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Covid and the Economy

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Scientists are only starting to grasp the vast array of health problems caused by the novel coronavirus, some of which may have lingering effects on patients and health systems for years to come, according to doctors and infectious disease experts.

“We thought this was only a respiratory virus. Turns out, it goes after the pancreas. It goes after the heart. It goes after the liver, the brain, the kidney and other organs. We didn’t appreciate that in the beginning,” said Dr. Eric Topol, a cardiologist and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla, California.
The virus can also cause neurological complications that range from headache, dizziness and loss of taste or smell to seizures and confusion.




Is there anything that this virus DOESN'T do? :(


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City in Northern England chosen as guinea pig for 'local lockdown' procedure.

Because the Conservatives would never f*k a city in the south East and if they did it to Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon would mobilize her tartan army :D


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Haha, NHS now reporting there have been ZERO flu deaths so far in 2020, everything has been re-branded Covid 19.

A while back in this thread are the charts for year on year 'excess winter deaths' (flu and pneumonia) the 5 year rolling average being 35,000 a year though the year before covid was a bad one with around 50,000. Puts the covid figures into perspective doesn't it. And same as covid deaths, the very unwell over 80s make up most of the deaths every year.

Also new studies continues to come in and reinforces the initial empirical data as has been reproduced in this thread, this time from Stanford University saying the covid 19 fatality rate for the under 45s is 'almost zero'.


Rod Bishop  @rodbishop15

"This is astonishing!!!!! PHE are saying there have been NO flu deaths this year. All registered as Covid. Absolute silence from the #ScumMedia Weve been had.

Replying to @Alpha_57 @js100js100 @gatewaypundit

From UK Govt Public Health today. NO FLU CASES OR DEATHS IN 2020!. Flu has been rebadged as Covid!"




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Worries about the second viral surge are misleading, yes as more people emerge from lockdown and mix and with the massive increase in testing there will be an increase in new cases found but the death rates are not increasing at the same rate, unwell 86 year old males can only die once it seems and that was in the first wave, all the accumulated data shows that the under 45s have an almost zero chance of dying of Covid 19 (see research papers linked in posts above).

Incidentally there is no test for Covid 19, only for covid type viruses which include most other flus as well as the common cold.


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One of the key components of the intergovernmental fear campaign to promote COVID lockdowns – was dubious computer modelling. Initially, these were referred to as “The Science” by ****-sure politicians and public health officials. The press quickly fell in line with this groupthink. Any dissenters were roundly attacked and deplatformed. As their mission crept on, it became clear that these models were ever only masquerading as ‘science’.

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"Stanford University's disease prevention chairman slammed using statewide lockdown measures as a response to the coronavirus, saying they were implemented based on bad data and inaccurate modeling."

“For people younger than 45, the infection fatality rate is almost 0%. For 45 to 70, it is probably about 0.05%-0.3%. For those above 70, it escalates substantially.”



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1 hour ago, Caseynotes said:

"Stanford University's disease prevention chairman slammed using statewide lockdown measures as a response to the coronavirus, saying they were implemented based on bad data and inaccurate modeling."

“For people younger than 45, the infection fatality rate is almost 0%. For 45 to 70, it is probably about 0.05%-0.3%. For those above 70, it escalates substantially.”




So you're a medical expert as well.

Aren't you a clever d!ck?

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"At the outset, we were told the virus was so pernicious that it could, if not confronted, claim half a million lives in the UK alone. Its fatality rate was estimated by the World Health Organisation at 3.4 per cent. Then from various sources, we heard 0.9 per cent, followed by 0.6 per cent. It could yet settle closer to 0.1 per cent — similar to seasonal flu ..."


Dr John Lee

The fatal mistakes which led to lockdown

Modelling is no substitute for quality data and research


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"Revelations of an NHS Whistleblower"

Here lies an anonymous statement from an A&E consultant in a major hospital in Surrey, in relation to the criminal gagging of all levels of NHS staff.

"In my opinion, and that of many of my colleagues, there has been no Covid Pandemic"

"In effect, the hospital has been pretty much empty for that entire period."

" ...  ambulances are driving around, with their emergency alert systems active (sirens & / or lights) with no job to go to."

"The fact is that regardless of what you actually die of in hospital, it is likely that Covid-19 will feature on your death certificate."


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On 26/06/2020 at 11:21, Caseynotes said:

so continuing this real life farce we step from the absolute need for the 2 mt social distancing law (protests are exempt except protests against the social distancing law) to the face mask requirement law, ...

... Govt info on the usefulness of face masks published previously, expect that to change soon.


