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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. dmedin


    Could turn out to be a hanging man? 🤔
  2. dmedin


    It just keeps going. No pullback, no chance for us to get in.
  3. Indices have turned and are taking a yuuuuuuuge dump right now ...
  4. Like a thief in the night, the market makes it moves when thou least expectest it. Pray ye therefore, and watch, that ye might not be taken unawares on the cursed day!
  5. Gold moving in the same direction as silver 🤓
  6. Going good guns so far Eileen 🐮
  7. It's got the same underlying engine as Chrome and yet strangely it doesn't perform as well for me as Chrome does. Firefox is worst of all (possibly because it blocks all the cr@p that wants to track your every movement)
  8. Tests the lower line of the triangle and moves back down
  9. Interesting new paradigm. Maybe cutthroat competition and survival of the fittest isn't the optimal way to organize economies after all?
  10. Dunno, if he's making £70k a MONTH he doesn't really need to make any more money. And he won't have the time to sit and scalp on charts anyway.
  11. I fully accept that. Trouble is, if you can turn $15,000 into $5 million through trading then why do you want to hustle and sell training courses? You must be an exceptionally greedy individual if $5 million isn't 'enough' ... and if you can't make money from trading/investing $5 million then you must be an idiot ... hmm.
  12. The Nasdaq has a big stonker 😘
  13. Congrats to all those who caught it instead of talking about it afterwards
  14. Another fine piece of analysis, retard!
  15. Looks like we're got months of more-or-less sideways price action to look forward to, boys and girls. Lots of false breakouts and money to be lost
  16. Presumably you invested in 'Eurasian mining shares' on someone else's advice as you are 'new to shares', maybe you should be responsible and get professional advice?
  17. The Nikkei is bouncing up and down between pivots like a pair of lovely-jubblies on a jogger!
  18. What are the chances, given that our skumbags don't give a f*k about anyone but themselves? https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/oecd-second-coronavirus-wave-could-see-uk-unemployment-reach-15-percent-094441792.html
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