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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. They're not providing us with a platform that enables us to make money. Spread betting is 'uniquely British', to put it euphemistically.
  2. https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-usa-stocks/wall-street-set-to-open-lower-as-china-data-adds-to-recession-fears-idUKKCN1VV1CR Up/down/up/down/up/down ... yesterday recession fears were off, now they're back ... people love to try and make order out of chaos, but TA is just as much BS as the jobsworth editors at Reuters.
  3. @nit2wynit lol good idea, posting charts in real time predictively is more informative than posting charts when price patterns have already completed. What's the news with Dell?
  4. Does this not look like a downtrend to you? Where is the evidence from a chart perspective that it's about to leap higher?
  5. It's finally broken 660 and this is significant (although I say this with zero confidence, how ironic), time to 'Golang'.
  6. I'm going to have to limit my punting to the Demo then, even although the Demo is unrepresentative of how it really works.
  7. @nit2wynit Here I am back again, like a masochist paying a lady to whip him and abuse him. It's unfathomable. @Caseynotes I would gladly restrict myself to one method if I could find a method that actually works. I'm totally overloaded with information - and I still have stacks of books and dozens of websites and videos to watch - so I can't 'pick' a method any more than I can pick a market to bet on.
  8. I can live with the money I've wasted on trying to learn how to interpret tea leafs (technical analysis) but I'll never get back almost an entire year of my life ... what a fking waste of time and energy.
  9. It's all just a big fking con. Time to give up. Will put what's left of my spare cash away in 2% savings accounts.
  10. Well, good luck. There is never any way to 'know' which way price is going, unless you happen to be one of the insiders who have enough clout and connections to cause the market to move the way you want it to. I am now starting to realize that all TA is utter garbage - basically the same as astrology or predicting people's destinies by studying the palms of their hands. Price action 'might as well' be totally random. It's completely unpredictable, hence 74% of idiots who bet on it get put over a barrel time and time again.
  11. Having another disastrous trading day ... why do I do this to myself?
  12. I think it's more likely EUR/USD will drop back 10340
  13. Boo! Consolidations are boring
  14. Well, that's settled then: “Now is the time to plan for the next recession – because the one thing we know for certain is that it will happen,” James Smith, Research Director at the Resolution Foundation, said. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-economy-recession/act-now-to-get-ready-for-recession-think-tank-urges-britain-idUKKCN1VT0VC
  15. That's the question All I want to know is, has it got further to fall? 😺
  16. Is there another opportunity to get in long before it shoots up higher?
  17. When I can ... (Can't use it at work, just the Web platform.) I mean it's not ideal. I would rather just have a good fast Web platform. IG's is good but not fast lol.
  18. @nit2wynit Did you try out ProRealtime? It is sooo much faster than IG's web platform.
  19. I'm sure you've already posted this but it's pretty hard to beat for basic free content. https://www.investopedia.com/technical-analysis-4689657
  20. A lower high or just sideways action, my bonnie bairns? 🤔 I had my stop set just above the most recent high, but I panicked at the prospect of it going even higher and covered my short at a big loss.
  21. @nit2wynit There are tools and programs that claim to help scan the market and find opportunities, but they cost money. I don't like paying for something unless I have a good idea of how effective it is first. I'd hate to invest real time, money and effort into something only to realize that I am no better off than if I'd tossed a coin or used some simple method.
  22. Aaaaaaand ... back down we go. Gold shooting baaaack up again. Manic depression baby!
  23. Haha, just hate that filthy chop 🙈
  24. Is it heading back down to that low point?
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