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Take a bite out of Apple . Hit $101.80 on Thursday night late trading.....Friday morning opened AT $ 95. 80    101.80 was a key Fib extension objective. taking the Dec/Jan lows as an ABC  .  looking at Apple long term.......It is definitley in wave 5 off the start of the up trend from $12 in 2000.....yes folks its a an Elliot wave super cycle.....It is also supremely over bought .....and NOBODY but Nobody dares sell it.....

Apple Inc (All Sessions)_20200102_11.46 (1).png

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12 minutes ago, dmedin said:

Johnson & Johnson fully recovered from its scandals already and Boeing is poised to jump back up, there is no stopping the U.S. large caps and people who try to short-sell them are taking on excessive risk.  Just buy the dips!

This bull market started in 2008. It is getting old and jaded and complacent.  The belief is that the Fed will pump money in whatever !!  It is also based on the American consumer putting all its money into the stock market. Savings rates across the world a very low, debt is rising particularly in China.  Government National debts are also all rising and without substantial growth these things will undermine asset growth. Short term there may be bounces from various shares. Fair enough....but the big picture is that this market will top....soon.   I think sp 500 has one more leg to the top ....short term.....But Middle 2020 the market will take stock and retreat.....My approximation is that SP 500 will average around 2750 in 2020.    

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1 minute ago, Caseynotes said:

no need to guess, the chart will be obvious because 'buy the dip' will have stopped working, but looking at that chart above it would have done you proud up til now and still hasn't actually failed as yet.

It needs to close below $ 93, if not it ll leg up to $ 306 , which i thibk is the full Fib objective.  

Tops happen in 2 ways......Sharp spikes or heavy 'chop' ...i think given the strngth of the up move i think it ll 'chop'....probably up to $306 but basing around $288/90  ...Then moving sharply lower....probably after its results in early feb. 😂

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17 hours ago, cheviot said:

It needs to close below $ 93, if not it ll leg up to $ 306 , which i thibk is the full Fib objective.  

Tops happen in 2 ways......Sharp spikes or heavy 'chop' ...i think given the strngth of the up move i think it ll 'chop'....probably up to $306 but basing around $288/90  ...Then moving sharply lower....probably after its results in early feb. 😂


Apple, below $93?  I think you will be waiting a loooooong time for that. :D 

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21 hours ago, cheviot said:

It needs to close below $ 93, if not it ll leg up to $ 306 , which i thibk is the full Fib objective.  

Tops happen in 2 ways......Sharp spikes or heavy 'chop' ...i think given the strngth of the up move i think it ll 'chop'....probably up to $306 but basing around $288/90  ...Then moving sharply lower....probably after its results in early feb. 😂

Unlikely given the lines round the block to buy the iPhone 11/pro in Singapore which I saw and the issues at Huawei. This cycle has done very well indeed for Apple. 

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3 minutes ago, CoyFox19 said:

Unlikely given the lines round the block to buy the iPhone 11/pro in Singapore which I saw and the issues at Huawei. This cycle has done very well indeed for Apple. 

Apple is priced to perfection....Lines of buyers 'around the block' is in the price....RSI and price action has the market full to the gills with Apple.....and the comments I m getting here ...means you are all long too.....So who buys when you want to exit ????  Sell high , buy low ..... 

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2 hours ago, dmedin said:

Short U.S. equities at your peril.  Big institutional investors have trillions at their disposal and can make the market move any way they wish.

Interesting perspective.  That means permanent bull markets...?  So why bother picking stocks or using someone else to do it for you ?  Granny could just choose any stock and sit there waiting for stock inflation to make the market rally. 

Real issue goes back to QE saving the banks in 2008.  Markets are awash with cheap money looking for a home.....Instead of institutions lending to companies to re invigorate the economies of the world , those institutions put that money into sureing up their own balance sheets and then buying equities , bonds and precious metals.  

In actuality the central banks in 2008 only kicked the can down the road.  

The Fed has painted itself into a corner.....wall st demands cheap money ( to keep politicians in power ) .....And yet Wall st says the economy is fine.....If world growth is due to stall ......Then equities are overvalued, and if the economy is going to pick up.....Then rates will shoot up and again...unless Sp 500 yield rises too....The Sp 500 has to fall....The Fed worries about this too....If you read the latest Fed minutes ...there were concerns expressed about creating an asset bubble,..... Much like Greenspan's 'Irrational exuberance'.  


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5 minutes ago, cheviot said:

That means permanent bull markets...?  So why bother picking stocks or using someone else to do it for you ?


I keep banging on about it but it really is true, how many traders beat the S&P 500 ETFs?  Because most active fund managers don't ...

