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Everything posted by dmedin

  1. Karl Marx was the grand master of critiquing capitalism. His Achilles heel was that he couldn't make any constructive criticisms (i.e. with what to replace it). I see people with enormous amounts of negative energy about QE etc, and not a single one proposing a constructive alternative. Well, except for the Austrian economists - who would allow corporations to govern the world without regulation and force us into eternal deflation via the gold standard.
  2. Society has gone full-retard. Western civilization is long dead. Long live Big Brother! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-53760042
  3. Suit yourself, trading the Nasdaq is highly profitable. Nevertheless, I won't short it while it's above the 200 EMA. And even when it's below the 200 EMA, I will always wait to sell a rally.
  4. Whipsaws like a motherf*ker ...
  5. I wonder how often people notice when someone goes wrong ...🙊
  6. Time for me to suspend my trading for the day before it turns into a total clusterf*k. Don't want to give up all of yesterday's gains
  7. The phoenix continueth apace to rise, Jeremiah.
  8. Out of IG's 250,000 clients how many come on this forum, Tom?
  9. U.S. dollar is firming up for a proper corrective rally. Interesting, now only 68% long - as the situation improves, fewer IG clients long
  10. Don't forget to wear your yarmulke when you go in for your jab, Tom
  11. Observe the divergence between a rising price and the positioning of big speculators in the bottom row. Does this explain why the 'professionals' are so salty about 'millennials' and are desperate for a market crash to wipe out all the retail clients? So that they can retain their privileged status ...
  12. Might be time to start thinking about shorting gas, now that we've had a nice rally giving us fuel for the fire ~£8 per point per day in short interest would be quite sweet too. If it applies.
  13. Oh, John the Baptist! The voice of one crying out in the wilderness! Make straight thy paths ... repent ye, for the day of the Lord is nigh.
  14. The day is fast approaching when the regulators will simply restrict access to derivatives trading to professional or institutional clients only. Punters will be expected to work low-paid jobs and know their role. It's a combination of onerous regulation, professionals wanting to maintain their privileged positions and increasing trade tensions in the world. We are all headed towards a poorer, more miserable future.
  15. 💃Well, Eileen? Well, Tamsin? Well, Patricia? Well, Veronica? Well, Juan Gonzales? Well, Samwise Gamgee? Well, Erykah Badu?
  16. dmedin


    Copper soiled its breeches yesterday, has the storm passed
  17. Someone with a baseball bat will be knocking on your door shortly
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