March;  Deputy Chief Medical officer Jenny Harries says masks are 'not a good idea'



April;  Deputy Chief Medical Officer Jonathan Van Tam says 'We don't recommend face masks'



A few weeks ago;  Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty says 'Don't wear masks'



Today;  'more-mask-measures-coming-in-days'


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1 minute ago, dmedin said:

Oh Eileen, winter this year will be more miserable than ever. :(

Hopefully it will just be old codgers on the way out anyway


the empirical data continues to mount up and reiterates the story as told in this thread from the beginning, covid 19 kills mostly the elderly with pre-existing medical conditions just as the common flu does every year. The rolling 5 year average for such deaths is around 35,000 a year, the year before this covid was a bad one with 50,000 deaths. There are only so many unwell elderly for the flu to kill each year. The risk of someone under the age 45 dying from covid 19 have been shown to be almost zero, of the 40,000 odd to have died from covid 19 this season only around 250 were healthy people under the age of 65, tragic yes but statistically insignificant.

The media and govt has been leading you round in circles by the nose from the start.


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when oh when will Gates finally rollout his 'Chip n Vac'. Govts are just looking stupid now leading people round in circles trying to prevent them gaining herd immunity coz then of course the chip n vac would be superfluous.

With corona virus testing now in full swing lots of new cases found (colds, flu, but no increase in death rates?) now masks are absolutely necessary despite the UK govt and the WHO saying up until just recent that they were useless.

The problem all along was that Gates's vaccine was never going to be ready before Sept at the earliest so we must all remain in purgatory. Of course we will need the chip to go with the vaccine or else how can you be sure who's been vaccinated, ah, got you there. To refuse would just prove you don't care about others you **********.


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Oh for God's sake people, it's not difficult!

If you go into a pizza restaurant to buy a takeaway you are shopping and so therefore you MUST WEAR A MASK, if however you are going in to eat you DO NOT need to wear a mask.

Just common sense really.

SAVE LIVES by wearing a mask, ... and not wearing a mask.

Below is a govt info graphic that explains all.


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March: DEATHS!

April: DEATHS!



July: CASES!

At last we finally have a large supply of testing kits and we're finding loads more cases.

The test will show positive if the person has been exposed to a corona virus and has developed antibodies as a response (most types of flu as well as the common cold are corona).

 The viral contact may have occurred months ago and no longer be active but when you test positive you will be recorded as a NEW CASE.

As such you will be told to go into immediate self-isolation even though symptoms, if you ever had any in the first place, may have disappeared a long time ago. 

Look, just do as you're told and don't forget, we're SAVING LIVES here.

Lockdown ends:
Testing up :)
New cases up :)
Deaths, er, 



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But but but ... MSM told me deaths were way up ??

"So where did that scary 147 number come from? The same place all the other “surging” numbers come from. Each day Arizona and other states file reports on how many people died from COVID-19. It’s not a measure of how many died that day. In most cases, the people died days or even weeks earlier."



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Great news sheep, Mr Bill Gates's 'Chip n Vac' (TM) has started trials in Africa (obviously not India after all that trouble with the Polio vaccine a while back). Once this has been deemed safeish for the rest of us we can look forward to a call from our GP 😃

Unfortunately the actual Corona virus vaccine is not quite ready yet but we can start getting the chips inserted straight away to save time. Best of all the chip will be tagged with your bank account details so any rotten eggs  who don't want to SAVE LIVES and refuse to take the vaccine will have their bank accounts and cards cancelled and it'll serve them right 😠

I'm truly starting to think Mr Gates might well be the 'second coming', just think of all the miracles he's performed healing the sick etc and after deciding to give away all his money to CHARITY his net worth has actually DOUBLED from 50 billion to 100 billion!!!!!!

Now if that's not divine intervention and a real miracle I just don't know what is 🤷‍♀️




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On 25/07/2020 at 06:29, Caseynotes said:

Great news sheep, Mr Bill Gates's 'Chip n Vac' (TM) has started trials in Africa (obviously not India after all that trouble with the Polio vaccine a while back). Once this has been deemed safeish for the rest of us we can look forward to a call from our GP 😃

Unfortunately the actual Corona virus vaccine is not quite ready yet but we can start getting the chips inserted straight away to save time. Best of all the chip will be tagged with your bank account details so any rotten eggs  who don't want to SAVE LIVES and refuse to take the vaccine will have their bank accounts and cards cancelled and it'll serve them right 😠

I'm truly starting to think Mr Gates might well be the 'second coming', just think of all the miracles he's performed healing the sick etc and after deciding to give away all his money to CHARITY his net worth has actually DOUBLED from 50 billion to 100 billion!!!!!!

Now if that's not divine intervention and a real miracle I just don't know what is 🤷‍♀️





This your new thing now instead of trading :D:D:D


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