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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. The dollar is sh!tting the bed AND so are stocks, what can this possibly mean 🤔
  2. Building up for an enormous blowout?
  3. Hasn't been able to stay above 200 daily SMA for more than a couple of days ... utterly hopeless] And now President ****-for-brains is gearing up for war with China, when he's not declaring war on fellow Americans
  4. Because the entire international financial system is one big, rigged swindle
  5. Well, Peregrin Took, natural immunity only lasts for a few months after catching Covid-19 it seems. So we'll all need to line up and get vaccinated
  6. Here's a good one. His name even has the word 'money' in it! https://www.moneyberg.com/wealth-training-webcast
  7. Dax - hasn't surpassed high made on 9th June Nasdaq has absolutely sh!t the bed and FTSE 100 is sinking
  8. Wall Street hasn't made a higher high since 16 June, looks unhealthy as f*k
  9. Ooh I say! Will this tentative channel hold? 😎
  10. The dollar is still falling, and the Euro is strong today.
  11. Is gold about to take a giant dump back down to ~1770
  12. More miserable up and down, indices going nowhere, people losing money hand over fist
  13. Oh Eileen, winter this year will be more miserable than ever. Hopefully it will just be old codgers on the way out anyway https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-health-coronavirus-britain-winter/worst-case-uk-winter-could-see-120000-covid-deaths-in-second-wave-idUKKCN24E31P
  14. Yea, I didn't see that until much later. So much for the 'Twitteratti' being on the pulse.
  15. Apparently the 'big boys' are humongously net long on the Nasdaq 100
  16. Is the worst o' it o'er, Hamish?
  17. Apparently this rally from March onwards is 'hated' by professional investors, and they obviously resent retail investors making money off their own bat. BTW, the professionals call us 'pigs' and expect us to lose money - so expect them to do everything they possibly can to ensure this happens
  18. Oh dear ... https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-07-13/cryptocurrency-firm-co-founder-plans-to-plead-guilty-to-fraud
  19. lol, who knows at this point.
  20. Forget it, friend. You've started into a downward spiral and it just gets worse and worse from here. I recommend that you quit while your losses are 'only' £1500. By Christmas it will be much more.
  21. :) Indices have just taken an absolutely incredible dump.
  22. Twinkle, twinkle little star? That's a strange little cluster of candles forming
  23. You're talking b*llocks again...
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