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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. I'm sure there are plenty of fly-by-night operators in dodgy banana republics/tax havens that will happily oblige you.
  2. Might be getting some movement on this (on the back of news that 2300 people are losing their jobs)
  3. They are reporting earnings next week, 'tight lips and even tighter backsides'.
  4. JD Sports has pooped out, it is more of an option for buying and holding right now. Like VMware, but for a different reason (good long-term prospects versus inevitable rise after enormous fall, regression to the mean type thing).
  5. I should really have made my other post here, thanks for reminding us to look at charts instead of being hammered by sh!tty manipulative 'news' stories.
  6. @Caseynotes You've done a good thing by reminding us to overlook the naysayers and look at the underlining up trend in the Wall Street index. Thank you.
  7. I did this morning as the hourly chart showed it dropping, but I'm back in.
  8. VMware looked a good buy on a March 2020 future as it fell a lot and seemed to be rebounding.
  9. I'm spread out over multiple things, overtrading again. Can't help myself.
  10. Still paying mine off, 15 years later Some people think it was wasted on me but I think it put the spirit of seeking knowledge in me ... plus, economics and econometrics were both quite similar to charting and finding trends
  11. Apropos of Trump making the Chinese 'play by the rules' ROFL, here is Sh!t for brains trampling over the Fed's supposed neutrality yet again. If the Donald wasn't a billionaire he wouldn't get away with any of this. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-calls-zero-negative-interest-105815945.html
  12. Trading is no problem for this privileged public school boy! https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/harry-seals-1bn-gilts-deal-105700529.html
  13. Good luck with those 'tight stops' getting taken out over and over and over again 😉
  14. I've lost a lot recently, and would have bet more on JD (£5 or more if I had enough) because that breakout was very significant.
  15. Why not pick a 'slow moving' target and hold on to it for a while? It made a new high. Dow Theory and sh!t. The only 'advantage' to trading on minute charts is you lose your money much faster. I'm telling you, the only people who don't lose f*kloads of money are the ones who sit and do 'analysis' all day and never actually place a trade. Because 99 out of 100 times you will get stopped out and lose your money, it's designed that way. I'm sure this is one of the reasons why it's illegal in the USA because they recognize it for what it is.
  16. Looks like this 'expert' gave up her profitable trading strategies for iPad to be a Russia Today presenter!
  17. Just because somebody looks at a chart before buying or selling a stock doesn't make them a chartist. That's another one of the many logical fallacies made by the proponents of TA. Markets aren't random, that doesn't mean you can predict them correctly using charts ... It's not one or the other. It's clear to me that the claims for TA are grossly exaggerated and you really need to be a full-time professional with deep knowledge of the markets you're trading on to even have a chance of doing well at this.
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