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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. I am wondering if it will be worth staying up all night, not to listen to people on TV droning on and on but to see if there's any volatility to trade on ... or if I should just get a proper night's sleep lol.
  2. 😺 It makes it easier to see how much money you've lost and that is very potent.
  3. I had to change this to https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07NVDSW8Y before it would let me download it
  4. That's a win-win: upgraded public infrastructure, improved public services and a decent rate of return on our savings.
  5. dmedin


    Crunch time! A Fibonacci support level and volume-weighted MA converging! If it makes a bouncy-bouncy then might be a good long 😺🐮
  6. Pinochet? If you want a dose of reality on South America you can read some Chomsky.
  7. If you are a very important person, you are supposed to behave responsibly ... and you should be called to account and held to high standards. And of course Trump is a very high-quality president, just like he is a high-quality 'businessman'
  8. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-global-markets/world-stocks-sink-as-tariff-deadline-approaches-idUKKBN1YE01U?il=0 Waiting for Trump to step in and save the day ...
  9. I'm sorry to hear that. It seems to be nearly impossible to register as a professional now, unless you have funds of £500,000 or more.
  10. Anyway ... it's fruitless to imagine that any real change will come about from this election. The British are not like the French ... they don't complain!
  11. Not really a place for in-depth discussion, but a few points. 1) The proposal is to increase taxes on the wealthy. The average wage in the UK is £30,000. Quite far from wealthy 2) If you are talking about punishing savers, look at all the FREE MONEY the financial services sector has been given by the government, keeping interest rates low 3) 500,000 American families go bankrupt every year because of healthcare-related costs. That's what happens when you privatize services that are not, and should not be treated as, commodities 4) The private sector isn't really all that efficient. A lot of office jobs are, shall we say, inefficient. But the management consultants and the politicians themselves who play the revolving door game are very well rewarded for their BS 5) Yes, there are a lot of academics who wrote free market polemics in the 20th century. Typically because they themselves were rich or because they were paid to do so. Had it not been for government investment, we wouldn't have the internet - but at least we'd have a battery of nasty, superficial books on the glories of free markets ('if only the markets were freer and less regulated, everybody would be better off' - said absolutely nobody after 2008). I would recommend books of greater substance and thought to you but I don't know if you would appreciate that.
  12. You can tell Trump is guilty just by the way he reacts. But as you said, the Senate is Republican. So it doesn't really matter.
  13. Big drop underway. Getting set up for Trump's announcement that the tariffs will be postponed again. Must be great to be in Trump's inner circle, taking advantage of the insider information. No admissible evidence - yes, Trump is a totally legit and honest businessman.
  14. That's dumb. When your S&P 500 ETF price tanks, that's just an excuse to buy more. Because it will eventually go back up again. That's the closest thing to certainty in markets that you can possibly get.
  15. This is hopeless, I mean really. Wtf am I doing with my life ...
  16. It's okay @CharlotteIG, very few people will be under the impression that IG people want to see a Labour government. Everybody knows who has all the money ...
  17. There's no 'perfect winning formula'. All the different trading strategies work equally well some of the time, which means the same as saying they are all equally effective as tossing a coin. You killed your winning fund ... well that sucks. Money you'll never get back. You could have dumped it all in an S&P 500 tracker, it would have kept all its value and appreciated over time plus dividends. So you wasted your time and your money. I curse the day I found out about spread betting. It was probably the beginning of one of the low points of my life.
  18. Nope, the only thing that comes closest to being 'proven' to work is buying and holding a diversified portfolio, and using dollar/pound averaging by drip-feeding small amounts of money into to your portfolio at regular intervals. No retail trader can consistently call tops and bottoms. If they did, Goldman Sachs would hire them and pay them millions to manage their money.
  19. So now you see how he makes his money, and it's not from trading.
  20. Here's another example of what happens when you don't regulate the financial sector properly.
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