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Covid and the Economy

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are not you all completely fed up with this total nonsense yet?

 "It makes no sense that I can soon meet my family in a car showroom or a garden centre, but us sitting apart in the garden is banned. That has no scientific or logical basis. The Government are pleading with us to show some common sense - it needs to work both ways."

Professor Karol Sikora 

And Norway joins the growing list of countries who have woken up to the fact the lockdown was never necessary in the first place.


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Another generation of young people will be fked hard.  I'm one of the previous generation who got fked by the financial crisis.  Seems like every generation of young people gets fked over one way or another.  :)


The outbreak also risks creating a “lockdown generation” of young people forced to play catch-up on the labour market for at least 10 years, the Geneva-based body said.


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What a fking joke - go about your business but don't get too close to others.  Oh and wear a mask if you can, that would be jolly nice.

This is a stereotypically dysfunctional Tory government.  Straight out of 70s farce.  It's what happens when you let inbred toffs run the country.

Anyway, it seems to be women that take this most seriously.  They don't like me getting too close to them at all.  But that's no different from usual :D 

Edited by dmedin
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Standing outside the church, Trump held up a Bible, flanked by aides, and said: “We have the greatest country in the world. I'm going to keep it nice and safe.”

As he spoke, he was flanked by White House aides who were not wearing masks or social distancing.

Pictures show that only his daughter Ivanka Trump is wearing a mask among the group.


Yep, it's definitely a womanish / w@nkery-liberal thing all right.

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Stats taken from a recent YouGov poll;

43% of Brits say they are "enjoying" the lockdown.

25% say they're not.

53% think the lockdown is being eased “too fast”.

11% think “too slow”.

58% think pubs should not re-open.

35% think they should.

Yes, they're enjoying virtual house arrest.

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10 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

Yes, they're enjoying virtual house arrest.

It's a chance to skive, sit outside in the sun, drink and smoke through the day.  Nothing wrong with that and all people deserve to have a good life.  If everyone worried about the future, no one would have children.

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3 minutes ago, dmedin said:

It's a chance to skive, sit outside in the sun, drink and smoke through the day.  Nothing wrong with that and all people deserve to have a good life.  If everyone worried about the future, no one would have children.

in the immortal words of that great philosopher Elon Musk; If you don't make stuff there is no stuff!


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As things go from the farcical to the sinister doctors and scientists are now telling us that it's ok to go to BLM protests but it's too dangerous to attend antilockdown protests 🤔

From the NHS and ONS data posted above we know the epidemiologists were right and the politicians and modelers were wrong and the lockdown served no purpose at all.

* Covid has been shown to be a new and bad flu type virus but the stats are inline with previous flu pandemics;

* over 40% of those infected did not know it, they were asymptomatic

* of those who were symptomatic 99% experienced typical flu or cold type symptoms,
of the 1%  who experienced severe symptoms 96% were elderly with serious pre existing conditions.

* NHS data shows there were 50,000 excess winter deaths due to respiratory causes in the year 2018/2019 and the rolling 5 year average is around 35,000 per year so this year is above average but similar to 2018/2019.

* but there were some who had no immunity, NHS data showed the virus killed around 250 people who were under the age of 60 and were healthy before contracting Covid 19.

The big question remains, why did the Chinese panic? They've seen all this before, other outbreaks proved more deadly than this one, what was it about Covid 19 that made them run to lockdown, they never did before. 

Reports from labs in Australia and Austria recently suggest that this virus managed to leap many mutations to become especially deadly to humans suspiciously quickly and they conclude the more likely scenario is that it was engineered in a lab. I suspect politicians knew this and that's why the lockdown panic spread around the world so quickly and irrespective of the actual empirical data.

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25 minutes ago, dmedin said:

Bloke who was having blondes round to his house during lockdown says the destruction of the economy should have started even sooner!


Reuters joined the ranks of the BBC and Sky news in dishing out tripe a long time ago.

Lockdown started in the UK end of March but death rate peaked beginning of April, given the time it takes to contract the virus, develop symptoms, become increasingly unwell, be hospitalised, and moved on to intensive care before dying means the lockdown had no impact at all. Further proof is from other countries.

Belgium for example implemented lockdown very early after first cases were found but the virus peaked at the same time and at a far higher death rate as all the other western countries who started lockdown much later or didn't even lockdown at all (Sweden).



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On 16/06/2020 at 07:14, Caseynotes said:

2 hour documentary on Bill Gates, lockdown and the wait for a vaccine;


Matt Le Tissier  @mattletiss7

If you’ve got a couple of hours free this is fascinating IF it’s all true. If it wasn’t true I’d guess there’d be lawsuits, watch and make up your own mind

Reminder: Sweden did not shut down business and lockdown.



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"When the lockdown was imposed in March, Opinium found that 65 per cent approved of the government’s handling of the crisis, while 23 per cent disapproved—a net rating of plus 42. By last week, the figures were: approve 30 per cent, disapprove 48 per cent. A net rating of minus 18. The 60-point change in the net rating in less than three months is the biggest, fastest shift I can recall for any government on any issue. The only comparable shift I can recall is the public disillusionment with the Iraq war in 2003, and that took longer."



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On 16/06/2020 at 07:14, Caseynotes said:

2 hour documentary on Bill Gates, lockdown and the wait for a vaccine;





He's bosom buddies with Warren Buffet, 'the legendary value investor' that everyone in the financial services industry has to pay lipservice to.  Bill Gates also has an obsession with fecal matter 😮 

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15 minutes ago, dmedin said:




He's bosom buddies with Warren Buffet, 'the legendary value investor' that everyone in the financial services industry has to pay lipservice to.  Bill Gates also has an obsession with fecal matter 😮 

overtaken Buffet a longtime ago and now dictates the world's health agenda.

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1 minute ago, Caseynotes said:

overtaken Buffet a longtime ago and now dictates the world's health agenda.

Have you seen Bill in joint interviews with Buffett?  He sits like a little boy and looks up to Buffett like he's his daddy.  Pathetic ...

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