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Covid and the Economy

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The Govt are going to use the excuse of the Indian variant to keep the farce rolling. 

People dropping death in the street, where have we heard that one before?

NYP, Sky news and the Telegraph ran with this Indian covid horror story, but ....



Meanwhile we're supposed to believe India (1.4 billion people, 17.9% of the world's population) can't cope with 1600 covid deaths a day (bodies piling up in the street) in a country that averages 27,000 deaths a day.


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Quick look at climate change as Boris has promised the UK will be CO2 neutral by 2030.

Coldest April for 60 years, Greta is absolutely fuming, ''how dare it !!!!!''

Merkel has signed off the new gas pipeline. Germany, having spent 80 billion over 10 years on renewables has to now spend 80 billion on a second gas pipeline to Russia to make up the shortfall.

Biden has announced plans for meat eating reductions for Americans which are not going down too well.

UK wind turbines just can't cut it, no storage solution and no hope of the industry getting off govt subsidies.

Western countries decreasing CO2 emissions can't keep pace with Chinas increasing emissions. China committed to start decreasing emissions by 2030 but looking increasingly unlikely.







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On 26/02/2021 at 14:50, Caseynotes said:

Vaccination data is just coincidental*. *Correlation does not equal causation.''

I've posted before on the 'coincidental' spike in covid cases immediately after covid vax rollout, certainly happened in the UK, I posted the charts around January.

Someone has been keeping the score and the 'coincidences' keep on happening, 31 countries so far and counting (a couple are regions rather than the whole country).

This one from India is typical.




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  • CharlotteIG changed the title to Covid and the Economy
  • 3 weeks later...
On 29/04/2021 at 10:43, Caseynotes said:

Excellent 16 min educational video on mass psychosis and totalitarianism.

You will recognise much that has been going on over the last year. 



Funny, as a frontline Paramedic I've been saying since DAY ONE that this is classic medical mass hysteria. I'm usually totally ignored or just simply deleted but maybe the message is finally getting through!

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On 28/04/2021 at 07:44, Caseynotes said:

Quick look at climate change as Boris has promised the UK will be CO2 neutral by 2030.

Coldest April for 60 years, Greta is absolutely fuming, ''how dare it !!!!!''

Merkel has signed off the new gas pipeline. Germany, having spent 80 billion over 10 years on renewables has to now spend 80 billion on a second gas pipeline to Russia to make up the shortfall.

Biden has announced plans for meat eating reductions for Americans which are not going down too well.

UK wind turbines just can't cut it, no storage solution and no hope of the industry getting off govt subsidies.

Western countries decreasing CO2 emissions can't keep pace with Chinas increasing emissions. China committed to start decreasing emissions by 2030 but looking increasingly unlikely.







Watch tony heller on youtube, he's been demolishing the climate change myth for 13 odd years now.

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10 hours ago, paramaniac said:

Funny, as a frontline Paramedic I've been saying since DAY ONE that this is classic medical mass hysteria. I'm usually totally ignored or just simply deleted but maybe the message is finally getting through!

coincidently I was watching this again just yesterday, it really does explain an awful lot.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 01/01/2021 at 18:27, Caseynotes said:

Journalist and broadcaster;  

Neil Clark  @NeilClark66

' My inside source says that there will be no significant easing of restrictions until July at the earliest. Govt mentioning Easter as they need to take backbenchers with them & want public compliance.'

Neil Clark  @NeilClark66


I knew from my inside source back in January that a June ‘unlock’ was never going to happen. But Johnson had to do his ‘agonising’ act to keep his backbenchers & the public on side for a further extension. The govt isn’t ‘incompetent’: it’s working to a long laid-out plan.



