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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. I have positions that have been open for a few days, and even although the markets are now open I cannot move stops or limits. When I try to do so, I get a 'confirmed' message only to then see the limit and stop 'snap back' to their original positions (where they were set when the deal was made). What are IG's 'rules' on whether you are 'allowed' to move stops and limits? I've never seen this adequately explained. Pretty f*king useless if you ask me
  2. And yet people flock to London from all over the world. Even from places like southern Europe. Things have got to be pretty bad when your kids want to leave sun-drenched countries with gorgeous diets to come and work low-paid jobs in a stinkhole like London. Hopefully the EU can sort out things like 25%+ youth unemployment. Why do they need millions of Syrians and Africans to work low-paid jobs if they already have millions of kids milling about doing nothing? I dunno. The more I think about the world's problems the less I understand. I just want to go away and hide.
  3. SB/CFD on shares is uniquely unsuited to this because of the massive spreads. I think the Americans accomplish it by actually buying and selling on leverage (or with options), but of course then they run the risk of getting it wrong and owing their broker thousands/tens of thousands on a bad trade.
  4. Well, only thing I can suggest is try skimming the indices or FX instead.
  5. I'm not sure how or why, if you've already been profitable 1700 out of 1900 times. A lot of TA education is cherry picking and showing you the awesome power of hindsight and isn't useful at all for trying to trade. I imagine it's good money though, as you have lots of desperate and gullible people paying you money to receive 'training'.
  6. Can we get a visual backtesting tool that lets us add long/short positions to our charts please. Like Barchart and TradingView have. Thanks. 😘
  7. There's nothing wrong with asking. The world is full of cruelty and suffering, and sometimes all we can do is admit that we need help. Beware of two things though. People selling you stuff and people who 'fade' your trades to make money off you.
  8. Is your 'Al Brooks' good? And if so, why's he spending his time teaching and not trading on the five minute charts?
  9. Well good luck with that, five minute charts are no use to me.
  10. How about practicing Elliot Wave?
  11. It seems like IG would rather pay boring old geezers to come on their podcasts and drone on for hours than add features to their online platform. Maybe it's a case of the execs getting gigs for their mates? A bit of an old Tory network going on.
  12. OTOH we seem to be loading up on the Euros.
  13. dmedin


    Still waiting for a buy signal, not quite there yet.
  14. Ve are net short on ze U.S. dollar.
  15. Been asked before and the response from IT was 'CBA' and 'IDGAF'
  16. The DAX finished the week on a positive note and the DJIA did not. So, f*k that sh!t.
  17. I agree, trading the news isn't technical analysis anyway. All the 'old time' tehcnical analysts never 'traded the news', Magee famously never even read the financial newspapers. You're either looking for trends or changes in trends. Another thing that doesn't seem to matter is volume. Yet you read old-time technical analysts banging on about it all the time. Stan Weinstein wrote a book on how to profit from trading stocks in the 80s, and guess what, nowadays he makes his money from hawking a newsletter to financial institutions. He'll probably retire a wage slave just like the rest of us That famous candlestick guy - Nison - makes his cash from seminars and talks and selling training courses. This is a recurring theme
  18. Hmm. They call this having an 'edge'. That minds me, where was @Caseynotes yesterday? Hope he's okay! He did say he was having a family barbecue / get together.
  19. Still no sign of $36 oil - no long for the Goldman.
  20. Well. Both of them transitioned to sideways movement rather than sliding all the way back down again, which is good I guess. Although it could just mean they go sideways for months from here.
  21. dmedin


    Gibson is a bit of a posh-sounding geezer, I'd rather look at the chart.
  22. Silver sh!ts the f&cking bed big time
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