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Guest DanC

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Not too much stuff has been posted on the forum re; binary options and sprints. Many people stay away from them because there seems no way you can develop an ‘edge’. If it is a simple 50/50 gamble then you would need a payout of 100% over stake just to stand still but with a max of 70 to 80% payout for a win then you could never make money over the long term.

I know the internet is crowded with supposed profitable ‘systems’ but the comments section of each usually tell of loses for those who copy, not profits.


This short video pretty well sums up what many have discovered;


Be interested to hear if anyone has had a different experience.

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GBP/USD is very tricky. All driven by politics and what someone may say any day.

Better get into USD/JPY -surely headed for 120

Anyway stay long the USD and try to avoid Sterling as it very unpredictable



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Hi - I am DOCJC

Been doing this for about 15 years

There are no strategies that can be applied to spread betting

Technical analysis is all gobbledygook - have you noticed they've all gone missing lately.

No - spread betting is all about instinct, good judgment and knowing when to cut your losses.

Don't chase losing trades and always have a target points or pounds and quit when you get there.

Concentrate on one thing like an index and if you trade an index realise that every other index is led by the Dow Jones.

And if you deal in a currency always keep an eye on the dollar index.

When I trade FX I have the graph of the dollar index displayed on another computer


Good luck guys - spread betting is only for the brave



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Hi, I'm Anuran, long time account holder first time community but have not been trading for some time due to my art and travelling. Main focus (small fry) high risk short term forex, focus audusd, gbpjpy. I am back seriously charting looking to start trading mid January. I think there is too much excitement to be had with Donald Trump at the wheel. Technical may well be way to go as fundamentals go out the window short term. Noël, HPY.

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Hi Dan

My name is Roj I trade CFDs mainly on FTSE contracts and FTSE100 shares. Started really well 2 years ago then suffered some big losses. Since then coming back well with more caution and sense. Make about £2k per month now and would love to get members experiences on trading the FTSE.....

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Good advice, I trade FTSE contracts started with maxi contracts but it gets too expensive too quickly. Trade 3 minis a time now, maybe having 2 lots of 3 running a time, slower but safer. Any advice on stops would be very welcome!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest pambaram

Hi Dan,


My name is Paresh, I am a new member of the forum but have been a client of IG for some time. I trade in Forex having started in shares spreading betting but now fully trade in FOREX.  

I would like to get in touch with FOREX traders on this platform and share ideas together.

I trade on the daily charts with support and resistance lines together with the 14 day EMA indicators. I would like to learn other methods like Elliot Waves, Fibonacci retracements etc.





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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi my name is Mary and I have recently retired.   I would like to start trading and I need to know exactly how one does this.  Have had shares purchased through on-line broking firms and really I have not made much money on trading my shares as I am not disciplined.  I understand a lot of discipline is required to trade successfully.  I would like to trade shares using CFD's and I would also like to trade currency.   To date I have just traded shares using cash and on an on/off basis.  I would now like to trade on a daily basis and I now have the time to do so.


Can someone please give me an idea of how I can educate myself and learn how to trade CFD's and currency.   I would also welcome suggested capital to be invested seeing I am new and inexperienced.   I do subscribe to some brilliant reports which cost me a lot of money.  I am hoping these reports will prove to be worthwhile. 




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Hi .  I would recommend starting off going through the lessons at Babypips.com/school.

Though it is US based most of the lessons are also relevant to UK. Also check out the IG education section.

Learning to chart read and making a trading plan is essential, the lessons will show you how, then trial it on a demo account before going live. Good luck.

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Guest tradermonty

Hi all I'm David from Oxfordshire I try to day trade the Dax and Nasdaq (some times badly) 

I have just bought into a subscription base alert service ...

and that means I want to learn about trading ETF's  / but not baskets as in oil or energy 

just single stocks such as "MO"

I want to be able to open a ETF account without spending $10,000

I want to be able to open a trade set a stoploss and possibly have that trade open for months at a time


I can find ZERO USEFUL information that makes any real sense?? ...


I need an account that allows you, from your country of residence/ U/K ... to buy and short sell US stocks, specifically ETF's. 

I need a broker that I can trade with  ALL US stocks (NYSE and NASDAQ stock exchanges) with.


IG seem to say they fit the bill - but info in very short supply!! ... 


I keep getting directed to share dealing!! ...


"Anyone any usefull info please?? ... 


These days, brokers don’t require much as a minimum deposit to trade with, but check that too. Many UK brokers let you trade with as little as a hundred pounds.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Patrick

Hi I am new here and want to share my experience  as a programmer. In fact i picked up computer programming in 1980s and it was a difficult one to do, i did learned alot with low level programming. . Now we have lot of helps in C-programming which we use it to generate Mt4 programs. Recently i have some success in Back  testing in Mt4 on 30 min or 1 hour time period. But not with 5 or 15 minute. Thus i hope to seek some assistance  from you or we can form a team to generate useful program that work well in all time frame, I hope we can achieve success with team dynamic.  In fact i think we need to develop good filter to yield good result, Similarly to RLC filter . Also we may need to use tick chart if we want to develop better program. If  any one have better ideas or want to achieve better via team work please send email to me. My email is low.patrick168@gmail.com /..

see you soon. 

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The IG Academy App is very good for anyone new to trading and investing. Practice on the demo account and see where you go right and where you go wrong. For me, reviewing your trades is essential to success. think about why you entered and exited the market at that particular time. And what would have happened if you had let the trade run longer. I did that and found that I was entering the market too soon and didn't wait long enough for a chart indicator to fully form and confirm the trend.

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Guest Patrick

Hi Presh, i was in share biz some 17 years suffer hugh losses but luck is with me that i make back all my losses in one trade i.e, i put all eggs in one nasket , i bought all Natstell share and after  holding for 2-3 years there were two buyer fought to take over the share rose quickly and i sold all to make some moeny after make up the big loss i suffered earlier, The luck and strategies does play a part in our trading, Toiday we can use computer to derive strategies to take emotion out but we still have to have some element of luck.  I think to do better we need to have more that one indication. At least we need to have leading indicators, lagging indication and confirmation indicator to make a better decision, Thus if we make to  reduce the amount to effort to put these into tests we can form a target team to work on different aspect and put the together to get the max returns...

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Guest Patrick

i am not too new in programming but not very high risk taker. Thus i hope to form a team to take the max from the market, If u r keen, can write to low.patrick168@gmail.com

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys

I am new to IG community, I have been trading CFD and index with IG for almost 2 years and my performance is still terrible. Few months ago I started studying books and watching youtube videos about trading. Mostly I paper trade and I do demo, there is an improvement on CFD but on index I still struggle a bit. How long did it take for you guys to get it right? 

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Guest Rotary8

Hi everyone,

                   my first time on the IG community page, been trading now 7 years Stocks and FX mostly, doing really well since I got proper training and a lot of study. I live and breath the markets, its the best job ever, I work hard and play hard.   

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Guest Rotary8

Hi Dan,

            I trade mostly eur/gbp because I find it pretty easy to trade most of the time and the timezone suits too, started off trading stocks so when nothing is happening in FX I usually take a peek at US stocks, I like to trade stocks that have declined more than 10% at the open, I have a watch list and do research on company value to get an idea of what's a good deal. I want to start a fund someday and retire early. 

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