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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. A turn at the eleventh hour, Peregrin Took
  2. 72% of IG clients long. J3sus F*king Christ
  3. The CAC has 'cacked', canny loon.
  4. The FTSE 100 is fair game though toots 😘
  5. Nasdaq's made a turn for the worse I am not going short on any of the U.S. indices or the Dax because they are still above the 200 EMAs on daily and four hour timeframes.
  6. Cheese please, Louise! The U.S. dollar begins its next leg down
  7. Looks positive so far, Tom Bombadil
  8. Is this the start of a dramatic turnaround, Peregrin Took?
  9. The U.S. dollar has filled its pants with poo, now it is smearing it all over its face and on the walls!!!
  10. The web platform is sh!te but don't worry, the new financial officer woman is going to spend £10 million quid on it!
  11. Nasdaq bubble has well and truly popped
  12. Nope. DAX is still sh!tting the bed.
  13. They don't read this forum, you need to phone them I'm afraid.
  14. Neither do I, I guess. Buy the dips 😕
  15. There's a good chance this is 'it', the big fall that the professional investors have been calling for ('the most hated rally ever', i.e. the rally that retail investors made money on) Wall Street sh!ts a brick
  16. Sinking like a f*king stone, along with Wall Street and Dax
  17. 69% short - what is wrong with you dumb@rses?
  18. The indices are filling up their dirty diapers, and yet the U.S. dollar continues to decline. Hmm!
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