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Counting the Cost: How Many Days Interest on Forex Open Positions- Oct 2023

Find below the table that shows the number of days' worth of overnight funding fees you will be charged if you keep a Forex position open on a particular day. The overnight funding fee is the cost of holding a position overnight through 10 PM UK time, and it is charged at the end of each trading day. This fee is calculated based on the size of your position and the interest rate differential between the two currencies involved in the trade plus the IG admin fee. To help you manage your trad

Counting the Cost: How Many Days Interest on Forex Open Positions- Aug 2023

Find below the table that shows the number of days' worth of overnight funding fee you will be charged if you keep a Forex position open on a particular day. The overnight funding fee is the cost of holding a position overnight through 10 PM UK time, and it is charged at the end of each trading day. This fee is calculated based on the size of your position and the interest rate differential between the two currencies involved in the trade plus the IG admin fee. To help you manage your tradi

Counting the Cost: How Many Days Interest on Forex Open Positions- Jul 2023

We are pleased to provide you with a table that shows the number of days' worth of overnight funding fee you will be charged if you keep a forex position open on a particular day. The overnight funding fee is the cost of holding a position overnight through 10 PM UK time, and it is charged at the end of each trading day. This fee is calculated based on the size of your position and the interest rate differential between the two currencies involved in the trade plus the IG admin fee. To help

Counting the Cost: How Many Day's Interest on Forex Open Positions- Jun 2023

We are pleased to provide you with a table that shows the number of days' worth of overnight funding fee you will be charged if you keep a forex position open on a particular day. The overnight funding fee is the cost of holding a position overnight through 10 PM UK time, and it is charged at the end of each trading day. This fee is calculated based on the size of your position and the interest rate differential between the two currencies involved in the trade plus the IG admin fee. To help

Counting the Cost: How Many Days' Interest on Forex Open Positions- May 2023

We are pleased to provide you with a table that shows the number of days' worth of overnight funding fee you will be charged if you keep a forex position open on a particular day. The overnight funding fee is the cost of holding a position overnight through 10 PM UK time, and it is charged at the end of each trading day. This fee is calculated based on the size of your position and the interest rate differential between the two currencies involved in the trade plus the IG admin fee. To help
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