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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. It's not real options trading, it's spread betting on options. It's **** but if you want better you have to phone them and convince them to deal with you in real options, which they probably won't.
  2. I'm an expert in losing money. If you want to know how to be penniless and miserable, follow my strategy. 🤡
  3. Ummm ... no wonder I got shafted, I was trading against the trend.
  4. Buggered again. What a dumbarse I am
  5. Yes, everything is a risk and a gamble. Most small businesses fail within a few years, but no one would discourage people to try and start successful small businesses. Yes, getting a law degree is boring as hell and costs a bomb - and you might not even get a job as a lawyer at the end of it. But people's livelihoods depends on you going to university and paying for it. Everything is uncertain, the need to work is incessant, and nothing is 'real' except the force of gravity, ageing and death. Isn't life in this godless universe a paradise?
  6. Well, I have been trying many things out and I'm totally out of ideas. About the only possibility I can see is very short-term trading on the back of breakouts, but this involves winning peanuts and risking your crown jewels. The only reasonable chance I have seems to be to take long-term positions. And in that case, it might just be better to buy shares, to avoid being 'stopped out' and getting your money stolen.
  7. UP!!! DOWN!!! I'm just going to shake mine all around
  8. Who saw this coming, and did the right thing by buying on Wednesday (or Thursday morning) and holding till this very self-same hour?!!! And - is it going up or down from here? (or is it just going to 'shake it all around' )
  9. This stock is is uncharted territory. AFAICT the next 'resistance' point is way, way down at a level established many years ago. Surely it won't fall that far.
  10. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee! Lots of money lost today. Day trading is so much fun
  11. Wrong again, jackass! I am an expert at losing trades
  12. No luck Silver back on the rise. Tough business, this!
  13. I got stopped out and little wonder. On the four hour chart it looks totally different. A big fat hammer.
  14. Seems like nothing can stop JD Sports right now. I've gone long on a March 2020 future and drawn up a Fibonacci extension. The most optimistic broker PT is about £8 I believe, but I hope it will go further.
  15. I've got my foreskin in the game, don't disappoint!
  16. It looks grand, my bonny bairns.
  17. I think you are right. It caught my interest initially because I thought it had reached a bottom and 'the only way was up'.
  18. Is the moment of truth nigh? - are we about to witness a big dump?
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