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[LOCKED] New around here?

Guest DanC

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Guest citizenB

Hello Dan


Thanks for the welcome. Second day on the spreadbetting platform trying to counter the uk shares fall by shorting the FTSE. Maybe I can gain some knowledge within this community.


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Guest TheJukebox

Hi all, I've just joined the Community so thought I'd say hi.  Mostly interested in day trading FOREX. Hope you're all well.

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Gday. New as you are aware. I thank u guys for providing a platform online that is not only appealing in its professionalism, but also approach to shared benefits within a community and your organization as a whole.

I had a rough start i guess. Learning.. and much much to learn.

Think i stick within my knowledge limits here on in.


Anyway. Thanks and best to all.



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Guest Purbeck-Fossil

Hi, This is my second attempt at Spread Betting - Very frustrated when all my due diligence on Attempt 1 tended to move against me.


I have read all the books and am looking to generate regular small profits to spend on my other interests.


I am developing my strategy on the demo account and am veering towards FTSE Sectors unless an individual share or Index stands out. Please to say I am 2% up in a month for real whereas the demo account is +60% (but that's not real money, is it?)


I am now retired and live in Dorset (but my user name gives that away)

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Guest DanC

Welcome  & , it's good to have you on-board!


, you may want to take a look out our daily Morning Call posts, which highlight the latest news in the markets, and could point to some potential trading opportunities. Our analyst, Angus, has also just posted up an interesting summary of the winners and losers post Brexit. May be some food for thought in there?



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Hi  and welcome


Best thing to do is tell people how you like to trade and then engage with people who do something similar.  Only engaging with your ideas and thoughts drives the right kind of discussion, alas there are too many passive people out there.


Check out past and current topics and ask questions of the people who made posts you are interested in and don't forget to give your views too.

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PS  my top tip is don't seek tips for trades.  If you are not doing your own analysis and following your own strict methodology for entering and exiting trades and associated risk management methodology you are not trading properly.  By all means discuss things with like minded (and alternative) people but in the end the only way to trade successfully is to follow yourself and not take tips, that is just gambling.

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Guest josh1

hi, Rich & all here

i am also like your are trading in similar on spread betting ftse currency etc. any tips on trading since your doing this for 5 years now. I just joined I G index. it would be greatly appreciated on any one here can help as i am new so would want to learn from comrades here. 

best of luck to all


best regards


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Guest josh1

Hi, Dan thank you for your effort , i will have a look at morning post, good news today when bank of england announced ews ftse went up so i bought it and mad 400.00 on my first day, i hope every day is like this for us all on here, was reading everywhere so i stuck to ftse100 250 , was good, day

Thanks again Dan

best regards


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Guest josh1

Hi, Mercury


Thanks for you, i am on spread betting day, but would like to learn long/short. been reading a lot on the net, but lot to learn, i bet ftse 100 , 250 today on my first day, was good day at the end, but got a bit nervous as there so much going on, in spread betting. 


Thanks again

best regards


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Guest josh1

Hi, Mercury

your absolutely right there, i want to avoid gambling on here,where is best place for the news on markets, i do research form hl website, and go on the market data to get confidence before placing bet.

Thanks again

best regards


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Guest mysticriver

hi danc any idea when we are likely to return to pre breexit trading margins.  or are the margin increases permanent

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Hi everyone,


I had a very tough start, lost 20K thanks to Brexit ... I don't know how I can recover my loss. Even if manage to recover in a year, I have a doubt that they will let me to withdraw my money. I have seen some bad experience about withdrawals on the net. Is anyone had a problem about that ?

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Hi , thanks for the post and welcome!


We have already reduced a number of our margin requirements following the referendum results, and whilst we do plan to reduce them further, we cannot give a definite date or rate just yet.  Given the surprise result, we just want to assess the market reaction a little more and preempt any further volatility before lowering our requirements again.


Hope this makes sense, but if you have any questions or comments do just let us know!





Have a question? Try searching the community to see if it has already been answered.
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Hi , thanks for posting!


Sorry to hear about your bad experience with the markets so far, Brexit did indeed send shockwaves through the market.


With regards to the withdrawal process, there should be no issue in returning your funds, but as we are regulated we will need to complete a verification process first.  This simply involves you sending us a statement to verify the source of your funds, so we are sure they have come from an account in your name.


