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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. What an all-round, horrible, depressing day today has been.
  2. City in Northern England chosen as guinea pig for 'local lockdown' procedure. Because the Conservatives would never f*k a city in the south East and if they did it to Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon would mobilize her tartan army
  3. Side effects of Remdesivir sound remarkably like Covid-19 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remdesivir
  4. dmedin


  5. Is it going to be a quiet/down day because of the U.S. holiday
  6. dmedin


    A pullback to the pivot of the Fibo line nearby, then buy again🤓
  7. Looks like I missed a great signal (PSAR and MACD in agreement beneath 200 SMA), reminds me that I need to get PRT set up to do scanning for me
  8. $46 for a barrel of oil, Eileen? 🐮
  9. Look Eileen, gold is girding up its loins for a new push higher, 🤓
  10. Anyone interested in Chinese shares? 🤔
  11. Look out for a MACD crossing and red dot to go short ...
  12. Only 52% of IG clients are short on DJIA 🙄
  13. Well, strictly speaking, only when that 5 day SMA is above the 20
  14. Nasdaq @ 10,600 imminently, Peregrin Took 🐮
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