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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Yes, rising now Tom Bombadil 🐮
  2. dmedin


    It's indefatigable, Peregrin Took 😖
  3. Eileen, Samantha, Peregrin Took and Tom Bombadil 🐮 Bodes well for EUR/USD, AUD/USD et al 💃
  4. Looks like a new one (only have data to December 2019). Decent spread and not much margin required.
  5. Who knows, they use the demo platform as a testing ground for platform updates (which is unacceptable AFAIC - the testing environment should be entirely separate and use simulated client data), so it's a coin toss whether what you see in demo is what you get in live. Which defeats the purpose of using demo in the first place.
  6. No, but IG just cuts you off from trading when the market is making a major move. (Major outages)
  7. Will she break out of her channel, Eileen 🐮
  8. My advice is to ignore those signals as they are worse than useless. IG even pays for the PIA First ones which are **** near fraudulent.
  9. No, he uses a method that only he can understand. But you can feel free to pay to watch him jiggle his tallywhacker if you like.
  10. I've found a way to remove the blacked-out spot on your pictures and reveal the value of the RSI underneath. I will reveal this hugely profitable secret to the world unless you agree to pay me a ransom.
  11. The earlier one (which would still be open weeks later) 🥴
  12. Should have bought earlier anyway, at that point looking for a 2:1 (or the one even earlier) 🤔
  13. What are you paying him for then
  14. I imagine traders working for a firm benefit in a lot of ways (access to expensive tools, bouncing ideas off other traders, having a c&nt of a boss to enforce disicipline on you etc). They are probably the only ones who make money trading for a living
  15. That's called 'getting f&ked'. He f*cks you over and over again until you bleed. You might as well pin your hopes on a lottery ticket.
  16. Are you suggesting IG's web platform for spreadbetting is naff and not used by professionals to make real money dealing in real markets
  17. Well, that pooped out completely. FX is difficult. GBP especially so.
  18. Eileen, Samantha, Peregrin Took and Tom Bombadil! 🐮
  19. Apparently Warret Buffet (The Legendary Investor) has gas.
  20. Will be interesting to see if the Nikkei collapses tonight.
  21. Look away if you're already feeling suicidal ... https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-usa-fed/fed-policymakers-see-economy-plateauing-risks-ahead-idUKKBN2482TW
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