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  • 2 months later...
On 18/04/2020 at 12:00, Caseynotes said:

an epidemiologist writes;

  • The flattening of the curve we are seeing now is due to the most vulnerable dying first as much as the lockdown
  • UK policy on lockdown and in other European countries is not evidence-based
  • The correct policy is to protect the old and the frail only
  • This will eventually lead to herd immunity as a “by-product”
  • The initial UK response, before the “180 degree U-turn”, was better
  • The Imperial College paper was “not very good” and he has never seen an unpublished, non-peer-reviewed paper have so much policy impact
  • Is dismissive of the 510,000 figure that was predicted if mitigation measures were not implemented
  • The Imperial College paper was much too pessimistic and did not factor in the now much increased ICU capacity
  • Any such models are a dubious basis for public policy anyway, taking no account of real world specifics
  • The results will eventually be similar for all countries
  • Covid-19 is a “mild disease” and similar to the flu, and it was the novelty of the disease that scared people.
  • The actual fatality rate of Covid-19 will in all likelihood turn out to be in the region of 0.1%
  • At least 50% of the population of both the UK and Sweden will likely be shown to have already had the disease when mass antibody testing becomes available



This from April 2020. Everything said came to pass and a reminder that Sweden, who followed the original WHO pandemic plan were absolutely right, and the rest that fell for China's lies (lockdowns, masks, social distancing) will be paying the price for decades to come.

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  • 1 month later...
On 11/02/2021 at 18:47, Caseynotes said:

How to Promote Your Manufactured Pandemic: Part 94.

Change the Counting System.

2 separate research papers find that only 6% of US deaths listed as covid had only covid on the death cert. The others had an average of 2.3 other possible causes as well as covid.

The US's CDC introduced the new count system on March 24th 2020 specifically for covid, the previous system had been in use without problems for 17 years. Where the US goes the UK are sure to follow.


Helps explain why so many countries are finding no increase in their annual deaths data for 2020.



COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective (jdfor2020.com)





Study finds CDC inflated COVID numbers by 1,600% (wnd.com)



Reminder that the counting system was altered for covid to inflate the numbers and that only 6% of so called 'covid deaths' were people who actually died of covid alone.

Most 'covid deaths' had 3 comorbidities listed on the death cert and covid was typically listed 3rd. 

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19 hours ago, Caseynotes said:

Reminder that the counting system was altered for covid to inflate the numbers and that only 6% of so called 'covid deaths' were people who actually died of covid alone.

Most 'covid deaths' had 3 comorbidities listed on the death cert and covid was typically listed 3rd. 

That's been debunked many times. You should do more research, it's clearly false.

In fact general scientific consensus is that deaths where COVID is underlying cause is grossly underestimated.








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2 minutes ago, Frankieburgo said:

Actually I've seen a lot of fact checkers (usually paid for by Drug companies) have their fact checking pulled apart.

I've also seen many other death cert audits from the US and the UK and have posted them that show similar figures, that was the reason the BBC added the disclaimer 'died WITH covid' rather than the previous 'Died OF covid' in small print at the bottom of their daily deaths update.

In fact I've posted a lot of evidence showing the complete BS propaganda that routinely spouts from govts and the drug companies.

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3 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

Actually I've seen a lot of fact checkers (usually paid for by Drug companies) have their fact checking pulled apart.


Actually I linked factcheck.org which is well known to be extremely transparent with funding, just check their website.

Also you push a lot of stuff about ivermectin which happens to also be a drug, I'm sure your sources aren't funded by the companies pushing that .. right

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Just now, Frankieburgo said:

Actually I linked factcheck.org which is well known to be extremely transparent with funding, just check their website.

Also you push a lot of stuff about ivermectin which happens to also be a drug, I'm sure your sources aren't funded by the companies pushing that .. right

haha yes, you checked the web site - try tracking the money.


Ivermectin, what companies are pushing that? None, there's no money in it, the patents run out decades ago. It costs pennies. The govts have been funding it eg India and Mexico and in Africa.




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11 minutes ago, Frankieburgo said:

Actually I linked factcheck.org which is well known to be extremely transparent with funding, just check their website.

Also you push a lot of stuff about ivermectin which happens to also be a drug, I'm sure your sources aren't funded by the companies pushing that .. right

Oh dear, main financial contributor to Factcheck.org is The Annenburg Institute that receives money from the Gates Foundation. Bill Gates of course is making a new fortune out of the vaccines hahaha ffs.  


