your posts has a real impact on real people. Whether or not you look into your own links with a critical eye, the reality is that people read these types of posts without doing that, and take for face value these cheap claims. You could stop someone from getting the vaccine, or believing in the danger of COVID, and have real consequences.



Look clod, over the last 18 months I've posted hundreds of scientific studies showing the official narrative is complete BS.

People are smarter than you think and most are clearly smarter than you.

''Go to Reddit''  🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣  what a joke.

The govt and msm have been misleading the people from the start and most people don't get to see real science studies because they do not get any coverage.

Of course I think that those who are not vulnerable in any way should not be locked down, should not social distance, should not wear a mask and should not get injected with experimental cloned spike proteins - when the chance of dying, if infected, for those who are not vulnerable, is less than one in a thousand (similar to common flu).


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17 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

Look clod, over the last 18 months I've posted hundreds of scientific studies showing the official narrative is complete BS.

Over the last 18 months you've posted nothing but pics that you've copied/pasted from Facebook and Twitter, claiming them as fact without any kind of fact-checking yourself. These types have posts have been DEBUNKED by multiple sources/organisations.

The fact you get so worked up and defensive when you are even half challenged by others just says it all really..

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3 minutes ago, Frankieburgo said:

Over the last 18 months you've posted nothing but pics that you've copied/pasted from Facebook and Twitter, claiming them as fact without any kind of fact-checking yourself. These types have posts have been DEBUNKED by multiple sources/organisations.

The fact you get so worked up and defensive when you are even half challenged by others just says it all really..

No, I just can't stand sanctimonious gits who are self deluded into thinking they are the one and only arbiters of truth and no opinions other than their own can be tolerated.

Not seen anyone debunk any study I've posted actually but keep dreaming.


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55 minutes ago, Frankieburgo said:

Misinformation like which is contained in your posts has a real impact on real people. Whether or not you look into your own links with a critical eye, the reality is that people read these types of posts without doing that, and take for face value these cheap claims. You could stop someone from getting the vaccine, or believing in the danger of COVID, and have real consequences.

This is the real danger of this thread. Unsubstantiated nonsense which could have real consequences.

5 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

No, I just can't stand sanctimonious gits who are self deluded into thinking they are the one and only arbiters of truth and no opinions other than their own can be tolerated.

You can't stand anybody questioning anything you write. You resort to insults and never address any points that anybody else makes on "your" thread.

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5 minutes ago, Provaton said:

This is the real danger of this thread. Unsubstantiated nonsense which could have real consequences.

You can't stand anybody questioning anything you write. You resort to insults and never address any points that anybody else makes on "your" thread.

you guys are so funny, you delude yourselves that bit*hing is the same as disproving. None have disproved anything, just self delusion.

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Dollar Up, Euro Falls as Number of European COVID-19 Cases Rise


By Gina Lee, 22nd November 2021.

Investing.com – The dollar was up on Monday morning in Asia, remaining near a 16-month high against the euro. Concerns over the rising numbers of COVID-19 cases in Europe also saw investors turn towards the safe-haven U.S. currency.

The U.S. Dollar Index that tracks the greenback against a basket of other currencies edged up 0.15% to 96.175 by 10:37 PM ET (3:37 AM GMT). It remained near the 16-month high of 96.266 hit during the previous week.

The USD/JPY pair edged up 0.17% to 114.18.

The AUD/USD pair inched up 0.10% to 0.7242 while the NZD/USD pair was down 0.31% to 0.6988. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand will hand down its policy decision on Wednesday.

The USD/CNY pair inched down 0.03% to 6.3845 and the GBP/USD pair edged down 0.15% to 1.3432.

Bullish comments from U.S. Federal Reserve officials also boosted the U.S. currency. Fed Vice Chairman Richard Clarida and Governor Christopher Waller on Friday suggested that faster asset tapering could be appropriate as economic recovery quickens and inflation rises. This could also mean earlier interest rate hikes.

The euro was down 0.23% to $1.1274. "EUR-USD has been in free-fall and will likely get the lion’s share of attention from clients looking for a play on growing restrictions and tensions across Europe," Pepperstone head of research Chris Weston said a note.

"For momentum, trend followers, and tactical traders, short EUR remains attractive here."

The surging numbers of COVID-19 cases triggered a full lockdown in Austria that begins Monday. German Health Minister Jens Spahn called the situation in the country a national emergency, adding that vaccinations alone will not reduce the numbers.

The riskier Australian dollar earlier slipped as low as $0.72285, near an Oct. 6 low. "We expect AUD to remain heavy in the near‑term, and a dip to $0.70 is possible," with the economic recovery in China slowing down and the Reserve Bank of Australia’s dovish policy stance dragging on the currency, Commonwealth Bank of Australia (OTC:CMWAY) strategist Joseph Capurso said in a report.

Meanwhile, "USD can extend its recent rally this week and set a fresh 2021 high... another round of strong U.S. inflation can further propel market pricing of Fed rate hikes and the USD," the report added.

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On 03/11/2021 at 16:06, MongiIG said:

Hi @Caseynotes and @Frankieburgo

We should all value and respect each others opinions and swearing isn't something we allow on the community. We're not going to be restricting anyone's accounts but if this continues we will. We're temporarily locking the forum so both parties can cool off.

All the best - MongiIG

Forum to continue discussion and updates on covid can continue on the link below, please feel free to post there and please bear in mind do not post inappropriate content in the forum. Thank you and looking forward to your posts.

All the best - IG Community Team.

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