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Posts posted by Caseynotes

  1. I can add to this as I've often spent days watching the IG Dax cash market with the Exchange price in view.

    They will usually be within a few points of each other but change positions with one leading briefly then the other. Sometimes they separate by 5 points or so and very occasionally and very briefly by 10 or 15 but neither one or the other always leads or lags, more like they are constantly pirouetting around each other which is a shame really as was unable so find any arbitrage advantage  😢

    • Sad 1
  2. hahaha, a report commissioned by Patrick Vallance says '''up to 60,000 people in England could die from FLU this winter because few will have immunity due to lockdowns.''

    Guess that means more err ... lockdowns.

    Reminder that 120,000 covid deaths was over 2 seasons so 60,000 a season, not that the test numbers can be believed.

    Portugal has reported 17,148 COVID19 deaths so far but this was scrutinised by their high court and experts ruled that ONLY 152 of these deaths were in fact solely COVID deaths.

    Similar stats as were recently posted for Scotland.

    Judicial ruling: Just 152 official deaths from Covid in Portugal -- Puppet Masters -- Sott.net


    Meanwhile 20% recently deleted their track and trace app joining the 30% who never downloaded it in the first place as 1 million got pinged last week.

    Is this the True Level of Opposition to Restrictions? Over Half of 18-34 Year Olds Have Deleted the NHS Covid App or Never Had It – Lockdown Sceptics

    Which is why contract tracing of those without symptoms was expressly advised against in the WHO pandemic plan of October 2019 and in UK pandemic planning.  Francis Hoar @Francis_Hoar

    9789241516839-eng.pdf (who.int)


    And you're right, none of this makes any sense what-so-ever.



    • Sad 2
  3. Our Globalist overlords are racing full-on towards a '1984' dystopia now with Fauci following NZ PM saying you must only listen to govt info - all else is disinformation, while WEF Schwab says the internet needs to be 'immunised'.

    Protests growing in France over the mandatory Clot Shots for health care workers (just the start) and vax passports for all. UK govt has announced the same.

    In France non-vaxxed will need to produce a full neg test result that only lasts 2 days (at €50 a pop).



    Kulvinder Kaur MD @dockaurG

    ''Natural immunity isn't a driver of scariants. According to UK govt's newly released report by its SAGE advisors: "Combination of high prevalence and high levels of vaccination creates conditions in which an immune escape variant is most likely to emerge."

    SAGE 93 minutes: Coronavirus (COVID-19) response, 7 July 2021 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


     Prisoner of Ontario  @asliceofanxiety

    ''I think the ****’s gonna hit the fan when vax people realize that in order to keep their vax passport valid, they’re going to have to take every single additional shot offered to them. This doesn’t end at two shots. Understand that?''


    Reminder 2.

    This was never about a virus (has same IFR as the common flu), it's about control.



    • Sad 2
  4. Along with corporate jets avoiding 'green' fuel tax ...

    ''Does anyone else not find it odd that during a “global pandemic” and “climate emergency” a billionaire can fly into space “for fun?” Yet I can’t fly my family on holiday??? Or people can’t fly to see family!? Remember we’re all in this together!!! Played like chumps''

    G-tothe-P @Gilllybofbof


    Time to wake up yet?

    ''Britain is sleepwalking into a state of perpetual Covid tyranny.''

    Britain is sleepwalking into a state of perpetual Covid tyranny (telegraph.co.uk)


    Heathrow Passenger Numbers Remain Almost 90% Down From Pre-Pandemic Levels.

    Heathrow Passenger Numbers Remain Almost 90% Down From Pre-Pandemic Levels | ZeroHedge


    Meanwhile younger people are definitely taking the bigger hit from the vaccines, US VAERS deaths jump 2000 in a week in latest report.

    30% of Deaths Reported to VAERS After Covid-19 Vaccines Occurred in ONE WEEK – 2,000 MORE Deaths – Daily Expose



    • Sad 2
  5. 3 hours ago, manafull said:

    Hi @JakubIG,

    Let's say that if the ASX 200 (Index value on IG Client Home Page) is actually the "ASX 200 Cash" but NOT the "ASX 200 Index value", which you earlier pointed out not tradable, then please:

    Ignore my above posts, but can you please answer my question below instead:

    Where can the general public go and find out the "ASX 200 Index value" in REAL TIME? If not in REAL TIME, what is the limitation of its availability and when/where it is available to check?



    just to help try and clarify, the prices on the IG welcome page are IG's cash prices so is same in the 2 side by side pics.

    The cash and the futures are 2 separate markets, cash is designed for short duration hold and the futures for longer term and so both have different spreads and therefore different prices.