We would be happy to go through the process in more detail with you, and answer any further questions you may have - please just let us know!




Have a question? Try searching the community to see if it has already been answered.
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I sent total 30K with my debit card without any checks. You do not ask any questions when you take money, but why you asking evidences when we want to withdraw to same card or bank account on my name ?

Lets say if want to withdraw 100K to my bank account, would you do it or you will find some excuses hidden in the footprints ?

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Hello All,


I am a new investor from Thailand. I would llike to communicate with investors from Thailand. Please introduce someone to me.



Thank you,


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Guest bigtrade

Hi there I have been on the IG platform for a while. I have just noticed the community so thought I would introduce myself.

Call me H. I am interested in trading the Hong Kong HS50 during the day from opening in real time, with CFD's. Is anyone else doing this successfully?

I'm also wanting to trade Gold ,Silver short term movements.  I am in Australasia.

Happy to communicate and learn from those trading successfully already.



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Guest opencio

I would love to join the novice train on the way to better success too. Fairly new trader and will appreciate any help given

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Guest ALEX55



getting my way round things - wondered if you might recommend a good currency trading course i could do in australia?



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Hi   You don't mention if you have any experience. If you are an absolute beginner you should go to the babypips.com school course (free) then check out the IG education section tab in the IG home page, or go straight to the IG page if you are confident. If you have experience and are looking for a payment course to enroll I would say forget it and do lots of work on a demo account instead testing known strategies to find one that best suits you.


Good luck.

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Agree  but the hard part is finding the strategies to test.  I found mine through various books and forums.  A few authors worth looking at for me included:

  • Trading for a living, Dr Alexander Elder (of the Elder Ray indicator fame)
  • Robert (Bob) Prechter, of Elliot Wave fame (check out also Elliot Wave International website)
  • John Burford (check out also tramlinetraders.com)

These are all for medium to long term trading and swing trading rather than Day Trading, I can't offer any advice about that.


Also check out the podcast that  posted of an interview with a successful trader named Anthony Crudele, some tips and a tale every beginner should be aware of.  (can't remember which thread the post is on).   also frequently posts YouTube clips from a group called http://www.tradeciety.com/ and I believe they may have a free trading academy but not sure.


There are also plenty of tips to be found in historic threads here where various people have discussed their trading styles and offered hard earned pearls of wisdom.


To start you off here are a few of mine:

  • Find a methodology and practice it on a demo account for a long time before live trading
  • Remember that live trading is different to demo because of the psychological effect, you need to understand how your psychology impacts trading and account for it.  I am talking about gambling vs trading, discipline, panic, bias etc etc.
  • You will lose often, get used to losing and learn how to do it well (get out of losers quickly)
  • Only bet what you can afford and never be exposed to more that a 3% loss on your entire pot.  Risk management is the key, find a good risk management strategy
  • If things are going wrong don't jump back in on a Don Quixote tilt at wining back your losses, take a few days break and then come back fresh
  • Above all don't blindly follow advice and tips, find a trading and analytical method that works for you and apply it with discipline so you can test when it gos right or wrong.
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Guest KasperElsborg

Hi Dan.


My name is Kasper and I'm from Denmark. I have recently become a trader with IG, so I'm looking for the community to join for both guidance on PRT as I advance in the platform, and of cause good trading and strategy tips.




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Hi I'm Neil from near Bristol and have recently started trading with ig. I've been having fair success through the 5 mins binarys. Any hints or tips to trading with them ie best time to trade etc, any help would be great thanks in advance!

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Guest atanda

Hi DanC


My name is Atanda, I have joined in the past few weeks and I am new to trading, I have financial knowledge, but no experience trading. I will particularly be using IG spread, and my interest is in shares within the ASX companies.

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Guest learner

Hi Dan

Good day. Thanks for the welcome. I am an absolute learner. So cant yet, contribute in terms of trading strategies. Looking to learn from other more experienced traders.  Hoping to enjoy this journey.

Dan , I do have a few questions , not directly related to trading, but, such as linking a bank account to my Ig account and similar issues. What would be a good place to ask them? Your help would be appreciated.

Thanks and Regards

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Hi , ,  and ,


Welcome to the IG Community, it's good to have you on board!


, feel free to post your questions in the most relevant board under the Using IG Platforms and Charts category, and one of the moderators or another community member will be on hand to help!




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