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Is anyone else as sick to death of these markets now, since the days before the 2008 crash?

We don't have free markets and price discovery. We have a centrally planned ponzi scheme with the market completely at the mercy and whims of policy statements from these a-hole bankers . We have idiotic Trump tweets along with clowns like Boris Johnson announcing proudly that he's "turbocharging preparations for a no deal brexit," -- which crashed the £ only for it to rally on platitudes offered my Merkel and Rotschild (sic) puppetician Macron.

This is not captialism. This is communism.

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Remember, all Brexit developments must feed into the Team Boris plan: Engender a crisis that leads to a decision between "No Deal" and "Revoke" in order to fight the next election as "The People vs The Establishment".

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"Christine Lagarde Pledges to Review ECB’s Negative Rates"

"The comments indicate that Ms. Lagarde is eager to address worries in Germany and other northern European economies over years of aggressive central-bank stimulus, which have prompted a series of lawsuits and political attacks on the Frankfurt-based ECB."


Talk is cheap?


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Thanks @elle excellent video on the development of MMT, very smart guy and a genuine insider from the conventional economic operations arena with a deep understanding of how it all really works, I'll need to watch a few times, heavy going in places, turns a lot of perceived monetary policy wisdom on it's head and yet his descriptions are looking back at first principles. Includes a look back at the creation of the Euro and an interesting look at the immediate future for Europe.

I'll add this vid to the Modern Monetary Theory thread. 


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