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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Looks like addicting thousands of people to opiates and poisoning babies doesn't affect the bottom line so much after all!
  2. There's been some great chances this year with GBP.
  3. Kate Raworth's Doughnut Economics too.
  4. A book by David Harvey would also be a good idea. https://smile.amazon.co.uk/Enigma-Capital-Crises-Capitalism/dp/1846683092/ref=sr_1_8?keywords=david+harvey&qid=1575651020&sr=8-8
  5. @DSchenk All still on demo? Not tempted to have a flutter? 😺
  6. Any chance you can ask the Big Whigs if they will allow us to trade stock options on the platform? I don't see why not?
  7. Isn't it just the same as using TA to trade anything else?
  8. But, but, but! Good figures may mean another rate cut is less likely 😿 https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-usa-fed-voters/fed-voters-a-less-hawkish-bunch-in-2020-lowering-bar-for-u-s-rate-cut-idUKKBN1YA1B7
  9. dmedin


    I wonder if it will make another attempt at 1800? 🐮
  10. A house isn't really comparable, because it is an object of utility as well as value. (Unless you are a landlord who buys property solely for the purpose of extracting rents from other people.) If you're into calculated risks, buy and hold a diversified portfolio. If you fancy a flutter, spread bet.
  11. dmedin


    Very strange chart, glad I'm not holding any positions. An earning report soon though!
  12. I've lost a **** ton recently, radically changing my tactics before I sink for good. 😺🐮
  13. Tenner a point then ... 25 x 10 = £250 a day. Easy peasy!
  14. Yes, a trader can adopt techniques to minimize his/her losses - but make a 'living' ... hmm. Even people who write books on 'how to make a living day trading' are usually found, upon closer inspection, to be earning income from other sources (for example, from selling books ... and teaching).
  15. The problem is that there are an enormous number of financial professionals, some with decades of experience, who would disagree with you. And the published figures and academic studies also disagree with you. So you really are putting forward a point of view that requires a lot of faith to believe in.
  16. The stats are unclear ... What exactly do they mean by 'lose money' - do they mean than 75% of clients have made a net lost over the last 12 months? Because anyone who trades regularly will lose money at some point. Okay - and if so, how many of those clients were day trading? Because some of them will be buying and holding positions, or swing trading, or buying options etc. The 95% figure for day traders is from an academic research paper than Caseynotes linked to but I can't find it.
  17. Trump? Make a 'proper' call? I don't think so.
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