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Pro Real Time Help



Hi Folks,


I've just downloaded Pro Real Time so still getting the hang of things, couple of questions regarding this charting package though, hopefully you can help.


I like the layout/feel of the whole thing, I mainly trade shares so UK shares being FTSE100/250 and I would like to also look at the S&P500 shares. 

My problem here is when I use the ProScreener to scan for stocks I cannot see any option to specifically select FTSE100 only or FTSE250, I can only see UK-Shares which doesn't appear to be FTSE stocks? Any ideas? 

Another part is I do not know how to add in the share price into the scanner so the scan only brings back stocks withing my price range, for example I want to specify only bring back stocks in this scan that have a share price between £8 - £50. 

The last thing is I have added 3 EMA's into my charts and as part of my scan, 10 day EMA, 20 Day EMA and the 50 Day EMA and I want to specify in my scan to only bring back stocks that are up trending, so the 10 day will be below price first, followed by the 20 then the 50 day last, I don't want to just run a scan and it brings back stocks with the 50 day ema showing above the 10 or 20 day ema, so in the correct order essentially is what I'm getting at.


Any help is greatly appreciated! 




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Hi Caseynotes 


I can see on the prices page of that site that you actually need to select the FTSE stocks cost an additional 9Euro, same goes for NYSE/SNP500 etc so there appears to be a lot of hidden costs, I at least expected the pro package to have the FTSE stocks as a bare minimum, bit disappointed with that considering other pro screening software that you pay for includes all this as it is after all a stock screening package? 


I will need to have a look to see if I can find how to add in specific share prices to scan so all the terrible 20p stocks don't fill up my scanner.


Thanks for the link, if anyone else knows how to add in the price/sort EMA's let me know.




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I've managed to find out the coding required to actually set a specific price range for shares in the scan, I would have expected something like this to be in the basic wizard set up especially when you compare this kind of market package with a free one like FinViz which does all the US stocks for free and a simple drop down menu with what price range you want to search for stock wise.


I guess in the grand scheme of things 9euro isn't all that bad unless they start charging you for the full price saying your trading activity is not deemed enough even if it's above the 4 trade a month mark, then that becomes a problem. 


So all that's left from this conversation is how to code my MA's to show correctly, 10 day EMA, 20 Day EMA and 50 Day EMA, to only return stocks where the 10 day is below price first followed by the 20 then the 50 in that order to signal a strong up trend.



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Hi Steve, are you accessing this from our contact page, the old platform or somewhere else?


Also, what browser are you using and have you tried any others? I am using Chrome and cannot replicate the error you're getting.

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I am using Chrome on 2 different machines at different locations (Home machine and tested from my works machine).


I can try using the chat with firefox when I get home to test that out but just a bit strange that 2 different machines at different locations getting the timeout error for the chat.




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Hi Guys,


I'm still getting this gateway error when trying to use live chat from multiple machines different locations so this must be related to my account if it's up and running for everyone else? 


Also are there specific nights that IG Pro Realtime get's updates or maintenance because I'm trying to run scans now which appear to be acting up.


Edit - I just ran a very basic price scan to bring back all US stocks between $5 and $50, it brought back 18...... 


One of the stocks I am currently long on is $41 which is also not showing in the scan, I'm confused at this as I originally found this stock through the scan last week? 


When I scan UK shares it brings back over 800....




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Hi  if you are still having issues please send in a technical report in PRT via Help > Technical support > Code. Briefly describe the issue in the message box so we can replicate.


Ensure you authorize access to your code so we can send to PRT to investigate why this is happening.



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