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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Ironically, this is one of the FTSE 100 companies whose profits will suffer when Brexit is resolved and the GBP appreciates enormously. So I'm 'gambling that the permanently higher gold prices will outweigh this effect.
  2. That pickup of volume with the ascending green candlesticks suggested Boeing was on the verge of breaking out and going back into an upturn but it bounced off a trend line. A little pause for breath. If they get approval to put their 737s back into service I would be going long on Boeing, Cohen.
  3. 'Knowing' what they are doing gives us the ability to 'hide' behind them. S/R become more significant the longer the period of time they have been in place, and also the volume that has built up around them ... I don't know how to pick the 'right' S/R so I just use Fibonacci ratios which usually seem to be a good approximation.
  4. Greggs is still falling. A free moneymaking machine ... make the most of it. I sound like one of those 'get your PPI claim in before it's too late' advertisements ...
  5. How does one pick the 'right' support and resistance levels? I think that simple advice would be worth a thousand articles.
  6. I take it IG has this but its use its restricted from the bottom feeding retail clients.
  7. 😱😁 If only the odds were as good as 50/50! Yes, putting your stops just above resistance or just below support are the way to do it.
  8. Tight stops mean quick and frequent losses. Looser stops mean it takes longer for the pain to build up. Either way it's painful. But with looser stops you are like the frog that slowly gets boiled alive without realizing it.
  9. This is just a farce now ... Struggling to see the point in trading any more.
  10. Better still, don't trade the indices at all.
  11. Oops, got screwed again. Maybe with this kind of volatility it's better not to trade. The time to get short was around end of July/beginning August, when the MAs went down. Since then it's just been painful and pointless. Will wait for the MAs to trend back up again.
  12. Recession or not, the indices look like they are having a downturn to me ... the only question is whether you try to hop on or wait till they reach the bottom and rise back up with them.
  13. lol yes it is. Even more depressing when you get caught up in it.
  14. President ****-for-brains is out of control and needs to be impeached ...
  15. I have a kind of toxic feeling in my head ... I think this might be addictive. Losing large sums of money, with no hope of making it back, but keeping on doing it ... Maybe it's wrong.
  16. I hope it gives up all of its gains and then some. Shouldn't be trading it though. Too many grubby hands all over it.
  17. Looks very promising. Has bounced off that Fibonacci level with a nice hammer. So I went long on the March 2020 future. 🤓
  18. Yes, I could be doing with a little goblin to sit on my shoulder and prod me before I place a trade and ask 'Do you really mean to do that?'
  19. It's a Debbie Downer, my wee bairns
  20. OUCH. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/boeing-wins-999m-air-force-125212886.html I hate this stock 😠
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