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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. NEXT LEG DOWN ... get ready for the ride!
  2. Is it going to bounce off 20 SMA and go back down
  3. So annoyed I didn't wait it out for my GBP short!
  4. Buying the dip right now Eileen 🐮🤠
  5. It's a temporary set back, investors are selling gold to keep themselves afloat. It's still well above its 50 day SMA They'll be back
  6. What stocks are impacted, how about all of them? Gold isn't surging?
  7. GOLD WILL RECOVER. Buy gold calls!
  8. Good and free? Why do you think anyone is going to give away good stuff for free? Do you know what the average trader is like? As soon as they become profitable they open up a training business to make themselves even richer
  9. So do I. BTW did you know that the markets don't like uncertainty? There's some real insight for you!
  10. Maybe it's not the virus, but the rich are 'throwing their toys out of the pram' at the prospect of a president advocating pro-human rather than pro-market policies? https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-usa-stocks-weekahead/main-street-leans-toward-sanders-but-wall-street-says-trump-idUKKCN20M1NL
  11. Maybe it feels bad to 'pile on' and make profit out of a situation that's causing people a lot of worry and losing a lot of money, what do you think?
  12. No, actually I closed up yesterday at a profit target but I'm still in a bad mood - most be for other reasons?
  13. Never a day goes by when someone in expensive clothes with immaculate hair and makeup tells us that the markets hate uncertainty in the financial media. Who the f*k does? Stop spouting stupid platitudes...
  14. They are not justified in withholding client funds unless it is tied up in margin or open/working positions. There's no excuse otherwise.
  15. So do I. I place a lot of trades too.
  16. It certainly feels like there should be a bounce but I'm not convinced the bull market will resume within the next few months.
  17. lol based on that chart alone I would not be able to make a decision ...
  18. Hence why it always says 'keep your money in for at least five years' on all the investment sites.
  19. Huh? That makes no sense. In 1 - 2 years their shares will have recovered all the lost value and then some.
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