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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. S&P 500 is sweet as a tangerine, Irene 😘
  2. I doubt the FCA will give it the time of day, personally. The brokers are free to swindle and cheat
  3. It's slipping away Who pooped their pants this time?
  4. Come on now sweetheart, come to papa 😘
  5. Yeah, 'technical glitches' that cost clients money should absolutely go to a higher authority, especially when IG's technical 'support' is inaccessible or incompetent or simply can't be bothered. Otherwise these c*nts will get away with a shoddy system, see?
  6. If anyone is looking for an expensive TA book, you might want to search www.pdfdrive.com although I recommend you be careful, use a secure browser and OS
  7. I'm looking for a bullish candle breaking up through the pivot and the MACD crossing before I buy, will it come tonight Cassandra?
  8. Are we turning a corner? Today has been a f*king horrible long slog
  9. Yeah, screwing someone out of $1600 is clearly just a wee technical glitch and no big deal.
  10. Sounds like a typical dysfunctional UK financial service industry firm. No worries, everything will be better once we leave the EU and get told what to do by Donald T^rd
  11. Yeah. The answer is basically, they don't tell you. It'll just have to be a nice wee surprise for you.
  12. Nope lol it's here https://www.ig.com/uk/help-and-support/spread-betting-and-cfds/fees-and-charges/what-are-igs-indices-spread-bet-product-details Clear as f*king mud
  13. Long and hard for Nasdaq toots 😘
  14. https://www.ig.com/uk/trading-subscriptions/trade-of-the-week
  15. https://www.ig.com/uk/help-and-support/spread-betting-and-cfds/fees-and-charges/what-are-ig-s-interest-rates-spread-bet-product-details
  16. Get in there nice and long and sweet and juicy Annabel 😘
  17. Oil sh!ts the bed! Funny old game!
  18. dmedin


    Read IG's most recent earnings report. Boasting about signing up thousands of new leveraged clients. No sign of boasting about sh!t-awful customer support as a consequence of getting totally overloaded though. Strange that.
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