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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Will the U.S. unemployment claims @ 13:30 give us a wee boost Eileen 🥱🥴
  2. Dax, broke out of one consolidation range only to straight into another 🥱
  3. Took me profits but it keeps going on 😖
  4. Sucks ... both indices and FX are cr@p right now
  5. dmedin


    Hmm, while the indices stall, copper just keeps rising. Interesting. Maybe copper isn't the 'broad indicator' of market health after all 😏
  6. The FTSE 100 has sh!t the bed, will the other indices follow?
  7. Huge wild swings up and down = no trend to follow = lose money
  8. Ay, me too, Tom Bombadil, me too. 😼
  9. Fell again immediately ... Moving sideways
  10. Surely the day is fast approaching when stock markets will close for good and humanity, under a single world government, will organize production along centrally planned lines https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-07-08/wall-street-fears-market-fragility-in-23-trillion-stock-frenzy
  11. Which volatility index is the bare-torsoed male hunk referring to? The one below that is going nowhere or something else?
  12. Will the Nikkei drop its breeches tonight?
  13. Trading GBP is like tossing a coin and hoping for the best.
  14. Ah yes, Zero Hedge - a source of constant negativity.
  15. A fierce battle is being waged here, Eileen ⚠️🤖
  16. Clinging on like a dingleberry! 🐮
  17. Indices going into reverse ... heavy load about to be dumped ...
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