    The ASX exchange price (the underlying market IG derives it's futures price on) can be found on the ASX exchange web site but remember you can't trade directly on the exchange, you need to go through a broker who will add their spread so the prices between the exchange and the broker will be different.

    hope this helps.

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  6. 1984 is here.

    In the news this morning Melbourne starts it's 5th 'last resort' lockdown (for a disease with a 99.6% recovery rate).

    The NZ prime minister says people must only believe govt sources. “Dismiss anything else, we will continue to be your single source of truth”.

    Meanwhile in the UK thousands of ministers and government officials are escaping self-isolation thanks to a “pilot scheme”. Via DailyMailUK.  The rules were never meant for IMPORTANT people.

    And Spain's highest court has ruled that the country's strict lockdown in Spring 2020 was an unconstitutional violation of citizens' basic rights to free movement without parliamentary approval. Full ruling to be released in a few days.

    Yes well it is isn't.

    Spain's top court rules pandemic lockdown unconstitutional (apnews.com)




    • Sad 2
  7. You'll be relieved to hear that corporate jets will escape the EU’s ‘green’ aviation fuel tax and so the fares increase it will cause will be paid by the plebs only which is as it should be.

    Corporate jets to escape EU’s ‘green’ aviation fuel tax (irishtimes.com)


    Meanwhile a podcast with clinical psychologist Gary Sidley on masks; why they don't work, why they're BAD for you and why certain scientists and politicians are hell bent on imposing them - mostly so we'll do what they say.

    The Tyranny of Masks - Dr Gary Sidley (buzzsprout.com)


    Meanwhile (2) demos spring up in France over the new mandatory vax law.

    Just why are they all so concerned to make sure everyone gets vaxxed before the results of the trials are reported? The vulnerable have already all been vaccinated!




    • Sad 2
  8. 31 minutes ago, Chandrasegaran said:

    Hi, why I can't see SL line and TP line in my IG MT4 platform. And also the ONE CLICK button?

    Hi, you should see all lines, check the trade is still running by clicking on the 'Terminal' icon (top of screen) then the 'Trade' tag bottom of screen, or if the trade has closed look in 'Account History' tag.

    The one click check box is in 'Tools' > 'Trade' but if using the add-on app Trade Terminal it's in the Settings tab.

    • Sad 1
  9. On 06/07/2021 at 07:16, Caseynotes said:

    Researchers have shown the SAR-CoV-2 virus spike protein is actually acting as a disruptive agent (a toxin) which is causing damage to endothelial cells.

    This is why the virus is causing clotting and haemorrhage as well as flu symptoms.

    And as the spike protein was copied for use in the vaccines is why the vaccines are also causing clots and bleeds.

    More on how the vaccines damage endothelial cells - is really very disturbing, so much so in fact the the Canadian Dr disclosing it has been suspended and had a gagging order placed on him.

    The virus spike protein is copied and included in the vaccine, the immune system discovers it, learns to recognise it, and so you have gained immunity (same as natural immunity).

    But the virus spike protein is a fixed part of the virus' capsule whereas the vaccine copy can come adrift, and can be replicated by the body, and able to circulate throughout. I've already posted this in a chart of all the places around the body it's been found so far (in this or the renamed 'covid and the economy' thread).

    It now looks like the loose spike proteins are attaching themselves to the endothelial cells lining the inside of capillary blood vessels that are supposed to be smooth and so causing clotting and ruptures of the blood vessels of major organs especially the brain, heart and lungs.


    ''German scientists have discovered the Covid-19 vaccines cause blood clots, and so have thousands of “patients” who’s cells now produce unlimited sticky “protein” prions that travel throughout the blood vessels, causing “road blocks,” and this is why we’re seeing the huge up-tick (pardon the pun) of heart inflammation cases right after vaccination.''

    Dr. Charles Hoffe: 'Vaccine Is Quite Clearly More Dangerous Than COVID-19' (basedunderground.com)


    • Sad 2
  10. The number of reported adverse reactions to the Covid jabs in 6 months stands at 1,037,376. 

    The number of reported adverse reactions to all other vaccines in the past 11 years stands at 60,137.



    FACT – Deaths due to the Covid Vaccines in the UK after 6 months are 407% higher than deaths due to all other Vaccines combined in the past 11 years – Daily Expose



    Meanwhile in the US the CDC want 2 year olds to wear masks because they haven't been vaccinated ... yet.

    The health fascists are using kids now to force compliance. Fauci has always known masks don't work to control spread (video of him saying so posted previously).



    And ''Freedom Day'' in the UK will usher in mandatory jabs for healthcare workers and care home visitors (as a starter), as well as vax passports for all.

