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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. I agree, and I think the idea of trading for a 'living' is (and probably has always been) impossible for a 'retail' client. Simply not losing your money puts you in the top 5 percent ...
  2. Can anyone make a living from trading - yes, if they work for Goldman Sachs ...
  3. Looks like DJIA is about to do another big ploppy doo-doo
  4. EUR vs USD has been moving down for over a year. As Chris Beauchamp says, 'Sell the rallies.' We're all experts with hindsight
  5. EUR/USD has been moving 'sideways'? WTF? Am I looking at the wrong chart?
  6. Frankly I'm surprised that anyone could make a 'living' from it in the first place. 95% failure rate, but out of the remaining 5% how many are making a 'living' as opposed to just making a net profit?
  7. I can beat you all and lose 20k in five minutes. Oh, you mean make money? OH well.
  8. Yes ... buying and holding is only for when you spread out your investments ('diversify'). I guess there is no way around it, will have to use a combination of longer- and shorter-term charts.
  9. I thought I would pull back to daily/weekly charts as that would be easier to get good at (since you will tend to have looser stops and so on). Then I started looking at hourly charts, and I had a strong feeling that you get an advantage from a timing perspective and you also avoid holding on to positions that get you shafted when the market gaps up/down the next day. Tight stops mean you get closed out very quickly, but it limits your losses IF you resist the temptation to keep re-entering the trade. So many perspectives, indicators. I actually feel overwhelmed and overstimulated to the point of burn out and depression. Just buy and hold, and take up knitting?
  10. I want to see that potential bottom at around 412 tested at least once more, to see 'how sound the bottom really is'. Ooh! Everybody loves a good sound firm bottom And if it turn out to be so, then maybe we can go long - 'buy and hold' - since IG won't let people buy cannabis shares.
  11. I don't get it though. I mean, trading on 1 min chart. I would kack my pants.
  12. I predict that it will go up, down, up, down, up down, up down.
  13. If you could automate your system (at least somewhat), it would be far more bearable to ride out the drawdowns and losses. But then again, buying and holding would have the same effect and then you don't need to look at the markets at all for months on end.
  14. Guess what Reuters says today? 'Futures jump on possible near completion of phase 1 trade deal' I swear to God this is absolute torture and I desperately need a new hobby.
  15. Yeah ... losing everything you made yesterday the next day is pretty much the definition of pain. You have to be a masochist to do this to yourself. It's torture.
  16. Apropos of which, guess what Mr Stupid Moron (me) did yesterday? Closed out his long position on GBD/USD. What a smart fella I am 😘
  17. It has filled in a gap (closed the window ) - will it now go back up? The entire FTSE 100 tanked yesterday so it's probably just a case of 'rising tide lifts all boats' and GBP looks set to go up which means FTSE 100 goes back down again. Who the heck knows - might as well toss a coin
  18. Technical analysis aka wishful thinking
  19. The retard-in-chief will announce another reprieve on tariffs before 15 December, and it will go on.
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