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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. IG's punitive spread on Greggs makes it impossible to get a profitable trade on just now ... forget about it.
  2. Only a complete numpty (or someone who knows which way they're going to go, like Donald Trump) trades the indices just now ... up and down and up and down ... why lose money?
  3. It's not really ... flip a coin, heads long, tails short ... same odds of being right as using all the TA in the world
  4. You must know something that I don't, I tried trading Wall St yesterday and got bent over a barrel. Maybe you're just clever enough to know that analysis is easier than actual trading
  5. A nice big fat juicy hammer forming, my bonnie bairns? wee bairns?
  6. It's gang aglee, my bonnie wee bairns.
  7. I was under the impression you have to qualify as a 'professional' client to get access to CFDs, and the requirement to be a 'professional' is insider knowledge and/or £500,000 balance. And you can end up being in debt if it goes disastrously wrong.
  8. I doubt anyone has enough eyeballs to be able to use all of that at once.
  9. Oh I didn't think he meant that It's just that the SB approach is different from the method Americans use, where they are actually dealing in leveraged shares rather than derivatives. (That can be enormously risky)
  10. President Bone Spurs to the rescue
  11. Uh yes, have you not seen any of my posts. The 5-20-50 on a M15 with volume filter is a very good method, as is H1 VWMA for stocks. Fibos, weeklies and monthlies as filters, candlesticks for entry and exit points etc.
  12. If I was being disciplined and limited my trades I could probably make a very small but steady profit, but I find it too enjoyable and ending up losing a lot.
  13. I dunno ... trading looks and sounds good in theory but in reality you have to resist the temptation to trade 99 times out of 100. Unless you are omnipotent (or an algorithm) you often miss the good opportunities. Resisting the temptation to take on **** trades is beyond the capability of mere mortals.
  14. Missed a big move in FTSE 100 this morning.
  15. It's a buy, my bonnie wee bairns!
  16. dmedin


    What a saucy wee blighter! Missed this as well.
  17. This sounds like a statement about society and life in general ... however ... there are plenty of people offering to let you into their members-only discussion forums or mailing lists for a fee. Why anyone would pay such a fee without seeing clear evidence of the benefits of it is a mystery to me. The guarded nature of traders (absolute and total unwillingness to prove that they are anything more than bullsh1tters and con artists) already makes me distrust them. I've just been chucking some money around in desperation. The idea of having to work a day job for another 40 years before retiring is terrifying. Might as well blow it and then go and jump off a cliff!
  18. Market analysis is easy; timing is frustrating and difficult. (John J Murphy) No wonder the guy founded a training company to make his living instead. I understand now why some interest rates are negative. It encourages you to have a punt. You'd have to be barking mad otherwise.
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