    You have been continually played since March 2020, they couldn't have done it without your help. 👏



    • Sad 2
  11. 4 hours ago, manafull said:

    Hi @Administrator,

    Thank you for your reply.

    There are two points I wanted to bring up here:


    With what you said "The main difference between L2 and our web platform is that on L2 you can trade shares using DMA (only shares!). " - my question:

    Does it mean there is no DMA for ASX 200 Index trading for Pro L2 traders?

    With my further observation/experience being a retail trader below, would you please clarify the major difference between Retail and Pro L2 Trades, ONLY for trading ASX 200 Index, if DMA is not applicable to both as you mention?

    Please also note that, being only a retain trader on IG, my current experience  told me that there have been **immediate  reaction** from the market against the deal I placed (i.e. the market immediately moves to the opposite direction right after I placed the deal), despite the fact that all my indicator modellings agree and supporting the trend of the deal I placed (short term windows).

    But if I did not place the deal, then the market would continue towards the trend that my indicator modellings agree and suggest.

    And in order to get over the above situation, I have to force myself not to trade as per short-term windows suggested, but all short and long term windows must agree. However, by doing this I am actually restricted myself to maybe 1x or maximum 2x trades a day, in order to avoid being attacked by the market sudden trend reversal immediately after I place the deal for ASX 200 Index trading.

    I think, the degree of market reaction against me right after I place the deal on IG, may become the tricky point of difference of being between the Retail Trader (L1), Or Pro L2 Trader (L2) on IG.

    I suspect that, in summary: the Retail Trader (as proven by my current experience) may be **more vulnerable to suffer from immediate adverse Market reaction (right after placing a deal)"  than Pro L2 Trader, during the ASX 200 Index trading. (At least, the fact that I observed from being a retail trader, demonstrated this vulnerability)

    I speculate that the cause of such difference of vulnerability to market reaction between L1 and L2 traders, is likely to be from the level of access to the market, where L2 traders could place the deal with the group of deals that has less impact to the market index movement during the match making process, where L1 traders have no choice but can only place the deal with the group (i.e. the IG group) that can bring impact to the market index movement during the match making process.


    I think the L2 traders should be more experienced and should know how to select and place the deal directly in the market (i.e. outside of IG deal group if necessary) that has minimum impact to the market index movement, in order to avoid the immediate adverse reaction...


    Secondly - I think what you said below Re.: overnight funding fee is nil for ASX 200 Index trading, is incorrect:

    >> On indices we offer Future contracts and Cash contracts. The price data feed of a future contract is coming directly from the exchange and we just adjust it for the spread (that's how we make money!). On future contracts you don't pay any overnight funding as the spread is wider.


    As I have been trading ASX 200 Index in all different sessions throughout the day, when my trading slips past from the day session into the night session, I will have to pay overnight funding fee and more to pay to cover the whole weekend overnight funding fees, if my trading session slips past Friday cut-off time.




    Hi, if you tag the person you are replying to they will get a notification they have been mentioned in a post as in @JakubIG.

    The admin account you tagged is an old dead client handle, IG staff always have IG at the end.

  12. Isn't it strange how all the western leaders keep coming up with the same ideas at the same time, it's almost as if they're all working to the same plan 🤔

    Yesterday French President Macron announces mandatory COVID19 vaccinations for all healthcare workers beginning July 21, and adds "we will probably have to think about the mandatory vaccination of all French citizens at some point."

    While Fauci Calls For 'More Vaccine Mandates At The Local Level'.

    While today in the UK the Commons will be asked to vote on ‘draft Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2021’. Regulations to bring in compulsory vaccination - not just for care staff.


    The end to this 16 month long running farce is in sight.

    Of course you'll need some way to prove you're being continually jabbed with experimental drugs so some kind of swipe to read digital ID with vax Hx will be needed and to force compliance you'll also need a Chinese Communist style social credit system bolted on. No compliance no access, forced to sit on the naughty step until you do.

    And with these tools in place we can finally move on ... to climate change lockdowns.





    • Sad 2
  13. 17 minutes ago, Provaton said:

    Thanks, but I think I'll stick with listening to 120 of the worlds leading scientists who published a grave warning about the UK easing restrictions too soon, rather than "Team Sweden Unlocked":


    no, not teamswedenunlocked. All the people of Sweden, Florida and Texas have proved the farce you still subscribe to.

    Why don't you start a new thread and title it 'all the BS I heard on the BBC last night', I'm sure loads of people would love to read it.

    As for this never ending covid joke I couldn't give a rats **** about trying to extend the life by a few months of an 85 year old grandmother with multiple comorbidities.

    I'm more concerned by the 36 year old mother with 2 kids who's just been diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer and still won't be seen until September because the NHS has been shutdown to everything other than bad flu season numbers of covid patients.

