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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. I think you're draining the dregs from the bottom of the barrel if you short now, right?
  2. lol oil is the new tobacco. Vaping is the new ... hmm ... wasn't Dungeons and Dragons considered bad for kids in the 80s? Violent computer games? Underage pregnancy?
  3. Tobacco is the new oil, me and Greta disapprove, begone begone! πŸ‘ΊπŸŽ
  4. Using my amazing powers of hindsight, that is a bearish pattern 🀠
  5. So that looks ridiculously complicated ... IG recently did a video about trading books and the DailyFX editor said John J. Murphy's TA book is all you need. But it doesn't have stuff like that in it. Is it like taking a pen to a sword fight?
  6. It'll probably go on up from here. πŸ™‚
  7. I was thinking escape, but I was also thinking give it room to breathe. Bottom line is I get kicked whatever I do πŸ™‚
  8. Here: https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-japan-economy-boj-analysis/recession-risk-forces-boj-to-row-back-on-inflation-goal-idUKKBN20C0FF Potential conclusion: only trade the FX if you're following these kinds of developments. The idea that charts are all you need isn't true.
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JD_Sports Crack the whip and get those lazy proles to work to make me a profit πŸ‘Ί
  10. I think so - waited for a dip after the breakout from the triangle.
  11. I'm just another debt/wave slave. Was never meant to see the good things in life. πŸ˜‰
  12. dmedin


    Temporary, right? So, what are the things we know? - Big investors have gone on record as saying that they want to buy at lower prices - Hits to profits etc not expected to last forever What do we draw from these conclusions (which are facts, I suppose, and not opinions)? There will be buying demand after prices fall to a certain level. What are the trading/investing conclusions? Buy the dips. Do we know how long the dips will last? No. Therefore, buy and hold. Save yourself six grand, and don't try to be smart.
  13. I've never actually seen a trade wizard master the ups and downs of the minute time frame. Maybe those people are actually all full of ****?
  14. I've demonstrated for anyone looking that you can plan and have rationales and limit your risk and use TA and still lose money hand over first. That's my good deed for the day. Maybe I've done enough to get into heaven and God can let me die now and put me out of my depression?
  15. Shorting into such a strong uptrend is like p!ssing into the wind ...
  16. Oh look, it's beneath all the SMAs. But probably not for long.
  17. It's started already on the short term frame. I don't see how day trading is even possible.
  18. Whatever happens it won't be obvious and there are thousands of the world's best minds playing the game which people like me can't win.
  19. Might do it in demo (but when I'm in demo I just feel like it's totally pointless). I used to see patterns and opportunities all over the place and now I don't really have faith in anything to work.
  20. Lesson learned: don't trade this pair again ... In fact, avoid GBP altogether. At least until BREXIT GETS DONE by the Prime Racist.
  21. Look, it has bounced off the Fibonacci 100% line! Now I have no idea how far back down it will come.
  22. Well sh!t, one of the Tories must have said something extreme and unhinged about Europe again. πŸ˜‰ I got stopped out and I've nearly run out of money. IG can you lend me some πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„
  23. I see a trend here ... British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s spokesman refused to comment on Monday when asked about the hiring of an adviser who has discussed the benefits of forced contraception and said data showed the U.S. black population had lower IQ than white people. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-politics-adviser/johnsons-office-silent-as-rivals-call-for-adviser-to-be-sacked-idUKKBN20B1NI
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