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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. dmedin


    Are you hanging on for dear life my sweet?
  2. Have you got a parpy bottom, toots? 😘
  3. dmedin


    Who needs those stinking jobs anyway! https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-bp-strategy-exclusive/exclusive-only-a-quarter-of-bps-10000-job-cuts-to-be-voluntary-idUSKBN2711LN
  4. DEED SHAM-BADDY SHEH SHTEEM-YOU-LUSH 😘 https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-global-markets/markets-on-edge-as-pandemic-resurgence-meets-u-s-stimulus-hopes-idUSKBN27037F
  5. Look Kathleen, Russell is doing well 🤓
  6. It's a big stonker Kathleen 🤓
  7. Well Patricia, perhaps the Germans will squeeze out a number two after all 😵
  8. Dollar cost averaging (as opposed to putting all your money in and doing nothing) helps to mitigate multiple 'flat' years as you so eloquently have been pointing out. Don't forget reinvested dividends. But yes, it is the U.S. indices which only ever go up throughout time. That is because it is the U.S. that is the bastion of Western civilization. Europe is in stagnation for decades.
  9. Have the Protocols of the Learned Elders been implemented, Tom? 🤔
  10. Have the Aussies managed to get it up Geoffrey 🤓
  11. If you grew your wealth at a compounding rate of 30% a year, within 25 years you'd own all the money in the world. Just f*king ridiculous what greedy punters will fall for. You know, the same ones who LOSE MONEY year after year because a 10% ROR on an S&P 500 tracker isn't enough for them 🤣
  12. lol! If managers of the world's largest portfolios and the world's best mathematicians can't beat the market indices, what makes the retail punter think they can do it consistently, year after year? 🤣
  13. dmedin


    Buy the dip, Cassandra? 🤓
  14. 🤔 Looks like a hammer so it could be a higher low and the beginning of a move back up
  15. *parp!* Looking gaseous this morning Daphne 💨🤓
  16. Well below the cloud and looking like a prime candidate for shorting, Evil Pinocchio 👺
  17. Well Kathleen, are the Germans going to do a huge poo today?
  18. Look Eileen, Russell has turned it around mightily 🤓
  19. Are the Aussies about to get it up, Jamwise Samgee 🐮
  20. dmedin


    Copper has got a big beezer sweetheart 💨😘
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