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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Picking up again but still too expensive. 👺
  2. Non-stop growth for well over a year.
  3. It is clinging on to this Fibonacci level like a limpet.
  4. dmedin


    Very heavy selling, and looks to be breaking beneath this alleged consolidating pattern, Ocado shares at £10 soon? 👺
  5. This potential pattern (the two solid lines) looks like a kind of flag sloping against the trend which implies that GBP is going to shoot up 🙂
  6. FTSE 100 meets the checklist for a short! Curvature of the EMAs is also important
  7. The bull is immune to coronavirus! 🐮
  8. A hammer is forming - Hammer time!
  9. The EMAs are not in proper alignment to go short yet (price < 5 EMA < 20 EMA < 50 EMA), plus no RSI divergences, and a seeming break of a trend of higher lows.
  10. Is your green support line at 1616 generated by PRT? Looks bullish still
  11. Unless they got an option, maybe. 😛
  12. More big fat juicy losses. What a CF this year has been so far 😄
  13. Token gestures or is this building momentum? https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-total-fueloil/total-considers-stopping-fuel-oil-sales-for-power-ceo-idUKKBN2081LT
  14. So if I closed this position right now I would get £2.85 plus my deposit back. I've paid a spread and that's it. But if there were huge overnight swings, and I held a longer-term option, I still be in the game and not waking up to losses and the prospect of having to open a new trade.
  15. If one can net out inevitable massive losses from trading, one can get rich on commissions, fees and services instead. 😄
  16. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-global-markets/european-shares-hit-record-even-as-coronavirus-shows-no-signs-of-peaking-idUKKBN20804D And the longer they keep 'cash' the longer they will get below-inflation or negative returns ... Stop hoarding cash is the message ... it causes unemployment and social unrest ... spend it or lose it 😉
  17. The Great Depression was caused by tight monetary policy. Workers and machinery stood idle doing nothing because there was apparently no money. A complete contradiction that almost led to the death of capitalism. Is that a better situation?
  18. If the big manufacturing companies (including Volkswagen, here, and also all the big oil companies etc) want to attract investment from the liberal middle class they will need to start going green. Seems like the momentum is really getting started now. The advantage of this is that it will increase spending in the real economy, create new jobs and better ways of living. Here, again, social change as opposed to markets are drivers of real improvements in the quality of life and the way we treat each other and our planet. https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-climate-change-volkswagen/volkswagen-to-shut-coal-fired-power-stations-at-main-factory-to-cut-co2-idUKKBN208184
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