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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Are you feeling windy, Samantha?
  2. People who can't program will have to have good social skills (be good at taking other people's sh!t) People, like me, who don't program and aren't people persons are screwed
  3. Holy smokes, the S&P 500 is back above 3300. I sold a September 3300 call option a while ago thinking there was no chance of it making money. Crikes! Just goes to show you should hold on to your options till the bitter end.
  4. It's great, introduced me to how you can backtest without having to program. Maybe we should all learn to program? People who can't program have no place in tomorrow's economy 😢
  5. 300,000 people are working but not getting paid - WTF? I wonder if millions of people will be expected to 'work for free' to get 'job experience' - 21st century slave labour. Where's me noose? https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-britain-economy/uk-job-losses-hit-decade-high-worse-seen-ahead-idUSKCN2570QL
  6. Some good ones at barchart.com and TradingView.com and you can also use PRT for this purpose. It has some in-built screeners and you can create your own.
  7. It's about to break down, chuck 😘
  8. Well aren't you a fancy-pants with your C# and your Restful API and your Linux servers in the cloud. Ever considered a career in IT?
  9. Wrap your chops around that big beezer 😘
  10. What if the vaccine makes me even more autistic than the one I got in high school 😢
  11. It's within the bounds of probability but you would not expect to see it often. You might occasionally get 10 winners in a row too
  12. If you're saying that every trader has a 50% chance of winning every trade they put on, they it's total garbage. If that were true, all of us could make money by having a risk-to-reward ratio of 2:1 and only betting 1% of our total account on each trade and we'd all make money, even if we lost 10 trades in a row. And that would be without the use of any technical analysis. It's total BS. A winning strategy can have a less than 50% win rate!
  13. lol, who really believes that? There's a 50/50 chance the price goes up or down the exact moment after you place it, perhaps ...
  14. There goes Wall Street, canny loons 🤓 (The Nasdaq has cacked its britches)
  15. Here's oil about to thrust higher Josephine 🤓
  16. LOL at the banning of background music. Some people just can't help themselves but get up and dance when they hear a good tune!
  17. FTSE 100 hammers the brakes, comes screeching to a halt and does a massive 180 turn before zooming off in the direction it came from! (Phew, I wonder if it left skidmarks ...)
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