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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. I think they use 14 period K and 5 Period D - I have no idea why they use 5 periods for D.
  2. Bad discipline and sloppiness on my part, I quit that trade before my stop loss was hit. What a tw@t.
  3. Oh Eileen, O Desdemona! The dollar is making a bouncy bouncy after all. But it's still heading down
  4. Oh dear, the EMI filled up its diaper with smelly poo poo.
  5. Yep, Wall Street hasn't come close to beating its June 9/10 high and probably won't for months to come.
  6. Today's daily dashboard: copper, silver and gold sh!t the bed; indices and oil going nowhere; Euro up and dollar down.
  7. dmedin


    Ah, it's a miserable, rainy day in mid-summer and copper sh!ts the bed. Just beautiful.
  8. Indices now sh!tting the bed once again.
  9. Not much doing overnight. 😫
  10. Hmmm. Not the most encouraging sign 😲
  11. 66% long overall, but 69% long in the last hour That's just so funny but also tragic lol!
  12. Right click and edit the Fib and you can change the values but you can't add any more lines. Which is a pain.
  13. Hold the doors Samantha, is this the start of an immediate reversal? 🤔
  14. Sounds like in the U.S. they are much more aggressive and up front about the fact that 'little people' shouldn't 'play' with the markets. I think your big financial advisers and such want people to pay them to manage all their finances for them. Big money corruption all over the place.
  15. Well that really sucks. But it's perfectly legal to gamble on the sports? Wow... I guess you're forced to work with options? Which are really complex and a pain in the @ss.
  16. How gracious of your lordship ...
  17. Is it illegal for you to open an account based in the UK?
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