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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Only the Tories would take away job support and impose hardship on people at the same time as forcing people out of work. They are truly subhuman sc&m. And the wealthy barrister, 'Sir' Keir Starmer, is exactly the same as Boris Johnson. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-health-coronavirus-britain/more-uk-cities-may-face-stricter-lockdown-but-at-what-cost-idUKKBN2700NZ
  2. Wait for the green line to drop below the price action first (signifying a 'lower low')
  3. CAC is also a good shorting candidate today lol Waiting for a bounce first though, before 'selling the rally'
  4. Let's see what we can get out of a short on the Dow Jones 😵
  5. I lost money on this trade after moving the stop loss up but made it up with a short on the FTSE 100.
  6. FTSE 100 totally bricks it this morning:
  7. That's true of a lot of them. Don't believe what the media tells you, though. A lot of these people, you'll find, had rough upbringings and lacked opportunities in life. The kind of opportunities that the likes of Boris Johnson took for granted. A lot of them are actually fundamentally good people. Some of them even work hard and do indispensable jobs. That's more than can be said for those obnoxious c&nts in the City of London. We all know that they are fraudsters and swindlers, defend their rich masters, consider their clients stupid and even utterly despise one another. They lead unfulfilling lives, and are constantly competing with each other, backstabbing and constantly attacked by feelings of guilt and jealousy. I'm tempted to think that Tories aren't even human.
  8. Looks like more downside to come, sweetheart 😢
  9. Oh look, an angry little retarded Swedish monkey babbling away. How cute.
  10. That's what I did, sadly I got stopped out before the trade went back in my favour.
  11. In the City of London, it's an old boys' network. They don't have supreme authorities like the People's Republic of Europe does. Have you heard of the British class system?
  12. 69% long, it's bound to drop 😵
  13. Aww naw, Shtevveh Munch-keen shez naw maw shteem-you-lush 😢 https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-usa-stocks/wall-street-ends-down-after-mnuchin-dims-stimulus-hopes-idUSKBN26Z1FU
  14. What is this retarded monkey language? Can you not even speak German properly
  15. Nobody cares, Tom. People come here to learn about trading. The vast majority of people who come here would love to see examples of others who have managed to overcome difficulties and 'trade successfully, consistently'. Have you ever been able to do this?
  16. Sadly, it seems to be a useless trading system just like everything else. Great at explaining stuff with hindsight, but no use for actually trading. Cant' say i'm surprised at this stage though
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