    Which is why the NHS has spent the last 16 months making tiktok dance videos FFS.

    • Sad 2
  14. 3 minutes ago, Provaton said:

    Probably also affected by seeing friends and family dying or suffering from long Covid. Seeing a pandemic sweeping across the world and killing millions doesn't help with my anxiety, regardless of any advertising campaign.

    Maybe because Britain is looking like a laughing stock to the rest of the world as it gears up to open up while cases and variants run rampant?

    Actually Sweden has been open since the start and turns out to have less deaths than lockdown countries, Texas and Florida have been open for months now with no increase in deaths.

    All 350,000 variants are within 0.3% same as original and that is no way enough not to be recognised by the immune system once immunity is gained.

    All variants have been shown to be more transmissible but less deadly than the original which is normal evolution for a virus. 

    We already know now that the PCR tests were manipulated so the cases numbers and deaths numbers were not correct and many normal deaths were rebranded as covid.

    You really got to stop using the BBC as your sole source if information, it's all BS.


    ''Sweden is not even in the top 30 countries in covid deaths per capita (population greater than 1 million). It is currently ranked 31, well below the EU average. The top 30 are filled with hard lockdowns. If lockdowns worked, this should be impossible. Lockdowns. Don’t. Work.''

    Team Sweden Unlocked @SwedenTeam




    • Sad 2
  15. Project Fear a resounding success as new survey finds 77% of Brits 'anxious' about the relaxing of Covid restrictions.


    "Britons among most anxious in world about loosening Covid rules"


    ''When your own govt wages a 16 month Campaign of Fear on you, backed by £1bn of taxpayer money on advertising, what do you expect?''

    Recovery: End The Campaign Of Fear #EndTheFear @T4Recovery

    Britons among most anxious in world about loosening Covid rules | Express.co.uk


    • Sad 2
  16. ''Let's be clear: the proper way to describe what is happening in the UK is "vaccine failure." The vaccines were not supposed to stop preventing infections after three months (especially since they ACCELERATE infections after dose 1), or because of minor, predictable mutations.''

    Alex Berenson  @AlexBerenson

    FDA, CDC Condradict Pfizer, Claim There's No Need For "Booster" Vaccines... Yet | ZeroHedge  


    ''Important - MRC Biostats now calculating IFR at less than 1/1000. (0.085%). This is credible and conservative. It sets an absolute upper limit on genuine future Covid deaths of around 15,000 - less than a flu year.''

    Hugh Osmond  @hughosmond




    • Sad 2
  17. 29 minutes ago, krader said:

    In dashbord when I click "Open demo accounts" I get the following error message:

    "We couldn't process your details because of a technical problem. Please try again, call us on 0800 409 6789 / +44 (0)20 7896 0079 or helpdesk.uk@ig.com."

    not sure what you mean by dashboard?

    To open a demo account open the mt4 live platform and in 'File' click 'Open an Account' click on the demo feed in the pop up box to highlight then click next and follow instructions.

    The platform will then generate a demo account and an icon will show in the Navigator panel below the one for live and you can switch back and forth between them.

  18. 11 minutes ago, krader said:

    I have a similar problem. I have tried to create a "Demo Account" several times and it has failed every time with a "system error". When I contact "IG Help Desk" they claim that there are 2 "Demo Accounts" in my name but I cannot see any. So far I have been going around circles with them eventhough I have provided screenshots of my dashbord which shows no "Demo Accounts" at all. Something is not right.

    Not sure why mine stopped. I uninstalled saving personal data and reinstalled and it restarted no problem exactly as before the shutdown.

    At what point do you get the 'system error'?

    Never had the problem you have, I've started many new demo accounts, didn't know IG recorded them.

    I run 2 separate mt4 platforms, one for live and one for demo. You can have them both running at the same time.

    Just need to rename the first installed  icon (or the second install will try to use it too) and on the second install the opening pop-up click 'settings' don't put the second install in the same folder as the first one (c: Program Files (x86).

    Instead click browse and make a new folder in (C: ) and name it whatever and install the 2nd mt4 in there.



  19. 1 hour ago, Rktm said:

    Thank you so much for reply.

    I mean Broker please who provide platform. thanks.

    sorry, still not sure what you're looking for.

    From the other question presume you are in the UK so there is no leveraged crypto market here so you can only buy or sell actual crypto and not crypto derivatives so you can't sell if you don't already own any.

    If you own crypto on Coinbase not sure why you can't sell it?

    For reference;

    Best Crypto Exchanges UK For 2021 – Forbes Advisor UK

    Best Crypto Brokers in the UK 2021 (bitcourier.co.uk)

    List of Crypto Friendly Banks in the UK (bitcourier.co.uk)



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