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Covid and the Economy

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On 28/07/2020 at 07:27, Caseynotes said:

Latest Gates interview on his new vaccines that currently in tests cause side affects in over 80% of recipients, Gates seems unconcerned to the point where even MSM raise an eyebrow 🤔

Gates estimates the need for 8 billion doses. Can't wait.


Lets line up all the politicians and the people pushing for the vaccine and make sure they get a dose first and then wait a few months to see what side effects they get.

And then make sure they get the 2nd dose before anybody else is forced to have it.  If they are so safe it wont be a problem will it.

Edited by marie
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5 minutes ago, marie said:

Lets line up all the politicians and the people pushing for the vaccine and make sure they get a dose first and then wait a few months to see what side effects they get.

And then make sure they get the 2nd dose before anybody else is forced to have it.  If they are so safe it wont be a problem will it.

There won't be a 'proper' vaccine but something 'almost like' one.

As Gates explained in an interview posted here earlier, a record of vaccination is only part of the need to insert a chip into everyone on the planet.

Stamping out the worldwide black economy by incorporating your bank details onto the chip (as in the African trials, see posts above) and moving to a cashless society are all part of the big plan.

Creating the fake need for an urgent vaccine and being able to prove you've had it is just getting the ball rolling.

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On 30/07/2020 at 00:40, dmedin said:

Quite frankly I dont care about a doctors private belief system if they can help me with a medical problem.  She is being attacked because she is using Hydroxychloroquine in her practice.  I admire her for her **** to stand up to the medical establishment / pharma mafia.  For sure HCL is still a nasty pharma drug used for malaria, but if you have bad symptoms from covid and the doctor is administering a safe dose cannot see a problem with that.  I would certainly prefer that to being on a respirator with an 80% or more chance of death.

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15 hours ago, marie said:

Quite frankly I dont care about a doctors private belief system if they can help me with a medical problem.  She is being attacked because she is using Hydroxychloroquine in her practice.  I admire her for her **** to stand up to the medical establishment / pharma mafia.  For sure HCL is still a nasty pharma drug used for malaria, but if you have bad symptoms from covid and the doctor is administering a safe dose cannot see a problem with that.  I would certainly prefer that to being on a respirator with an 80% or more chance of death.


Big money pharma doesn't want people to use something that's too old to patent, I definitely agree.

Bill Gates / Fauci / vaccination money makes sense.

Incidentally do you also believe in healthcare for all as a human right, or do you 'private beliefs' make a reappearance at that stage?  

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8 minutes ago, dmedin said:


Big money pharma doesn't want people to use something that's too old to patent, I definitely agree.

Bill Gates / Fauci / vaccination money makes sense.

Incidentally do you also believe in healthcare for all as a human right, or do you 'private beliefs' make a reappearance at that stage?  

Gates in one of the interviews posted above says he expects the need for at least 10 Billion vaccine doses. HCQ at 60 cents a tablet or a new vaccine at $100-$500 a shot  🤔

Edited by Caseynotes
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4 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

Gates in one of the interviews posted above says he expects the need for at least 10 Billion vaccine doses. HCQ at 60 cents a tablet or a new vaccine at $100-$500 a shot  🤔

He's an incredibly shrewd businessman :D:D:D

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3 minutes ago, dmedin said:

He's an incredibly shrewd businessman :D:D:D

yes, he's taken control of the international pharma industry and is now using the head of a US govt department (Fauci) and the fawning MSM to create a fake pandemic and falsely discredit a cheap effective medicine to make way for his new expensive one.

Criminal mastermind might be a better description.

No wonder protesters are shouting 'Jail Bill Gates'.

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Just now, Caseynotes said:

Criminal mastermind might be a better description.

Big Pharma has been doing it for decades

Americans have been letting themselves get ripped off by expensive meds and medical procedures for decades too.  Strangely, the MSM seems to have a long-standing bias that favours big-money interests?  It's almost like the country is ruled by a small number of very wealthy people?

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On 04/08/2020 at 04:44, dmedin said:

Sounds like a totalitarian regime.

“There is literally no reason for you to leave your home and if you were to leave your home and not be found there, you will have a very difficult time convincing Victoria police that you have a lawful reason,” Andrews told reporters in Melbourne .


Its solitary confinement!

