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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Let us see if this new gust 'follows through'. Oh, Tamsin! What unspeakable horror!
  2. Back to listening to Chopin now, as winter depression sets in early.
  3. I fully agree with automating the strategy. Sitting looking at charts all day is just frustrating and makes it impossible not to overtrade during the sideways and non-trending times, which happen to be MOST of the times. Charting is futile ...
  4. Markets going nowhere, doing nothing, lots of money to be lost
  5. for those of us who don't use MT4 https://www.fxblue.com/market-data/currency-strength
  6. Observe how volume was higher on the down days. Ah powers of hindsight, I never lost them!
  7. So is that it for the U.S. dollar's downtrend? 72% long 🤷‍♂️
  8. Also looking for a shorting opportunity on Nasdaq
  9. Aussie index, if it drops below 'pivot', takes out the PSAR, and the MACD crosses below signal line then it's a short.
  10. Collapse in gold and silver continues. A short looks tempting.
  11. Why not learn from an 'elite achiever', this f*king fat p!g who won't f*k off and stop appearing on my Youtube https://www.moneyberg.com/
  12. Have you ever wondered why there are trading systems 'for sale'? Have you ever wondered why IG employs 'analysts' who do cr@ppy charts and never trade their own money? (Here is a hint, they spend most of their time pitching to high net worth potential clients) Have you ever wondered why so few people actually just make their money from honest-to-god trading, dude? Why is that? 🤷‍♂️
  13. Welcome to your next job: https://www.theregister.com/2020/09/01/amazon_staff_spying/ But hey, at least Jeff Bezos is very rich. Enjoy
  14. What you can lose in a few days, will take you months or years of constant discipline and patience to make back again. Here is the curse of trading, and why most people get out and sell training courses instead 😜
  15. And on days like this one, you sit in front of the screen all day and - nothing happens. And this takes an enormous psychological toll. And if markets are choppy for days or weeks on end ... full blown depression, if you haven't already given up all the profits you made
  16. While I was in Lidl doing my daily shop just now, I squeezed out a truly enormous f4rt. Is this a sign from G-d that it is time to get long on gas again? 💨
  17. So many kids are coming out of school 'writing code' nowadays that being a coder will be the new burger-flipper in 10 - 20 years anyway. I am sure the technology already exists to fully automate the creation of code. Just look at all the 'meetings' these people go to: they spend all their time talking, reviewing change requests, and fannying about with project management and agile scrums and other such total sh!te. We're all f*ked and there's no way out.
  18. Well ... today was a total f*king dead horse. 'There's always tomorrow' - sadly. Unless I die in my sleep
  19. Sorry, but there is already a strategy that involves putting money regularly into the account every month (long only): https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/dollarcostaveraging.asp#:~:text=Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) is an investment strategy in,volatility on the overall purchase. It's not a trading strategy, and you should be aware of this fact. (DCA is a sound investment strategy, but it will only pay off over the VERY long run.) You can define your risk management however you want, but if you don't win enough trades you will eventually run out of money. You may limit your losses never so skilfully, but if you can't come up with a system that wins often enough you won't make any money. Sadly, a lot of people lack common sense.
  20. Pretty easy for someone who has both a well-paid, in-demand day job and a fully automated trading system to say. I don't think this guy realizes what you mean. You don't look at charts. You have some kind of algorithm doing it for you. Good f*king luck creating your own 'algorithm'. In the future there will be only high-paid jobs and low-paid jobs with nothing in between. And nobody stands a chance at beating the market with their own home brew algos - the big financial firms pluck the best mathematical and scientific brains directly out of university and, now, out of all the bankrupted firms. That's why no one is working on a cure for cancer. They're too busy making money for Shlomo and Cohen on Wall Street.
  21. Is this to be the beginning of several weeks/months of excruciating sideways price action...
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