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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Lost again hahahaha
  2. IG lives off desperate, gullible, greedy punters like me. There's a well-known secret in the financial services industry, and it is this: the only people who consistently make money are the brokers, advisers and other Shylocks and middle-men who take home enormous commissions, fees and salaries The stock market is the cancer of international financial capitalism that is bringing the world to its knees and putting us all into debt slavery.
  3. I want that question settled so that I can move on in my life. No more prize-winning bullsh!tters who are 'experts' on disproven sh!te from the 1930s.
  4. I've stated before what I think about you blanking out words to try and make yourself look knowledgeable, and I would fain repeat it. Maybe I will get permanently banned, which is what I really need, but I doubt IG would turn off my trading account because I am a MUG who gets ROBBED BLIND every day and they only care about making money. THATCHERITE C&NTS
  5. I'm glad you've given up pretending to be a profitable trader and found something productive to do instead, Tom
  6. 250,000+ clients and not even 25 of them post on this forum ...
  7. So in summary, no retail traders are making money. Case closed.
  8. Yay! A chance to waste more time and lose more money
  9. Not long till markets open again, toots 😘
  10. Here's some light reading for when you're not designing highly-profitable algorithms. https://www.nature.com/subjects/theoretical-nuclear-physics#:~:text=Theoretical nuclear physics is the,are more stable than others.
  11. You think I should try another year and continue to be a cash cow for the winning 5%?
  12. Just to be clear, by backtesting I meant simple MA strategies or manual backtesting. I have zero ability and zero interest in 'writing algorithms.' So if I can't trade using charts, I can't trade at all and S&P 500 ETF beckons.
  13. Why? Are you going to write an algorithm too? Theoretical physicists are clever people but you won't get anything useful out of listening to them.
  14. Why would he? He just wants to show off how 'enlightened' he is ...
  15. 'A little bit of churn' is how this Tory c^nt describes millions of unemployed and thousands of closed businesses 🤪 https://apple.news/AEnCXSvoVRpusFhpGHSXoJw
  16. Do you reckon it will break down below 1850, Eileen?
  17. dmedin


    Up from here, toots? 🤔
  18. Itchy is (weakly) long on the 15 min time frame 🤔
  19. Seems to be poised to go lower from here.
  20. Neither a buy nor a sell, but seems to be biased towards going up from here 👺
  21. My lucky ran out and I got made redundant again
  22. Neither a buy nor a sell according to the daily Itchy 🧐
  23. I never saw that issue with PRT. I no longer use PRT at all. www.tradingview.com is miles better
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