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Posts posted by Caseynotes

  1. They have all collectively lost their minds and the sooner they are all in jail the better.

    Mandatory jabbing with experimental medications great swaths of the work force.

    Denial of NHS to all non-vaxed.

    Our glorious leaders are happily leading us ever deeper into Josef Mengele territory.




    Hugh Osmond  @hughosmond

    If Delta is so bad, how come Indian cases have fallen from 400,000 mid May to 80,000 now? And don't tell me it's lockdown (ha ha go to India and check) or vaccines.



    Meanwhile Covid has been spreading uncontrolled in Japan for at least 16 months, waxing and waning with the seasons, but they have only reported 14K total deaths.










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  2. Ron DeSantis (Florida Govr): "China was very much invested in promoting lockdowns…until COVID, public health guidance was never in a pandemic to just lock down…that was really fueled by the Chinese experience."



    James Melville  @JamesMelville


    Texas lifted all Covid restrictions and mask mandates over 3 months ago. Yesterday, Texas reported their lowest 7-day Covid case rate since the beginning of the pandemic. Only 1 death was reported.


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  3. 23 minutes ago, u0362565 said:

    Thanks for the article Caseynotes, some good general tips, nothing particularly groundbreaking there but does at least make you realise everyone is basically using the same tools and very few have higher levels of insight.

    Nothing new in basic principles since Dow, Wyckoff and Gann a hundred years ago. The key is not to find something new but to not make the 1001 potential mistakes.

    Maybe correlations rather than patterns. Fundamental analysis for direction and targets but technical analysis for how price goes about getting there.




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  4. 13 hours ago, u0362565 said:

    If we take the 2008 decline on the US500, I've attached a daily chart of this. You'd be better off shorting but of course you don't know that it's going to be an ongoing decline and the risk potentially is that you switch to a short preference and then the market does revert back to an upward trend. The market stayed below the 100 day MA for an extended time so maybe that's an indication of which way to trade but I know it's not always reliable. Probably also helps if you use a trailing stop at least to minimise damage.

    5 Best Trend Indicators That Tells You the Direction of the Trend (tradingwithrayner.com)

  5. On 07/06/2021 at 06:51, Caseynotes said:

    The MHRA has cleared the use of the Pfizer vaccine for 12 - 15 year olds in the UK. The regulator says the benefits outweigh the risks but haven't said how they worked that out. It's important as the risks from covid for that age group are miniscule.

    MHRA saying the benefits outweigh the risks of the experimental vaccines for children looks to be a lie.

    Myocarditis followed by CoViD-19 vaccines: A cause for concern or a reversible minor effect? | The BMJ

    The experts are saying more research is urgently needed.

    Children are at no real risk from Covid, mild symptoms and natural immunity thereafter if they do catch it, but but but save granny, the vulnerable have already been vaccinated.

    So why the push that everyone on the planet gets the jab as soon as possible?

    SAGE are already suggesting these vaccines don't work and are no more affective than an annual flu shot. Annual flu shots have been around for a long time, they are hit or miss in that they are based on the previous years dominant strain which may or may not be the current season's dominate strain, if not the shots won't work.

    So the 'booster' shots being planned are really just big pharma continually chasing after the next dominant variant.

    So this will go on forever.

    My own immune system works better than that without any experimental mRNA and DNA altering drugs.


    Meanwhile the 'Fire Fauci' bill is going ahead plus a public condemnation of the Chinese development of biological weapons.



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    ''Well we can confirm that in the space of eighteen weeks the number of reported adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine has increased to 193,768 as of the 2nd June.''

    ''The Oxford (AZ) jab has fared much worse though with an astounding increase of 3,310% in the number of reported adverse reactions between the 24th January and the 2nd June, now standing at a total of 717,250. This now means the current rate of people suffering a serious adverse reaction after having one of the experimental Covid vaccines stands at 1 in every 142 people.''


    Latest and very thorough data breakdown of the different vaccines adverse reactions and deaths. 

    SHOCKING! – U.K. Government release 19th report on Adverse Reactions to the Covid Vaccines – Daily Expose



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  7. datatosee.com  @dontbetyet


    SAGE preparing us for a winter lockdowns, "and rapidly waning immunity could result in a second peak in the autumn" If all over 50's double vaccinated is the target now, then how long to give 25 million booster jabs? Oh then jab them for flu but you cant do that at the same time.




    Oh, so now Fauci says he is not getting tested, no need because he doesn't have any symptoms. Yet aren't we still testing millions of asymptomatics with the inevitable high ratio of false positives and the ensuing chaos that causes?



    Meanwhile, what the actual **** is going on??

    Meet Dehenna Davison MP and Time Lord (or just faking the whole thing).

    Posted this on the 14/6/21.



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  8. Imagination and remembrance: what role should historical epidemiology play in a world bewitched by mathematical modelling of COVID-19 and other epidemics? | SpringerLink

    Jordan Schachtel  @JordanSchachtel  9h

    ''I opposed lockdowns instinctively (bc they are totalitarian insanity), & after reading pandemic materials from CDC, WHO, etc & finding no basis for lockdowns, it became obvious these orgs were engaging in political science. This paper reinforces position.''

    "Every established respiratory pandemic of the last 130 years has caused seasonal waves of infection and has culminated in viral endemicity. Despite this robust observation, initial models of COVID-19 excluded this possibility".




