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Covid and the Economy

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20 mins in and confirms that he is a greedy capitalist scumbag who hides profit-seeking behind 'philanthropy' just like every other billionaire ... no surprises yet ... I thought you were in favour of capitalism?


I don't see anything 'sinister' in encouraging 'population control' in third world countries at all, either.  It's what they desperately need the most.

Edited by dmedin
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Very deep and profound.  But man, I don't know which is worse.  Unchecked population growth or having some kind of control over things.  I can't imagine a planet with 10 billion or more humans, rampant inequality and global warming will be very pleasant to live in :( 

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Well, calling it the wuflu is controversial, i think the WHO approved name should be used instead. I'm commenting rather late and i believe we all know better now. Covid-19 has affected the whole world economy immensely and the world is just taking step to recover. I do hope the recovery is fast enough and it doesn't lead to a deep recession

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12 hours ago, dmedin said:

Very deep and profound.  But man, I don't know which is worse.  Unchecked population growth or having some kind of control over things.  I can't imagine a planet with 10 billion or more humans, rampant inequality and global warming will be very pleasant to live in :( 

ok, so a few extra million is going to be a tipping point for you but you're not worried about being in semi lockdown until you are vaccinated and given a health certificate that will allow you to travel, gain employment etc 🤔

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12 hours ago, Forexgpd20 said:

Well, calling it the wuflu is controversial, i think the WHO approved name should be used instead. I'm commenting rather late and i believe we all know better now. Covid-19 has affected the whole world economy immensely and the world is just taking step to recover. I do hope the recovery is fast enough and it doesn't lead to a deep recession

No, the lockdown affected the world's economy not the virus, as much of the data in the thread points out the lockdown was unnecessary and a complete over reaction.

As for the name I couldn't decide between Wuflu, or The Chinese flu, or the Wuhan Wet Market Food Emporium flu or the Wuhan Biochemical Weapons Facility flu so just went for Wuflu as it was shorter.   

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9 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

ok, so a few extra million is going to be a tipping point for you but you're not worried about being in semi lockdown until you are vaccinated and given a health certificate that will allow you to travel, gain employment etc 🤔



I didn't believe the stuff about being microchipped and mandatory vaccination ... 

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3 hours ago, dmedin said:



I didn't believe the stuff about being microchipped and mandatory vaccination ... 

you're probably right, the guy never finishes anything he starts and he's only poured a couple of billion into the project so just a hobby really.

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11 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

you're probably right, the guy never finishes anything he starts and he's only poured a couple of billion into the project so just a hobby really.


Billy G is a massive pr!ck but money talks (thanks capitalism).  Just don't underestimate the power of human resistance.  He tried to dominate the world of computers and the internet but he was stopped from doing so.  Windows is now largely a legacy product, most people don't need it and even businesses that rely on Microsoft Office for whatever reason can now get Office on non-Windows machines.

Nobody will miss Billy G when the c&nt dies.

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3 minutes ago, dmedin said:

He tried to dominate the world of computers and the internet but he was stopped from doing so

yeah, he only made 50 billion in software, what a loser. Then he switched focus to become a philanthropist in the world health arena giving away most of his money and in the process turned his 50 billion into 100 billion, does this guy never tire of failure? 

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2 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

yeah, he only made 50 billion in software, what a loser. Then he switched focus to become a philanthropist in the world health arena giving away most of his money and in the process turned his 50 billion into 100 billion, does this guy never tire of failure? 

He's good at making money and you clearly admire him.  :(

He won't be successful in forcibly micro-chipping the world's population though ...

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Just now, dmedin said:

He's good at making money and you clearly admire him.  :(

He won't be successful in forcibly micro-chipping the world's population though ...

i don't admire him at all, the world's politicians are waiting for vaccine, that's why we are stuck in this dumb limbo, you will take the mandatory injection 'for the good of others' and because you won't be allowed to travel or work until you do. the 'health passport' will eventually be replaced by a chip because it will be more convenient which is a benefit for you. 

