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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Go on Tom, it's about time you gave us another incredibly helpful 15 minute chart
  2. Folks, IG have 250,000 clients and two people - Andrew and I think the wee diminutive Sw3dish **** - have posted something indicating that they've made some money recently. That's a potential two out of 250,000 who aren't losing money. Please, feel free to chime in and share your success story (you don't have to share your methods).
  3. Mainly because you're a grumpy old sod and a useless c&nt?
  4. Good for you? Are you just showing off here then? Because I haven't seen you post anything useful? Unless you think a daily chart with a two-hundred moving average is useful in some way?
  5. And how does Tom respond? He's been bullsh!tting on an internet forum for FOUR YEARS and never once showed any trades. What a moronic, mean-spirited, horrible old man
  6. So you trade off fundamentals do you? I thought you programmed algorithms? Another bullsh!tter who says nothing in a lot of words. There are lot of them in the trading world.
  7. Tom, stop spamming this TRADING forum with your propaganda and misinformation and do something to help people learn to trade.
  8. You're a retard and a diminutive little w4nker, shove off.
  9. Tom, this is just a repeat of the same old meaningless bullsh!t. As you said yourself, live trading is nothing like your 'practice' testing.
  10. Everyone would love to see some examples of your successful trading, Tom. You've been essentially working for IG for free a long time, how charitable of you, now show us that you're not just another bullsh!tter on the internet.
  11. Tom and Andrew are good at trading in the minute time frame, maybe they can help us by illustrating?
  12. Do what I say, not what I do Trading off fundamentals is a non-starter. That only works for buy-and-hold, when you buy shares outright. It doesn't work for trading or even for short-selling. And that guy is a slimy tw@t
  13. The Americans dropped a clanger in their pants
  14. I thought you were successful at trading short time frames.
  15. I can survive losing the money but I don't think I will ever recover emotionally from the two years (and counting) I sunk into this garbage. That's pure wasted time.
  16. Look at IG's 'Trade of the week' to see how often IG's two 'technical analyst' experts get it right That's what you want. You want to be a technical analyst because you can do amazing charts and with the power of hindsight make yourself appear very credible, and TA is very seductive to technical- and visually-orientated people. You can make a good living pitching your 'analysis' to high net-worth clients, who will be risking their own money. Which you would never risk yourself on your own trades because you know that TA is next to useless
  17. Why would they risk money trading if they can get paid 'training' other people instead? That's a certain (and lucrative) income and the supply of gullible punters is endless. Anton Tw4t himself abandoned trading as soon as he made some money and now gets his income from selling sh!t to desperate punters. It's the time-honoured way. Livermore and Gann did the same thing themselves
  18. The Nasdaq has squeezed out a big stinker 😢
  19. Nobody has come on here and shown that they are consistently profitable using technicals or fundamentals, not even Tom. I'm close to coming to the conclusion that it's impossible for all but a tiny handful of professional traders to make money.
  20. Well Kathleen, what you have got to say for yourself hun 😘
  21. Will you be needing a change of knickers, Myrtle?
  22. Well Edna, will the Americans put in a big beezer today? 🤓
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