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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. It's a mighty struggle to keep it up this morning Josephine 🤯
  2. The indices are pooping again Geoffrey 😢
  3. Carry on now my sweet 😘
  4. How about it then, Veronica? 🤓
  5. Are you about to do a stinky f4rt, Cuthbert? 🤓
  6. Have you got a grip on yourself now, Peregrin Took? 😘
  7. The indices have done a big poo Kathleen 😪
  8. Hahaha you can see that Sweden has taken in a million or more immigrants in the last few years. Barely half of them are blonde and blue eyed
  9. Step aside and wait till the Germans take their morning dump 💩
  10. Germany has a big beezer this morning toots 😘
  11. Never thought it was a hoax personally, but economic resources would have been better spent on isolating and helping the vulnerable rather than blanket nation-wide bans on everyone. A Tory government is particularly badly suited to deal with crises like these, because Tories don't govern for the majority, they are the party of the rich and powerful.
  12. Oh don't mind me, I saw my own ghost again. Like Macbeth when he goes to sit at table with his lords! Banquo, is't really thou?
  13. What's the state of play, Rumpelstilstkin?
  14. Well, Edna? Haven't you got aught to say? 🤔
  15. Finally, the Germans have wiped themselves clean, pulled up their breeches and marched onward!
  16. Have you got a parpy bottom, toots? 😘
  17. Feast your eyes on that big'un, Rumpelstiltskin 🤓
  18. Geronimo! The U.S. dollar has taken off his pants and let it all hang loose!
  19. Just look at her go - up, up and away! 🤯
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