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4 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

yes, he's taken control of the international pharma industry and is now using the head of a US govt department (Fauci) and the fawning MSM to create a fake pandemic and falsely discredit a cheap effective medicine to make way for his new expensive one.

Criminal mastermind might be a better description.

No wonder protesters are shouting 'Jail Bill Gates'.

Whats really funny is that he wants to force a vaccine on every human being on the planet, yet he cannot even get rid of the viruses on his software!  Maybe sorting that out would be a good start.  But oh I forgot its all about the money and power.....

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Just to remind you there was and is no pandemic.

As shown in previous posts the 5 year rolling average of deaths from flu and associated pneumonia is around 35,000 per year in the UK (NHS data) so this covid year looks like being just above average. Always the seriously ill end of lifers.

But the distribution curve is standard so a few others are caught out every year.

Also posted above, of the 40,000 who are listed as dying from flu (covid) the total number of healthy people under the age of 60 who died was around 250 (no pre-existing conditions, NHS data), sad but also about average.

Meanwhile the cost of Lockdown is still ahead of us, govt reports estimate over 200,000 deaths from undiscovered health problems (missed cancers, heart problems etc).

There will be the collapse of thousands of businesses and millions unemployed once the govt handouts cease.

And the loss of liberties, you won't be getting them back any time soon as Johnson says the second flu spike around Dec/Jan/Feb could see 10s of thousands more flu deaths.

Yes, about 35,000, - the *****  rolling yearly average!

You've been had.

Still, lets keep this farce running now the masses are cowered and completely subservient.




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IG Farben
created the pharmaceutical industry.  

Ready for the rabbit hole that connects all rabbit holes? Follow the money...



As many of you heard Moderna is in the 3rd and final stage of their vaccine development.

Here's something many of you don't know, guess who the first CEO of Moderna was? A Cornell graduate by the name of Anthony Fauci, who was a roommate with none other than Bill Gates.

Are you paying attention? It was at Cornell that Bill Gates designed the RFID (Radio-frequency identification) and patened it under US2006257852. Are you awake yet? Now let's really go down the rabbit hole.

Moderna was a pharmaceutical company that started in Germany under the name IG Farben. IG Farben is infamous for it's mass production of Zyklon-B, the primary gas used to kill millions during the Holocaust.

After Germany fell, IG Farben was dissolved and its assets sold off by a **** turned American by the name of, you guessed it, George Soros. Soros rebranded the company as Moderna. And who was the primary stockholder of Moderna until his death? Jeffrey Epstein. His role in Moderna is where he made his fortune and established his connections. Let that sink in.

Wake up people! You are being conditioned and controlled.


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35 minutes ago, dmedin said:

What if the vaccine makes me even more autistic than the one I got in high school 😢 

Gates has sent his vaccine on to the FDA to make the decision ya or nay having admitted it caused side affects in 80% of recipients (see vid in previous post).

This fake pandemic is such a world wide emergency that it will probably be rubber stamped and you will just have to take your chances.

Good Luck 👍

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From the US, what did these deaths all have in common.

- Florida man in 20s who died in a motorcycle wreck.

- A 60-year-old man who died from a gun shot wound to the head.

- A 90-year-old man who fell and died from complications of a hip fracture.

- A 77-year-old woman who died of Parkinson's disease.


Not difficult to guess really.  Yes, they were all listed as Covid 19 deaths 🧐 🤔



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When it's time to go did they take the 4 hours needed to clear the park one by one or did they all just

walk out together? 🤔

we are living in a pantomime.


Fly Qantas, everybody wears their Qantas issued masks. Then it's Qantas issued snack time. 

'Gotta eat my nuts, everyone knows the casual virus doesn't spread during Qantas snack time. Masks down everybody.'


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Oh dear, the NHS has had to re-do it's figures due to miss-reporting of Covid deaths, not over 40,000, now under 30,000 and those under the age of 40 with no pre-existing conditions total just 37.

As per every year it's the over 60s with pre-existing medical conditions at the end of life who make up by far the most deaths from the current seasons dominant flu strain .

Enjoy your self made recession.





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Adam Tooze

"UK’s trade balance shifts heavily into surplus. Good news you say. Until you look at the export numbers. They are sharply down -> Just imagine what is happening to domestic demand for imports to fall by enough to produce that net surplus!"


Welcome to your self inflicted recession.




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