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Boris quits - GBP tanks

Guest TinkerTrader

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Thanks for your input. 

For other community members please be aware that guests can now post, however all guest content will need to be signed off by a moderator before it is shown. :) We will be trialing this to see if this opens up thought provoking discussion. Any feedback appreciated. 

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Guest 202925

Hi James

Can you first put your own house in order? Before moderating clients comments here

There is no customer service what so ever at your firm.

I am on the look out for another provider, and will be updating the community shortly. So far they are leagues ahead of what is at IG


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I have to say I too am a bit worried by this. God knows there are enough public open access forums and quite frankly they are a bit 'wild west'. With some 19,000 IG clients already signed up to the forum I think the main aim should be to promote new posters and not worry about 'quality' posts but instead encourage simple honest discussion.

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Guest 202925
7 minutes ago, 247trader said:

Doesn’t bother me if the mods are signing off first. TF, yeh I think that’s a by far fetched. 202925, lol someone’s bitter. 

Maybe happy medium and only allow newbies to post in the new section? 

Yep 247 trader, just really had enough of their customer service and general attitude towards retail clients.

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Of course quantity doesn't define if something is good or not but I see no reason to introduce a quality bar, that's more likely to put people off rather than encourage engagement, that's why I would prefer to see any promotion directed toward simple honest discussion. If the forum is light and fresh that's more welcoming and the more worked on, more thought out posts that take longer to produce will come from those who wish to produce it. I like to post anything that interests me, it's quality value is for other's to judge and it's not my worry one way or the other.   

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Thanks for your input chaps. I have restricted discussion to only adding comments to existing threads for the asset and trade talks, and guests won't be able to start new discussions (apart from allowing new threads on the 'New' section).

As previously stated all comments will need to be signed off before they are posted. If there is an obvious lack of value I shall reject the comment, however hopefully we will see a slight uptick in conversation. 

After a week we can review. There are a number of options we can have (e.g. restrict guests comments to only the 'new' section as mentioned above, or be more stringent in the sign off process). 

I personally think it's worth exploring, however yes - we need to (and will!) keep a very close eye on it. 

As always future comments, feedback and thoughts appreciated. 

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Guest PandaFace

Another couple went last night. I don’t k ow if politicians leaving on ‘principle’ is something to be commended, however the cynic in me think it’s cowardly and for their own personal gain...

johnson for example. Slippery fish with a PM bid coming in soon? 

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Guest PandaFace
17 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

Lots of outrage on twitter (and in the papers) against May who was against Brexit from the start, complaints of betrayal as the deal really means we stay in the EU but with no voice.

Maybe if all the brexiteers who pushed for and campaigned for it would stop quitting and actuallystep up for once it wouldn’t be quite so bad...

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No problem @Caseynotes - for those interested the EMEA brief and video are here. Well worth a watch I think...

With the resignation of two UK cabinet members outside a reshuffle for the first time since 1982, what are the implications for markets of the political uncertainty, and how much longer can Prime Minister Theresa May last? Peter Dixon, global financial economist at Commerzbank, tells IGTV he believes that the high-profile resignations could paradoxically unify May’s Cabinet.  


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New YouGov poll shows May's 'favourability' sinks to an all time low as leave voters abandon her.

After the resignations the cabinet might be right behind her but rebellion from everywhere else is not far away. There have been rumours today that the 1922 committee have received close on the 48 letters from conservative MPs needed to spark a leadership contest. 


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