Edited by dmedin
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11 minutes ago, cheviot said:

there were concerns expressed about creating an asset bubble,..... Much like Greenspan's 'Irrational exuberance'.  


But it's like all the Marxists who make wonderfully sophisticated critiques of capitalism, they are good at pointing out all the flaws but what's the alternative?  Every single time the U.S. indices drop they inevitably start rising again at some point, and that's been the case for over 100 years.  What's the alternative?

Edited by dmedin
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1 minute ago, dmedin said:


But it's like all the Marxists who make wonderfully sophisticated critiques of capitalism, they are good at pointing out all the flaws but what's the alternative?  Even single time the U.S. indices drop they inevitably start rising again at some point, and that's been the case for over 100 years.  What's the alternative?

Mmmmm  This is interesting....and it depends on which end of the political sphere you see things...I m not a Marxist...But at the moment societies across the world are out of sync...What I mean by this is that in Western economies we have a total in balance between the have s and the have nots...Socially I doubt that can continue.....But it may stay that way for the rest of my lifetime....I do nt know. ,,,,

As resources get scarcer water, clean air, land, food ...other things like Apple shares will become irrelevant...Apple relies on electricity for example.....to power phones....!    In the UK we are already burning food (animal feed) to create power....Wheat across the world is used to create ethanol, as is corn etc....There will come a point when the world has to choose between eating....or keeping the lights on and (Apple Iphones powered up) !! 

This is nt revolution....I m talking about but evolution....Company shares will become irrelevant .....Other totally precious things will become the only thing that is important to stay alive. 

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4 minutes ago, cheviot said:

Mmmmm  This is interesting....and it depends on which end of the political sphere you see things...I m not a Marxist...But at the moment societies across the world are out of sync...What I mean by this is that in Western economies we have a total in balance between the have s and the have nots...Socially I doubt that can continue.....But it may stay that way for the rest of my lifetime....I do nt know. ,,,,

As resources get scarcer water, clean air, land, food ...other things like Apple shares will become irrelevant...Apple relies on electricity for example.....to power phones....!    In the UK we are already burning food (animal feed) to create power....Wheat across the world is used to create ethanol, as is corn etc....There will come a point when the world has to choose between eating....or keeping the lights on and (Apple Iphones powered up) !! 

This is nt revolution....I m talking about but evolution....Company shares will become irrelevant .....Other totally precious things will become the only thing that is important to stay alive. 

? but the western working class have never been so wealthy in all of history and there is plenty of evidence that world resources are not getting scarcer but are increasing with tech and better management and societies across the world have never been more in sync and are growing ever closer as the poor around the world lifted out of poverty at an ever increasing rate. have you been listening to that awful child puppet Greta? 🤨

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2 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

? but the western working class have never been so wealthy in all of history and there is plenty of evidence that world resources are not getting scarcer but are increasing with tech and better management and societies across the world have never been more in sync and are growing ever closer as the poor around the world lifted out of poverty at an ever increasing rate. have you been listening to that awful child puppet Greta? 🤨

Haha....No i have nt got much time for her tbh....I m glad you think modern tech can cure our need for resources.....I am not so sure,,,,Humans need water, food and shelter (from sun and rain) ....Not sure that Apple fits that.... 

The Chinese know this and have been investing like this for years.....They own the worlds Potash supply , every mine in the world !!  Potash is an essential part of a crop's make up.....They have also been buying the very best arable land across the world.....in the USA, Brazil and in Europe...

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8 minutes ago, cheviot said:


Haha....No i have nt got much time for her tbh....I m glad you think modern tech can cure our need for resources.....I am not so sure,,,,Humans need water, food and shelter (from sun and rain) ....Not sure that Apple fits that.... 

The Chinese know this and have been investing like this for years.....They own the worlds Potash supply , every mine in the world !!  Potash is an essential part of a crop's make up.....They have also been buying the very best arable land across the world.....in the USA, Brazil and in Europe...

"Global greening is happening faster than climate change."

"The lead author on the study, Zaichun Zhu of Beijing University, says this is equivalent to adding a new continent of green vegetation twice the size of the mainland United States."

"Yet this never gets mentioned. In their desperation to keep the fearmongering on track the activists who make a living off the climate change scare do their best to ignore this inconvenient truth."


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Well here we are then twiddling our thumbs.....Apple on full throttle at top of Andrew' s Pitchfork and Fib extension....weekly RSI at record 88 ....  Its a very 'pretty ' chart ...Full of true Elliot Wave brilliance and Fib pull backs....Hats off to Apple ..... The ending could be messy !!!!!!!!  2044039221_AppleInc(AllSessions)_20200109_13_07.png.0a3d1c3a637f1181eb8ba7a514ab1735.png

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