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New article updating Covid stats using NHS and ONS data to May 29 . Very much in line with the stats reproduced in this thread for the last 4 months.

Covid death rate as a percentage of population for people below the age of 45 is 0.003% (tabled as 0% see below).

Covid deaths for all ages together as a percentage of population is  0.08%.

So very much in line with the epidemiologist's predictions from months ago which were totally ignored, along with empirical data from Asian countries, by politicians who favoured hocus pocus Ferguson and is magical mystery models that were predicting deaths in the millions.

For comparison the first chart is the actual Covid deaths data for England and Wales, the second chart shows Ferguson's model predictions when applied to Sweden (no lockdown, with lockdown, and the reality). 

Sweden of course choose not to lockdown and so did not destroy their economy and make millions unemployed.




When Ferguson's predictive model was applied to Sweden;



Public Health Warning: If you rely on the BBC, C4 or Sky for news and information you will end up a drooling vegetable.

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3 minutes ago, dmedin said:

Markets tanked because Apple shuttered some stores in the USA, is this just a wee panic or are we about to see gallons of sh!t hit the fan again?

as was pointed out in this thread months ago you can't hide from a virus, it won't go away until there is herd immunity. There should never have been a lockdown in the first place, it has served no purpose.

'But didn't it save the NHS?' No. Hospitals were running at 50% capacity during the early April Covid peak, people were not turning up for appointments, A&E attendances were way down, new cancer diagnosis's were down from 30,000 a month to just 5,000 (cancer does not take holidays). People were just too scared to go to hospitals. 

There will likely be a second spike though not as severe as the first, this is why we are stuck in limbo watching the economy disappear. The markets were hoping for a quick recovery but the politicians are continuing to dither.

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Seasonal flu: death rate around 0.1 percent.

The flu strikes every year, but no two seasons are exactly the same.

Global deaths annually: between 291,000 to 646,000 Trusted Source;


Covid 19: death rate around 0.1 percent. 

 As of June 23, 2020, Belgium had the highest rate of coronavirus deaths among its population in the European Economic Area at 84.9 deaths per 100,000 population. The United Kingdom has the highest number of confirmed coronavirus deaths in Europe, which is also an incidence of 64.1 deaths per 100,000 people in the country. 



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so continuing this real life farce we step from the absolute need for the 2 mt social distancing law (protests are exempt except protests against the social distancing law) to the face mask requirement law, see below the Govt info on the usefulness of face masks published previously, expect that to change soon.


  • Thought provoking 1
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HAHAHA, on the mandatory wearing of face masks ...

"Not compulsory. Exempt if you have a health condition. And that can be anxiety, claustrophobia, severe distress about wearing one, asthma etc. Most of the disability awareness groups have cards on their websites that are acceptable."

Thrive & Seek Co. @ThriveSeek

  • Great! 1
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‘The lockdown is causing so many deaths’

Dr Malcolm Kendrick on the disastrous response to Covid-19.

Few would disagree that the UK’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic has been a shambles. We are now in the 14th week of a three-week lockdown and excess deaths are among the highest in Europe. But while the received wisdom is that lives could only have been saved by locking down harder, earlier and for longer, the benefits of lockdown remain unproven, while the costs of lockdown are starting to mount. Dr Malcolm Kendrick is a GP and author of Doctoring Data: How to Sort Out Medical Advice from Medical Nonsense. spiked caught up with him to get his take from the frontline.



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10 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

‘The lockdown is causing so many deaths’

Dr Malcolm Kendrick on the disastrous response to Covid-19.

Few would disagree that the UK’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic has been a shambles. We are now in the 14th week of a three-week lockdown and excess deaths are among the highest in Europe. But while the received wisdom is that lives could only have been saved by locking down harder, earlier and for longer, the benefits of lockdown remain unproven, while the costs of lockdown are starting to mount. Dr Malcolm Kendrick is a GP and author of Doctoring Data: How to Sort Out Medical Advice from Medical Nonsense. spiked caught up with him to get his take from the frontline.



I would imagine his career is in jeopardy now

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