    Beijing's Useful Idiots | ZeroHedge

    ''Bear in mind that in the heat of this pandemic, papers printed in important journals were peer-reviewed within 10 weeks; one rattled through the process in just nine days for Nature. But, like Petrovsky, I have heard similar stories from many other frustrated experts who confronted the conventional wisdom that this lethal virus was a natural spillover event. Some could not even get letters published, let alone challenge those key papers promoting the Chinese perspective which have since turned out to be flawed or wrong.''

    ''Only now is acceptance emerging that the science establishment colluded to dismiss the lab leak hypothesis as a conspiracy theory, assisted by prominent experts with clear conflicts of interest, patsy politicians and a pathetic media that mostly failed to do its job. And yet, at the heart of this scandal lie some of the world’s most influential science journals.''

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  9. Oliver Smith @ollysmithtravel


    After three lockdowns, we've got Europe's highest Covid death toll, its 2nd biggest economic downturn, 50,000+ non-Covid excess deaths, a 5m+ NHS waiting list, a mental health crisis, and we still haven't got our freedoms back. But people still think lockdowns work.



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  10. 13 minutes ago, 786Trader said:

    Have to say Casey, your contributions on the on going Covid story (monumental ballsup) have been a tonic.

    Was sceptical for sometime but am more sympathetic to your premise regarding the pandemic and the reaction to it. Vaccines are such good PR, it is a shame that the general population are being used as guinea pigs for DNA altering drugs with as yet unknown and potentially damaging long-term consequences and side effects. Doubly bazarre,the governments of the planet are prepared to take the risk in the name of exigency. AZ is particularly dirty and incomplete, if not down right dangerous as to be considered a lethal weapon to some of the unfortunates unlucky enough to experience the more unpleasant side effects of being injected with it. Such is political expediency and exigency at the altar of public health. Forgive the unPC comments, but they are borne from experience, as my wife has had long-term reactions to the "cure". Most folk don't want to hear anything but the popular narrative, even if it vere's heartily away from some inconvenient truths. So thank you Casey keep up the good work, it's appreciated.

    Thank you.

    The whole episode has been disastrous from the start and there looks to be no let up as Johnson is expected tonight to announce a 4 week lockdown extension again using false models and bad science as 'reasons'.

    Very sorry to hear of your wife's vax complications, twitter is awash with similar stories but MSM ignores it all. The AZ seems particularly worrisome, the US won't use it at all (they donated their tranche to the 3rd world) but nearly all in the UK get it. Most of whom will already have had contact with covid and have natural immunity anyway.

    As in the Russel Brand video, MSM does not have the right to just dismiss anything they don't like the sound of as 'conspiracy theories' and completely ignore them.

    Eminent scientists being de-platformed, astronomical NHS waiting lists, undiagnosed life threatening illnesses flooding A+E, complete loss of faith in major institutions (WHO, FDA, CDC, NHS, etc.), 37% fewer small businesses in the US. The damage being done is appalling and there is no end in sight.








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  11. Robert W Malone, MD @RWMaloneMD  1d

    ''What happens to confidence in public health and US Gov if ivermectin turns out to be safe and effective for COVID, and the genetic vaccines turn out to have significant safety issues? This looks like a very plausible scenario from where I sit.''


    'The Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd wrote to the head of the MHRA calling for the immediate halt to the vaccines. They have been calling for use of IVM (Ivermectin) since Xmas & have been ignored by the UK gov.'

    Microsoft Word - Urgent Preliminary Report of Yellow Card Data 9-6-2021.docx (filesusr.com)


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  12. 4 hours ago, GrahamB said:

    Hi Casey,


    Thank you for reply.. I wanted to make sure my shares are not being loaned out ... is there anyway to signal my preference for shares not to be leant out to anyone else?


    I guess not according to your response above .... I may need to move from IG to one that will honour my wishes ..




    I don't think you need worry, never heard of any problems having followed IG in the news for over 10 years and on the forum here since it started late 2015.

    You are correct though that some institutions do lend shares to short sellers. Can't see that it's a problem for IG as they don't actually hold the shares (see first reply) and for a long time now they don't allow you to sell stocks you don't already own.

    You can short CFD contracts but they're not actual shares and even so you will often see a note to say certain share cfd contracts are 'unborrowable' (to enter short).

    I'll try a deep search to see if I can find anything on the website.


  13. 6 minutes ago, Phil8303 said:

    Is that not for a UK share purchase? I already have an account on the IG share trading platform here in Australia. The link you shared references IG UK, and when I click on the Primary Market link to "subscribe to the IPO ahead of the offering" it takes me to IG UK to set up a UK account. Any other thoughts?

    Only that in the linked page swap the uk for au in the address and you will get the Australian page version.

  14. Fraud, corruption, censorship and the Covidian Cult.


    ''The Wuhan/Covid fraud and corruption goes to the very top of the mainstream media establishment. Just in case that wasn't already obvious.''  zerohedge @zerohedge

    'The @pulitzercenter is covering up its ties to @PeterDaszak and @EcoHealthNYC! They have removed him from the page of the 2016 conference on future pandemics, where Daszak revealed how his Chinese friends are building killer viruses.'



    YouTube censorship ...



    The rules are for Thee not for We.




    And the 'We' are all in this together.




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  15. IG use the 'Custodian' model which allows trading on digital exchanges. This means you don't actually hold the shares and so don't have voting rights at AGMs etc. They are all held by a third party (Citi Bank), couldn't say what they do but you are guaranteed that the shares are yours and you can sell on demand if the exchange allows.

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