Fiscal Year 2022, First Quarter · Annenberg Foundation: $140,957 · Facebook (Third-Party Fact-Checking Program): $56,870 · Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: $52,100.
2 Jun 2021 — The Annenberg Institute received a $999260 grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation last month
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35 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

Oh dear, main financial contributor to Factcheck.org is The Annenburg Institute that receives money from the Gates Foundation. Bill Gates of course is making a new fortune out of the vaccines hahaha ffs.  


Fiscal Year 2022, First Quarter · Annenberg Foundation: $140,957 · Facebook (Third-Party Fact-Checking Program): $56,870 · Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: $52,100.
2 Jun 2021 — The Annenberg Institute received a $999260 grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation last month


Er bill gates SPENDS millions on vaccine research . He spent $4billion on vaccine development. Ain't making money from it.


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1 minute ago, Frankieburgo said:


Er bill gates SPENDS millions on vaccine research . He spent $4billion on vaccine development. Ain't making money from it.


Jeezus - he is a major stock holder in a number of the drug companies producing the vaccines, not to mention testing labs, PPE providers, the list goes on and on.

You really need to learn how to do research, start with how much his fortune has increased since the start of 2020, I think you might be in for a shock.


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55 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

haha yes, you checked the web site - try tracking the money.


Ivermectin, what companies are pushing that? None, there's no money in it, the patents run out decades ago. It costs pennies. The govts have been funding it eg India and Mexico and in Africa.




Again you post these pics of screenshots taken from dodgy Facebook posts, with NO links to either the data or sources. A quick Google search completely debunks these charts if you bothered to look.


There is ZERO evidence to suggest ivermectin has reduced excess mortality in Mexico.

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2 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

Jeezus - he is a major stock holder in a number of the drug companies producing the vaccines, not to mention testing labs, PPE providers, the list goes on and on.

You really need to learn how to do research, start with how much his fortune has increased since the start of 2020, I think you might be in for a shock.


Of course he invests in drug companies,  exactly what I've been saying. I don't see how that's any different to people choosing green investments because it's what they believe in the right thing.

It doesn't make it some dark conspiracy..

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3 minutes ago, Frankieburgo said:

Again you post these pics of screenshots taken from dodgy Facebook posts, with NO links to either the data or sources. A quick Google search completely debunks these charts if you bothered to look.


There is ZERO evidence to suggest ivermectin has reduced excess mortality in Mexico.




The website is there, you can go through and check all the trials if you like.

Top tip; Stop watching MSM and do your own research.


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2 minutes ago, Frankieburgo said:

Of course he invests in drug companies,  exactly what I've been saying. I don't see how that's any different to people choosing green investments because it's what they believe in the right thing.

It doesn't make it some dark conspiracy..

hahaha, are you for real?? he funds factcheckers to falsely discredit scientific studies that might impinge on his profits ffs. naive.

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8 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:




The website is there, you can go through and check all the trials if you like.

Top tip; Stop watching MSM and do your own research.


Read your own links!

"While many treatments have some level of efficacy, they do not replace vaccines and other measures to avoid infection. Only 25% of ivermectin studies show zero events in the treatment arm."

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7 minutes ago, Caseynotes said:

hahaha, are you for real?? he funds factcheckers to falsely discredit scientific studies that might impinge on his profits ffs. naive.

What, $1m to an independent fact checking organisation that is transparent enough to ACTUALLY show where they get their money from. ooooohhh , what a juicy conspiracy 🙄 

Edit 1m instead of 100k

Edited by Frankieburgo
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4 minutes ago, Frankieburgo said:

What, $1m to an independent fact checking organisation that is transparent enough to ACTUALLY show where they get their money from. ooooohhh , what a juicy conspiracy 🙄 

Edit 1m instead of 100k

wtf are you saying? 1 mil is more than enough.

6 minutes ago, Frankieburgo said:

Read your own links!

"While many treatments have some level of efficacy, they do not replace vaccines and other measures to avoid infection. Only 25% of ivermectin studies show zero events in the treatment arm."

Why should they say 'replace' the vax? Doesn't change Ivermectin's proven efficacy.

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