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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. According to Reuters, Trump did an about-face and said WSJ got it all wrong.
  2. Ah well, I've given up all that I made in the last day. Here's hoping the sell offs just now are just priming the pump for another push up.
  3. It's testing the pivot and going into oversold mode. If it can hold then will buy once RSI crosses above 30 😺
  4. Zut alors🐮🐴🥳👍 Hope the results at 13:30 are good. Can stay long for the rest of the year. Should have bought in at the start of the rally on boxing day last year. Would have had an amazing 2019.
  5. 'Gorgeous' George Osborne was there, and the camera caught him with his usual smug grin. You know, the privileged rich boy who has half a dozen cushty jobs - as if he wasn't rich enough already, by virtue of inherited wealth. Got to be careful what you wish for. England is heading back towards feudalism - lords and peasants!
  6. It looks like Wall Street has got into a rhythm with Trump, he is the perfect catalyst for retracements and new rallies.
  7. Why is it 'great' to see people upset? Oh ... arguing and stuff.
  8. 17 point spread on AstraZeneca. Similarly high on many other stocks. Again, just not a good idea to trade right them right now
  9. There was a spike around 22:00 that was untradeable, the algos and professional traders must have made all their profits instantaneously. This certainly wasn't something that retail punters could take part in. Maybe we can get some of the leftovers, at some point. Better get used to that concept, as it's business as usual politically and economically!
  10. Are we going to get to hear Jezza discuss EWP then?
  11. Well, now or in 15 mins' time if there is another green candle would be the time to buy. 😴
  12. Got nothing to do with Brexit but might go long on this.
  13. All right! I'm logged in using a more powerful system now 😀
  14. Web platform is slow AF - and yes I'm using Chrome 😣
  15. Settled down a bit here. I predict that it will not go much higher tonight. Just retrace and go back up multiple times. Look for RSI to dip below 70 and look to get in maybe.
  16. Oh great, the party of BoJo the clown, Dominic 'psychopath' Raab, Jacob 'what an utter plonker' Rees-Mogg and Priti 'bring back hanging' Patel is going to get a big thumping victory. Take us out of Europe, bring back empire and workhouses and make Britain great again. Hurrah
  17. Just seen a big gap up - algos kicking in, all the top London traders working hard to make profits for their clients - oodles of manipulation and shenanigans 🥳
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